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The Book of Dominus ( formerly known as the book of anti)

"Seek for that excstatic jump, always searching, always wanting, it is never enogh! give us more!"

The Unbreakables of Dominus

I. Follow in the hoof prints of our great lord Dominus if it is salvation that you truly seek.
II. Indulge your senses.
III. only 2 types of ppl exist in this world the weak and the stong, the b***h and the master. You are one of these, If you are not activly giving it you are activly takeing it.
IV. Sex is where its at.
V. Chuck Norris is the anser to everything.
VI. Rape the nonebeleivers and convince them to join the spawn.
VII. Rape the beleivers.
VIII. Proper grammer is for the weak, short hand is the only true way to type periods and comas are exceptable as well as capitals those who abuse this and use excessive punctuation shall be shunned and sacraficed to the dickpit.
VIIII. liek mudkipz

Terms within the Book Dominus

The "anti spawn" is the body of followers that worship the lord anti. the word spawn refering to spawns of anti or children of anti, those who follow anti are referd to as the spawn.

"G-slices" Homie dawgs

"An Hero" Basicaly what your mom did last night

"THE INTERWEBS!!!!" The place where all life had begun and thrived

The "Realm of the Dead" is the underworld or a form of "heaven" that the worshipers of the great gods are damned to when they r deprived of life it is looked upon as a salvation in the after life.

The "pit of the Hungry" is also the underworld but much different from the "realm of the dead" rather seen as a form of "hell" it is a dark and evil place so dark that even the worshipers of darkness(anti spawn) wish not to end up here it is a place for all the ppl who have wronged the Gods or their followers.

"Antiism" the beleifs of the followers of anti

"Emotionals" knights of the holy one they are filled with the greivences of their god and are highly sensative to the emotions of others they are sent to Arth to put a stop to antiism and return order and simplicity.

"War of Redemtion" a battle between the emotionals and the anti spawn. The Birth of death and murder.

"Emos" Butt hurt fagglets

"Asskik" The art of kiking epic a**

"Izzie" gets skeeted on by anti. D goes to save her but instead skeets on her too cuz its fun and she likes it!! &:O

"Flip" Izzies fagget unicorn. gets imprisned in my fatass 7thgrade teachers fat a**. XDXD

"the Penisher" Being of darkness that wonders the pit of the hungry penishing the unworthy. Demons within the pit of the hungry ph34r this demon greatly.

"Mudkipz" Another form of god, WARSHIP THEM!!!

"Gate of Imprisonment" The gate that keeps anything from leving the pit of the hungry was once a very brave man infact was the greatest creation that the holy one hath birthed Chuck Norris. He sacraficed himself and became this gate to protect all life to come from the horrors within.

"Peace Renigadast" Groups of the Holly Ones followers. They band together to attempt to fight antis forces they beleive in a brighter tomorrow.

"Bruce Lee" Once a very Dedicated follower of the Holy one, he was one of the geatest fighters in all of history. /he switched sides and abandoned the light of the Holy One to join antis legons probably because he did not know where c**k goes.

"Betayers of Peace" Those of the Peace Renigadast who had converted to antiism. Contributed geatly in the spread of antiism.

"Penilithiom" A massive living monument that towers above the skys of arth, spewing out a black dedly cloud that shrouds the majority of the sky. It is the lair of anti and control center of the anti spawn its walls constantly changing as it attempts to tear itself apart.

The Language of Dominus

All though this version is translated for the most part some of the spellings are still in tradition used within

Dominus at its hieght speaks a disgusting mixture of chat speak, noob chat, troll chat, and, leet speek as well as sentance slaughter all sown together. This was picked up when dominus was exiled to the cravis of fail after slaying the previous Lord of Fail. Many words are accompanied by numerous different forms and spellings.

as simple as it is to decode, the highest of the elitests canot understand such a language because it gives them butthurt. It is said to blow up the minds of the elite if spammed at a rapid rate.

it consists of no such punctuation and apears as a long sentance/paragaph of nothing , well that is to the "literate"

The alphabet "ulfubit"

these letters are converted
a = u,ah,e (ex: at=ut,air = ahir the different prenounciations, a alone =e)
c = s,k (ex: cell=sell,cat=kat)
ch = if c is with h it keeps as "ch" and is not changed to "s" or "k"
e = ii (if 2 or more "e"s are next to eachother rather then useing iiii only 1 "ii" is used)
i = y
o= u
s= sh (except when words end in "s" then it would just be "s" wink
w = vv
y = j (only words that start with "y" change to "j" other then that the letter remains "y"
ph = f
th = da ( but not always)
words that end in ou are replaced with "oo" or simply "o" depending on the prenounciation
silent letters are usualy takin out to shortin words
silent etters are usualy added to lengthen words

older chat speak rules apply also such as is = ish and nothing = nuffin

some words alone retain their former spelling based on their ......if i say so

word like homie and interbutts

"Kiip in miynd interbutts homies urii uf thien luwest shtundard uf homie und miiun nuffing daii chrust und akseptunse gaynd by such e persun shtahks up ut u shhluvv rutii shu thiirii fur jor iixpulshyon frum mii ys uf nu cahrii thiirii urii only ciirtuyn whu huvii cumii furth shvvurds shhynyng vviidaiir yt bii trull ur iilytiisht vvhumii y diim vvurday."

(language is subject to change until it looks and feels the way i please


++the begining++

OK long ago b4 s**t and stuff was there there existed one being. It was referd to as "The Holy One" OR! "THE GREAT SKY b***h!!!" (word holy used to make sound moar biblical but thats gay). Since the begining of time the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h roamed the vast nothingness of space thinking to itself its thoughts being nothing because there was nothing to think about, When suddenly it had a brain fart and decided to create some pets. It created a large rock in the center of nothingness and created a friend. Within this friend it put a portion of its heart. It named its friend "D". D was much smaller in size then the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h infact he was small enogh to fit on the large rock that the holy one had created so he made the rock his home and named it THE INTERWEBS!!!! aka Arth. The holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h and D were great friends bbut with the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h existing in the heavens and D on the rock so they wer very far apart from eachother. so D asked the holy one for G-slices THE GREAT SKY b***h that could live with him on the rock the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h then queefed and created Jerkoffeous. Many more were created but jerkoffeous was that of Ds best friends. Andin return the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h Then said "NOW YOU MUST MAKE A EPIC TOWN OF EPICNESS SO THAT NOBODY GETS KIDNAPPED BY CYBER ***** FOR CYBER ***** ARE GROSS AND NOBODY LIKES THEM THE TOWN SHALL BE NAMED CORNHOLIO BUT! THE HOUSES MUST BE BUILT W/O TOPS SO THAT WHEN YOU GUYZ ARE NAILING I CAN RECORD IT THY MOUTH OF THE HOLY ONE HATH SPOKEN" she basically comanded that D erect (lol erection) A city for the holyones followers to stay in and so Cornholio the 1st city was formed and with this she demanded one rule that al must follow. Live love and dont question. Over time Ds G-slices relied on the holy one for there neds just as D did. but seing the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h pay attention to his friends rather then to D all the time made him jealouse he wanted all of the holy ones THE GREAT SKY b***h attention for himself D got scared because he had nvr felt these feelings b4 so he asked the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h. the holy one was shocked at this and said " YOU ASSFAG YOU CANT THINK LIKE THAT YOUR LOSEING AWSOME POINTS LULZ!!!111" and basicly told him what he felt jealousy and greed wer not good and that he should understand that Ds G-slices r pets to the holy one too and that D should share the holyones THE GREAT SKY b***h attention with them or become an hero. D went back to his home on the interwebs and thought...he thought and thought he felt left out he liked the good old days when it was just him and the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h he even thought of making his friends not exist and if he should ask the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h to kill them. D began freaking out this word "kill" was uknown to him b4 but right now he felt he knew it so well. suddenly Ds body began to hurt he was confused and scared dident kno what was going on. These thought of greed and jealousy and murder went through his tiny one tack brain and from his chest pourd out a blackish liquid. D sat stareing at the liquid as it sloshed around and began to take form. it twisted and swirld and formed itself untill it matched d identicly except for one thing. its face showd a lok of hate upon it rather then Ds naturel lok of inocents the figure of d then named itsself "The Anti D". D lookd at anti and said "who are you o_o" and anti replied "suk me noob" and pushed D aside anti then left Ds house. D was completely lost he had no idea wtf had just happend and kept thinking of wat suk me noob ment. he then attempted to ask the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h but he could not reach the heavens for some odd reson D could not ascend up to the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h , he was truly frightend for the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h was his everything (he wanted to hit it but was to chickin s**t to say to her "i would like to plow you" wink . (upon seeing what D had created the holy one had locked Ds gateway to the heavens for he was no longer pure).


"The Holy one? this one here has not of holynessocity...for there is no holy in v****a"

As anti was walking through the town he came across 2 of Ds G-slices he began telling them things and questioning the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h y was she so great that she lives in the heavens and they donot.

"You there Faggots. You are indeed in alligence with the geat b***h of the sky are you not?"

The Holy one? this one here has not of holynessocity...for there is no holy in v****a"

they dident understand the meaning of the word "she" so anti busted out a book and filled them in on where babys come from and y tits are geat and explained to them that the holy one THE GREAT SKY b***h was infact a she and was not holy at all. The fG-slices wer confused and shocked where were all these thoughts coming from?? who was this person and how does he know this .anti went on and on and the G-slices listend eventuly they began seeing anti as a leader they loked at him as sumone to guide them through their confusion. and so rose antiism.

++My gods better then your god++
"there is infact, i have seen with my own eye...holy in v****a"

Many stayed buy ther holyones side but most joined antis hordes and others just lie there locked away in their homes in a confused state of fright, for they did not understand and they did not want to understand. To be in existance alongside their goddess was all they wanted. Why where these madmen defieing her law? causing such an unpleasent stire within their once peacefull world.(The holyone being a women was all confusing with her girly emotions and periods or somthing and anti beig male told stuff as it was, rather then saying IM FINE! EVERYTHINGS FINE!*crys hystericly*) Slowley at 1st but graduly the hordes increased over time as g-slices began seeking ansers and Anti was there to help them.

D had left the city he felt guilty for what he had created and not being able to reach the holyones guidance he was lost. again and again he tryd to climb up to the heavens but now they seemed so far away. But the holy one still existed up in the heavens she was creating a force of Emotionals to send down to arth and settle the confusion. Once on arth the Emotionals seeked out Anti and his followers and began a war of Redemtion the war lasting for a very long time many lives wer claimed this was the 1st time that murder and death had been introduced to Arth or anything at that. At 1st the emotionals put up a good fight but the corruption within the hearts of the anti spawn began to effect them they began having emotional break downs from the pain of their god and the death around them. Many fled the war and broke ties with the holy one forming their own goup far away from Cornholio giving rise to the Emos. they live in the mountains where the cut them selves and write f** poetry about how their lives suk but rly dont and have gay sex. ( Truth is the emotionals could have won the battle but they chose to p***y out and run away from their fears rather then fight)The remainder emotionaly damaged who still folowd the holy one returned to the heavens to cure their pains.

User Image
(What thr war was said to have looked like)

++The Penisher++
"Goddess, my light, this sickens me.
Have a sank this low to wich i fit right in at home here with these fallenfags? Have i become one of them? Have i lost my light?
but siting here in the cold night, protected by stone breasts. i feel like i belong perhaps you are right. and i am just mad but i still feel unfinished. i canot waste away here if in the eyes of you and everything holy i am not worthy then perhaps i am crazed and the emos are right. Sanity is for the weak."

The Holy one was shocked that her emotionals became emo faggs so she created a new being that lacked sensetive p***y emotions she made this being stonger then anything shes ever created and gave him the ability of asskik she pourd all of her stength into this creation for it was her last hope she saw how anti was gaining in power and he would soon beccom that of the supernaturel just as she is. she gave this creation the gift of beard and took away the gift of shirt. She went into a trance as she tansferd the componants into this one powerfull being for completeing sumthing of such power would take much time.

D moved into the boobicus mountains wer he ran into the emos. they had striped off their mighty plated holy armor and wer kno dressed in tight black clothing with chains and they had percings and other uneccersarry s**t. upon seeing him they knew it was he the holyyones 1st creation and they attempted to attack him wich turned out to be more of a sissy cat fighting because emos lost their ability to fight like men when they shut the holy one out of their life. D dismissed the emos simply buy pushing them away and they would cry. D sort of felt bad but at the same time they sickend him. Along the walls of their village wer hundreds of papers murderd with emo poetry that ment absolutly nothing. D stayed outside their village for the night but was awkone when attacked by a large wolf thingy with peircing and tight shreded clothing thats when it dawnd on him that emos wer werewulfs. D and the emo wulf began fighting but D punched it in its tiny emo nutts and killed it. D freaked nvr b4 had he killed anything even sumthing as gay/f**/retarted as an emo wulf. D felt sick and began barfing up a black liquid wich tainted everything it touched much like the birth of anti accept this liquid kept flowing, since actuly commiting murder was far worst then Ds previouse thoughts of jealousy and hate its only naturel that the liquid be far superiour in size then that of anti. The liquid spread and spread and eventuly ingulfed the intier boobicus mountains and everything inside of them including D forming the pit of the hungry The emos became black hearted demons that cut them selves for the sole pleasure because they could, rather then for their fake pain. D became the penisher and wonderd the pit of the hungry penishing those who deserved it. But Ds soul still attached to the cold grey body of the penisher wanted vengance not only on anti but on the emos, the holy one, and all dwellers of Arth,once his beloved homeland but now the center of his hatred.

++The Norris&++

over time antis body of followers grew larger and larger and wer named the Anti spawn by the holyones followers. The holyone began to weaken and weaken as more ppl joined the hordes of anti and imbarked into the twisted realm of knoledge and fuked up theorys that is antiism. Anyways anti got so strong from all his followers and shits that he became a god himself and tavled up to the heavens to confront the holy one. At the same time within the pit of the hungry the penishur was planing to rise an army of demons against the uperworld of arth and bring the heavens down to the underworld. Anti breaking through the clouds and entering the realm of angels found the holy one but blocking his path from reaching her stood a being. a being of great stature and light capable of delivering asskik where it is needed this being was Chuck Norris.

CHuck norris imedieatly round house kiked anti across the face sending him bursting through the clouds landing him deep within the crust of Arths surface. Anti not being in the heavens caused his followers to fall to their deaths upon arth those who servived the fall from heaven were greatly wonded. But for Chuk norris work was far from done for in Antis place enterd the penisher and along side him his legion of demons. The demons trailed all the way from the pit of the hungry up to the heavens they poured out from the boobicus mountains attacking everyone in their way. They began a epic battle of epicness wich resulted in the penisher becoming greatly wonded (because when seperated from the pit of the hungry he grows weaker due to the holy one locking him out from the realm of the dead and deaming him unpure). He retreated and jumped down from the heavens to seek shelter in the corrupted boobicus mountains but chuck norris followed closly behind him on his trusty mudkipz.

++The Sacrafice&++

"I give my body as the barrier and my soul as the watch"

The penisher led chuck norris back to the pit of the hungry in an attempt to ambush him this proved inaffective for every demon and demo (demon emo) that cross his path chucknorris deliverd the blessing of the holy one and the demon would flea in a quick rush to escape or for the brave demons who remained ready to take chuck norris on he would suck the corruption from their bodys returning them to their old selves within seconds. Chuck norris was outnumberd nearly OVER 9000!!! to 1 but still the penishers minions were no match for the awsomness that is chuck norris. chuck norris could have quickly hunted down the penisher but he couldnot for every peson that he cured in the name of the holy one was one more life he must protect from the endless hordes of demons. Thinking quickly he formulated a plan he would have to retreat in order to free the ppl traped with him inside the pit of the hungry. so valiantly he led the ppl to the only entrence out of the pit f the hungry. the ppl ran free and so did the demons attempt to persue them but chuck norris being the only thing inbetween the demons and the ppl would not allow it. there wer so many demons within this narrow passage way that it was nearly impossible for chuck norris to leve for if he did the demons would pour out and even though he could kill many off them a large number would make it out into the lands. so he did the only thing possible. He put his mighty hands on the ground and pushed with all his stength. With the demons gnawing and clawing at his flesh he still managed to force the entire pit of the hungry down (like he did your mom last night) he pressed firmer and the pit of the hungry let out a scream as if pleading chuck norris to release it but he did nothing of the sort. He then promised arth "no being shall ever enter or leve this hell hole". The pit sank beneith the ground deeper and deeper nvr to be seen again by mortal eyes. But chuck norris was not finished yet for the demons could still crawl up and escape, but chuck put an end to this by extending his arms and legs out he blocked the narrow passage way and became the Gate of Imprisonment and with a manly beastly roar he yelled "I give my body as the barrier and my soul as the watch" and so he stood the cork in the bottel of all things fowel.

deep within the pit of the hungry sat the Penishur he did not even attempt to escape somthing deep within him was bothering him....something he over looked b4.

User Image ( Chuck Norris on his mighty mudkiz)
User Image (Chuck Norris on his mighty mudkipz as seen through awsome vision)

++Unholy Uprising++

"All proved futile for over half of the peace renigadast where slaughterd, ingulfed like an ant drowned under many leagues of a falling ocean"

The Holy One nao weakend from the creation of The Norris lie there crawling across the floor attempting with her last shredd of power to close the break in the realm of the dead but sadly befor reaching it anti crawled back through. now accompanied by noone it was only him and the powerless holy one her protector and bringer of justice had decended down to pursue the Penishur and was not there to protect her from anti. ofcoarse she attempted to escape but was to weak to realy go or do anything anti picked his once loving god up and said this "I luved joo and because of a fault that joo created with in me you abandond me and shut out my light u damnd my flesh to the underlands and turned your back on my very existance you are no god your ppl will soon know the meaning of a god and in exchange for your neglect i will rape the heavens and the land of arth for many a time to c** my vengance shall be takin out on what u created now c**t vengance is a b***h" but the Holy one seemingly accepting her inevitable fate only replyd "and so it happens whats done is done that canot be changed but whatever has wronged you, you have brought upon yourself for nomatter what happens to me my ppl will thrive and your uprising will only result in your downfall-" (she said sum s**t too but i forget what it was rolleyes )but before she could finish anti ate her.

Anti now defeating a goddess not only that but the goddess of everything took on her role he gaind controll of everything from the heavens to the begining of the pit of the hungry. Arth became a dark dark place and with the holyones disapearence Death and its sibling Murder sweapt across the lands as antiism flourished. The remainder of the holyones followers who still held on to the beleife that their goddess would one day return to them attempted to hold off the growing cults of anti. they formed small bands known as Peace Renigadast to attempt to liberate the ever quickly growing cults. the Prophet Cumonus of Peace Renigadast, Anushrahm said "All proved futile for over half of the peace renigadast where slaughterd, ingulfed like an ant drowned under many leagues of a falling ocean" as he watched his comrades fall to the fowl beings that anti hath created. Anti walked Arth not only damning his enemys to a hellish after life in the pit of the hungry but also his followers for the longer they mingled within the thick brambles of antiism the tighter they wraped around them and the deeper they dug and eventualy at some distant point in the future they can not be removed for their body and soul are then one with antis.

++The Apocolyptus++

"Rape to the none beleivers! shall that of a thousand dicks of anti tear through those who do not take after his point. For where his finger goes we shall shower down upon with his force and grace. and so shall those fall who stood in its path"

And as time passed antiism then did root its roots and it dug its holes and it draind its life. The weak minded anti spawn were the 1st to show the effects of soaking in the darkness of anti for to long as they became moar brutal, mindless,and animalistic. Their raids on the peace renigadas became more bloody as a geater quantity iof blood was shed,.moar lives were takin and the bodys of the fallen were many a time seen being raped by large goups of anti spawn. The eeri action of the anti spawn struck a sharp fear within the hearts of the peace renigadas, a fear so sharp that many layed down their weapons in the name of the holy one and vowed nvr to fight against anti again others abandond their bretheren in fear of being butt raped by the anti spawn.

But even worst then all of the above some converted, one being one of the most powerfull of the liberaters simply called The Fisting God (yes fisting as in that way). There convertion to the forces of antiism was one of the geatest loses for there bretheren, not because of their immense size but because the leader of this specific group of renigades was none other then Bruce Lee himself. Bruce lee was a great great great warrior and many of the anti spawn had fallen at his feet. Legend says that the Holy One THE GEAT SKY b***h secretly gave him the power of godlyhood (probably cuz he ******** her, we dont know but thats what we think). And unlike most leaders of the Peace Renigadast he did not ride upon the back of the mighty mudkipz, this was very unusual but still he managed to destoy more of the enemy then the average man. His powers proved EXTEMELY UBER HAX DEADLY!!!!11ONE11 against the peace renigadast. He is often seen standing atop the tallist cathedral of Anti preaching out the blashphomus words of his god that long ago none would ever dare to speak. "Rape to the none beleivers! shall that of a thousand dicks of anti tear through those who do not take after his point. For where his finger goes we shall shower down upon with his force and grace. and so shall those fall who stood in its path" He is seen shouting like a mad man, his body riddled with tenticals like that of a hentai rape monster from one of thos shitty aminus that i used to fap to when i was younger. His most loved thing to do was cut down the Holyones name shouting "We shall rape the skys and all of its children" (refering to the holyone and her followers)

The traitors of the peace renigadst commenly referd to as the betrayers of peace contributed much towards their god anti because unlike the former anti spawn who ravaged villages and battled all day (basicly acted w/o thinking were...how would you say...not that bright?) the betayers of peace were more of a holy sect of antiism and spent much of their day in the worship of their god, they erected sanctuarys, dark citidals, and monuments in the name of anti. while the anti spawn built up the wrath of anti the betrayers of peace were his voice. This period of time and the events within involving the actions of the betrayers of peace became known as the Apocolyptus (or to the followers of the holy one "The end of all things great to come" - Bikbonir of the North Sanctiond, Peace Renigadast). As days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and months turned to years the peace renigadast awaited the return of their goddess but their goddess nvr came.

++The Quest++

The profets told that the coming of a savior was in there near futur but in order for this to take affect the previous patriarch of the holy one must be freed. Many rejoiced with this news, while othes had already lost hope. Niggranitious of Peace Renigadast, Anushrahm realized that the previous patriarch was that of Chuck Norris and as told by the survivors of the battle that went down in the pit of the hungry Chuck Norris had turned his previous body into a gate to seal the penishur within. Then it dawned on the higher council of anushram, of coarse the patriarch was the key, Chuck Norris must be set free. But they had no idea how to do it. if chuck norris seald the demons how could they set him free in order to bring forth the savior. for there would be noone strong enogh to take chuck norrises place and the demons would also be set free. None the less those who went to release chuck norris would mostlikly die in the process it was a suicide mission. But as the prophets said the patiarch must be set free this must be done weather the demons are released or not.

The council had no contact with any other groups of peace renigadast and since visions come to profets at different times there was no telling if the other groups new of the situation or not. So eventualy they devised a plan they would send a group to the pit of the hungry to take back the patriarch and they were to ignore the after math for if the saviour would come back he could fix w/e problems arouse from releasing him, their primary concern was prying him from the mouth of the Pit of the Hungry.

++Jerkoffus and niggranitious++

The prophets chose wisely whom would make this long journey. Those who would go were chosen according to their job or abilities. There were 10 in all 1 to lead 1 to document and the rest to remove the gate or sum s**t. Niggranitous lead (because he was naturally a higher up within the peace renigadast) as Jerkoffus recorded the journey (He was a hacker or some s**t) the others who accompanied them are far less important but are listed because bibles do that. Uuuuuuuummmmmm names were Grumpy, Doopy, Sleepy...... um Chumpy........ Curtis and gangiskahn. The Prophets told niggranitious that there was an item that belonged to the Holy One that must be present in order for the patriarch to realize what he must do but b4 this item could be presented to the patriarch he must be set free. The prophets handed a small stone box to Niggranitious. The item was inside. ANYWAYS! the trip was long and hard they fought lions n s**t and like flying buffalos or sum s**t godamn. and like f** s**t dragons with 8 fuking heads grizzly bears with chainsaw hands juggling chainsaws f**!!! That shits hardcore, and not the bullshit emo hardcore i mean the hardcore as in beating yer damn grandma with a sac of infants..... flaming rabid s**t silly cats with like lazer beam eyes pewpew!! and other fuking s**t cocks animals i dident mention existed on Arth. WELL THEY ******** DO NOW! And Niggranitious and his crew slayed them.

They did battle for like 100 years or something until they reached the entrance of the pit of the hungry. The moment Niggranitious laid eyes upon chuck norris who was now petrified and disfigured into an enormo........ huge epic gate, he knew that removing it would require far more then just 10 ppl. but then why had the prophets only instructed them to bring 10 men... had the prophets made a mistake...... they have nvr b4, and with such a big task the thought of such a mistake was unthinkable. But they would not give up their mission was still in progress. To take back the patriarch was still their goal weather it seemed impossible or not. They attempted to remove the gate but it would not budge, the strength f 10 men was simply not enough. so they decided to remove it from the inside. but Niggranitious protested and demanded they keep trying from outside the gate. Days went by and eventually the men grew tired it was clear to them that the gate would not budge and a new plan must be put into action. Again they requested removing the gate from the inside but they were only scolded by Niggranitious. Enraged by this the men betrayed him and they Hung Niggranitious to a large rock ( he dident die cuz hes magic. OH!! and this is also were the term Lynching came from) and started at the gate. Niggranitious yelled and shouted at them to stop "this is treason this is the mark of the Anti D" but they only ignored his ranting. they began to attempt to open the gate for they knew not what it held captive inside. but niggranitious, he knew..... he knew it was somthing that must not be dealt with. All but the young and loyal Jerkoffeous, whom was the only one to not aid in tying down their leader pulled at the gates gigantic handles. Instead Jerkoffeous stayed back unseen and attempted to untie Niggranitious. They pulled and it took all their strength but after some time it began to creak open, and from within a chilling wind blew that gave them all a slight uneasy feeling in their guts. they went inside and began to unhinge the two colossal doors. Pulling them a short distance away from the entrance, Chumpy made his way over to niggranitious and pulled from his cloak the small stone box. He brought it back to where the mighty gate stood and pried open the box. He peered inside with a puzzled expression on his face, and from the box he removed panties. Holding them out for others to see everyone thought...wtf man what would chuck norris need with panties and more important how do they use this to make chuck norris realize. the prophets had not told them this only that it would all fix itself. But b4 they could think further a loud screech came from within the pit and 10 sets of eyes lay on the darkness from within, looking around for the slightest sign of where the screech had come from. It had happened, what they had feared, the inhabitants of the pit had noticed their presents.....and had come to investigate. Emerging from the darkness where the demons and demos and all things banished. The men were petrified, they knew that there was no escape.

Why hadent the item worked said chumpy "we have done everything the prophets said to do and chuck norris still had not revived." they began to panic. Niggranitious only hung his head in shame not only had they failed to bring back the patriarch but they had undone everything he had done to protect them. he looked up.....something was not right... the fact that... they were still alive. The demons had not advanced at them. Had chuck norris heard their calling... no.... no for the gate was still in plain sight there was no chuck norris. The chilling wind blew harder and everything descended into a deep deep chill. Niggranitious's eyes began to widen as he stared into the darkness which seemed to have no end..... Something was coming.


From within the pit a figure began to emerge followed by the draging of what sounded like a thousand babies chaind to a bull. it was a tall gray figure bound by what semed to be a metal body cage. The figure made its why out stoping just b4 chumpy, it was the Penisher.

chumpy, now frozen at the site of this grotesk being droped to his knees clenching the box tightly as if trying to crush it and magicly it would have explosives in it and perhaps creat an explosion to escape, but chumpys retarted fantasy dident happen. The penisher glared down at chumpy and his box, and only glared. Chumpy looked up into his face trying to find the penishers eyes. he looked but no eyes wer found not even a face was to be seen. chumpy began to regret ever hanging niggranitieous and then it would be he not chumpy stareing into the nothingness that is the harbinger of pain and sorrow.

Chumpy fliped out tossing the box into the air and falling back onto the ground.......and there he lay dead from fear. The box flew at the penishur and he caught it with his face holding the small box in his hand he looked at it with no emotion towards chumpys death. The penisher a being who cares not for worldly posetions now held the box with a firm grip somthing drew him to it something that he had experienced befor. Taking his massive claw he lightly lifted the top off of the box. He removed the panties from the box and stood their stareing at them. Then as if suddenly struck by a massive blow to the face he steped back in shock. the men as well as thge demons looked at the penisher in a fixed stared gawking mouthed awe. The penisher now in a paniced state flung its head around and glanced at its minions then back at niggraniteous. taking a few large steps it walked closer to the men and stopped. Its head shifted back and forth looking into the face of everyone and back at the paintes wich it was grasping tightly in the palm of its claw......and with the voice of D he replied....th-these belong to the Holyone.

Jerkoffus, not rly understanding what this creature was ( not being a part of the high council Jerkoffus as well as most others had no knowledge of the penisher) and why it sounded like his dear friend D did know one thing and after puting 2 and 2 together figured that the creature had somthing to do with D( he was a bright boy) and also revealed a secret that D had only told him. D was a perv and further more in love with his creator.
(now The penisher had known that the holy one had been defeated but while submerged within the pit of the hungry the darkness supresed Ds human heart within the penisher alowing no change in emotion but when The penisher was released and there for givin somthing that he had once desierd greatly lol the darkness had no blackup and D was able to feel again.)

++On Wings of Decay++

The Penishur now oddly infuriated took his keepsake within his body (he ate them), And as he turned he cast a stare upon the demons pearing from beyond the gate of imprisonment, They didnot enter into the daylight was it ph43r that held them back? the penisher and his minnions stared eachother down b4 finaly the minnions began to come out as a large darkness they crawled and made their way towards their dark master and in a wave merged themselves into his body like a big disgugusting demon sex orgy w/o the sex part. Not a single demon was spared and with a great gust of stagnant air he spread out two massive wings shrowded in cold black ash and incrusted with the fears and nightmatres of the living. and as they flapped night fell over the entire world of arth. These were the wings of Hate. This day was the darkest day that arth would ever witness so dark that even the most filthiest of smog belched forth from antis cathedrals and monumets could not stand within it. And he took to the skys disapearing immediatly into the black air.

And as he vanished it was then that Niggraniteous men made the conection. it was not the almighty norris who was the patiarch but the 1st born whom had become the bringer of hate and pain, father of murder and death and soon to be their savior.


"cowards certainly do live the longest and the safest but i shall , in the end fall the greatist fall then any other who has gaven his soul for a purpose."

Jerkoffeous Noted as he gazed off into the distance. He looked up from his hiding place behind a large rock. looking for a sign of life within the night, but there was none. Have they died? niggranitous and everyone...all suddenly gone, like a dream gone horribly wrong. why had he not disapeard also, why was he left to wallow within the darkness. He looked around into the dark entrance to the pit of the hungry...it was hollow, the chills had stoped and it seemed abandoned as the fowel ones had left it, it was empty. had the penishur taken pity on him? Or perhaps it was D, proving that he was not the coward that jerkoffus was. He felt missplaced how could he stand here and do nothing he was D's closest friend and when he needed him he turned his bak not wanting to be granted the same fate, he ignored him and now as he watched his once loyal friend now a spawn of hate fly off to battle the spawn of darkness, He thought to himself what would become of them? and arth and its inhabitants. Young Jerkofus did not want to sit and simply wait for his world to come to an end.

"what have i done, trying to survive. But what is it worth if the world is ripped to peices, cowards certainly do live the longest and the safest but i shall , in the end fall the greatist fall then any other who has gaven his soul for a purpose."

It is then that he would make a promise to himself and to D. That he will make a difference in the outcome. Allthough weak compared to anti and the spawn he will use his vast knowledge of internets to corrupt antis planes from within undetected in the shadows even if it made no geat difference he will sacrafice his life to attempt it. This was his pay back for not trying to pull D out. Taking the cloth that The stone box was wraped in he bound his face within it so that the light of day will never touch it again.

"Like the great protector norris i will sacrafice body and soul in the name of the holyone, i will bring about my own fail to bring forth the fail of my enemys"

He bound it tight only the odd goggles that jerkofus wore to sheild his eyes from the smog shown through. No matter how black the sky their silver spirals picked up on the slightest bit of light, causeing them to shine.

"Every mans win eventualy turns to a fail, the geat niggraniteous, every soul ever to come into existane, mine, Ds, and even the great holyone herself could not prevent it. From the moment we set foot into existance we are doomed.and so shall the world end in fail."

And then jerkofus took off into the night in the direction of the penilithiom. It could be seen from any part of the world a mad towering monstrosety that cast a shadow on everything. a black twisted monument that represented the end, near in grasp.
and suddenly he had a motorcycle.

"yes. were all doomed, it just depends how you use your fail"

Down in Anti's fortress anti was preparing, useing the prophets from renigad peace rengadast chapters he gained knowledge to what the future held. He forsaw the comeing of a force a force much darker then his own coming...coming for him to smite him from his thrown. but anti was not ready to loosen his twisted grasp upon arth yet.

++the tarp++

"how do your balls feel?"

So anti did somthing that noone expected, he began sacraficing people but not just anyone, he sacraficed virgin women into a large pit within the center of his fortress. and useing the essence of the holyone he belched up a massive ammount of her aura and sprayed it within the pit, as his spawn brung forth the virgins and cast them within the pit anti showerd them with this mist. Even the spawn were puzzled at this strange act but in fear did as they wer told and noone dare question him. All though it seemed like thousands only 69 virgins wer sacraficed befor anti orderd them to stop and he sealed the pit off.
his peparing was finished now he just wait. He Ascended to the top of the Penilithiom and sat awaiting the penishurs arival.

They waited and waited anti and as many spawn as could fill the top of the Penilithiom. They just sat and waited but nothing came and as they waited the fear of the spawn began to set in and over time instead of an army of battle ready beasts awaiting to get their fill on the blood and agony of their fallen, now stood shivering faggots awaiting their demise. Time passed and still they stood looking into the black sky and at their comrads and back at their leader and still nothng.

But then like a swift streak of light imposible to catch with the untrained eye, it happend.


Everyone turned to c a spawn standing there both his arms wer dismemberd and lie about the floor and a fountain of crimson pour forth from were they once were. He screamed and noone said a word, noone moved they just gazed upon this horrific sight until like a second streak gone unoticed it happend again. Another spawn now stareing at his intraisl spilling from his gut onto the black rooftops of the Penilithiom. Without saying anything, nothing need to be said. The grim look of terror upon his cold lifeles face said it all. It was here.

Everyone jolted into a panic as limbs were torn a sunder blood spatterd on the floor and bodys fell. It was a slaughter house. Anti was a statue glancing around as his minions were droped like bitches. and then inbetween the gore ridden air and the blood painted stone he caught a glympse of it there it was almost as undetectable as a mosquito in a pitch black room it was the penishur.

Battle continued on untill all of the spawn where either cut down or forced to jump to their death upon arth 9000 miles below the peak of the penilithiom. As the penishur was penishing the last of them anti fled beneith the rooftop. the Peishur now done penishing left after anti. they froliced like faggets through the cogs, gears and muscle work frame of the penilithioms innards. The penishur tearing up anything in his path mutch like horse ******** a duck in the a** as anti evaded his every glance. ducking under around and behind every sacred stucture and wall every organ and twitching tenden that held the walls together, constantly changing, fliping and colapsing in on themselves to form new rooms and forever sealing others. those trapped inside wer surly devourd. But the penishur not taking anyones s**t plowed through it all. (because he had a rageinging erection for some dead chick, much like the erection i got from your mother last night)

As Anti carried on switlfy from room to room hallway to hallway with the penishur close at foot he began to flip switches upon the wall and the surroundings began to shift. (keep in mind anti is the god of inner turmoil he stands for your fears and wat his victums dread most)finaly anti stoped at a large door it was here that all of his fleeing would come to a halt. He pushed through the dors and the penishur chased him inside. Anti made his way to a lever in the far back of the room and just as the penishur was upon him and about to strike him anti pulled it and said "how do your balls feel?" and in a huge flash of light the previous room had changed and anti was gone.

At the same time Jerkoffus arrived at the penilithiom ( i wont explain how because it long and im lazy but it envolves a lot of motercycle jumps and hot sex


D awoke within a daze. He lay on the gound rolling his head back and forth trying to make sence of the shapes before his eyes. After a short time he was able to make it to his feet and examine his surroundings. He noticed he was in side of a large golden room. he looked around for anti and the penishur and noticed they were no where to be found, the fleshy walls of the penilithium and the distorted rooms where nowhere in sight either. He began to think where he last was and how he got here but he could pull nothing ,it was all a cloud it was then that he began to nitice that he had no idea who the penishur and anti were and why he even rememberd them in the 1st place, was it all a dream? The memories of the penilithium and the events within began to slip away until they were no more.

D began to wander around the room of gold and silver. He passed large detailed pillars and jeweld statues that toward far above him, they seemed to go on forever. this place seems so familiar but he could not remember it. He came to a large opening in the wall and peered through it , jumping back in fright at the sight of what was on the other side, nothing. All that stood on the other side was sky and clouds, he peered back through th whole and gazed downward into the vast emptyness that would not end until finaly his eyes rest upon something, the ground below, it was Arth. And then it clicked he was in the heavens and this room was the hollyones chamber, and the large opening was the mark of anti's destuction as he tore into the heavens. At this moment D turned around to see a massive feathery bed and ontop of it sprawled out was a familier figure. As he approached he began to make out its face it was the holyone. he ran to her with faggety joy and at that they did hug. but he pulled away in a rush and said to the holyone "Anti? where is he?" and he flung around to over look the shadows of the room. the holly one smiled and replied "silly D you do not remember? you killed him" and when these words wer spoken D began to remember yes he did kill anti just as he enterd the heavens D ended him with a round house kick to the face while protecting his goddess, yes it all made sense now. and D and the hollyone cuddled for a long time for there was no more darkness in his life things were perfect. but something wasent right there was something in the back of his head pushing through his mind that told him not all was right it began to pound and pound, and he tried to sort through his thoughts and find it but was distracted by the preasure of the holyone, she began to tighten her grip on him inbetween her arms and pressed his face up against her boobs. "wait" he said "somethings not right" but she looked down on him and replied "but D this is what you wanted i know you want it even without your words" and he looked up to discover she was nekid. D pulled away from her in shock " i dont understand you ...dont do ...these things " and the holy one smiled kindly and simply said "its your reward. theres only peace now, there are no negative emotions to stir up ppls lives its ok to relax."
and then everything was ok again things turned out just as D had hoped for. he would be able to spend eternity with his goddess and none would interfear. but suddenly in the far distance came a voice and like a happy ending gone wrong Jerkoffus came crashing through the ceiling on a motor cycle. and drove write at the 2 new lovers screaming at the top of his lungs " MY GOD WTF IS THAT!" the hollyone and D split from one another to avoid the out of control motor cycle wich crashed into the wall and burst the room into flames. D looked up to see the hollyone burn to a crisp as the fire forced him through the break in the wall and he fell into the void as the tendrills of darkness ingulfed him squeezing and squeezing. and as they gripped tighter the shreddes of memories began to return to him.


the penishur snapped back to life but raelity was a miss he writhed in place unable to make a basic organized movement he was sloppy and flawed his movement had no purpose as he could not stand his every step was a writhing wiggle. he could not make sense of this new form he had taken as sense was none existant he could not move his head to see himself infact he could not see at all he was blind he could not speak and could not hear but his sense of touch was blown so far out of preportion that he could feel the air around him his skin sensativity was incredible. he felt himslef and it did not take him long to make out his new form he was a massive ball of tenticles he was a tenticle monster. his mind begani to slip into idiocy as his new form began to stabalize. he felt around the floor and walls and discoverd he was in a massive pit. pulling himself up proved pointless as he was far to massive. he grew stupider and stupider by the minute useing his tenticles he attempted to tear at his wrinkly skin out of anger and stupidity and tore his flesh in two spewing out a barrage of clear liquid soup. suddenly his body began to wobble and convulse his muscles compreseed and tightened around his innards and his flesh started to warp and mold and in a matter of seconds fell into itslef forming a pool of goo.

he began to regain contiousness the shreddes of memories began to return to him. he tried to push himslef up but noticed he was bound by thick purple tendrils. Hhe forced harder and the tendrils began to slip off of his body. they snagged his chains and iron clasps and pulled them to the ground as the Penisher rose higher plate by plate of armor fell from his body to the ground and the tendrils began to loosin. As he rose up he could here skittering above him and a familier voice called through but he could not here its words. he gazed at the ground and found that he was standing on a bed of tenticles and throughout them lay bits and scraps of his outer shell. His eyes moved acrossed the squishy bed and came upon an ugly object it was the dark and jagged prison that once hid his face from the world it was the face of the penishur, his mask. At this he realized that he was no longer bound behind it and touched cold hand to his face his skin was soft and unscard as it was previously
(the penishr regained contiousness ahead of schedual and stoped his body from fully stabalizing if he were to remain in that dream for a bit longer he would have forever been transformed into a mindless living blob of tenticles)

+From spawn to Patriarch+

More of an educational paragaph to inform those of the life of the spawn of dominus

the spawn, a mere pawn in the progressing plot of Lord Dominus, from the moment they turn to spawndom they are looked down upon by the gods and hierups. they are seen as feeble minded children or even tools used for only one purpose, to expand the empire and ruleing fist of their master.there are 3 main groups of spawn. the 1st spawn wich were those whom converted to antiism and then to dominism are known as the Arch Spawn and are usualy not related to one another seeing as they were adopted into the cult these are the 1st spawn and the ancestors to all after, well the ones that survived anyways.

the second spawn are called the corpium spawn or simply the generic spawn are regularly called the spawn. these are the spawn whom were birthed and not adopted.

and the 3rd type of spawn are the neo spawn wich are very similer to the Arch spawn being that they must join into the ranks of dominus rather then being born. The biggest differentiating factor between neo and arc spawn is that the arch spawn are pre-apocolyptic and there is a far limited supply of them seeing as they converted b4 the apocolyptic wars meaning that they are much older and maintain a status of a dictator and sometimes a patriarch. The neo spawn however are any form of spawn that join lord dominus in the post apocolyptic era.

the life of a spawn is tough and quick, at least quick to those who do not learn fast enogh. inorder to maintine life in the post apoclyptic world of arth a spawn must always be on its feet constantly learning knew things and adapting to its suroundings. Those spawn who do not quite grasp what is thrown at them and slack in their advancments are usauly marked as deffective by their brotheren and are eatin, cast aside or die do to their own lack of understanding. sadely even those spawn who are alert and prepared often end up dead and replaced as they wer made. but those spawn who succeed their weeker counterparts tend to take countrol of the weeker and take charge as a group leader. those who deem them selves to important to be dodling around with old siblings move on taking control of severel groups of spawn at a time this is when a spawn shows its 1st signs of recognition by the hierups and are often rewarded for their loyalty to dominus. these rewards can range from simple things such as food to weaponry and even physical morphing or special powers. a spawn that collects enogh skill and rewards often splits from the weaker groups and becomes what is known as a dictator. dictators are stationed by the lord himself often regions apart from one another and are incharge of comanding large legions at a time once a dictator has acheived this they are a force to be ******** with know seen as a weapon through the eyes of dominus they have his protection. the next and highest known form that a spawn may hope to reach is the title of patriarch and even matriarch but seldem have done so. now at this point in time dominism has grown so large that recruiting spawn is simply not enogh so a special reitual type thing takes place where dominus carefully chooses through his line of dictators in search of breeding partners this is where the patriarch come in, for their seed will go on to create the next severel waves of spawns. not all dictators become patriarch in fact very very few do. Those patriarchs who are successfull are kept near lord dominus at all times as body gaurds and ******** buddies. also only those who survive ******** lord dominus will have their gene passed on those who prove too weak or not fit as dominus had previously saw will surly be absorbed for even gods make mistakes.

The 1st spawn to ever receive the title of patriarch is that of sir logan gothicus he was the 1st of the original arch spawn to break away from the spawns previous primal nature and bring some order to spawndom. He pathed the way for those to follow but unlike most spawn after him sir logan does not contain distorted features he declined lord dominuses gifts of demon morphing to retain his natural beauty and instead took on a demonic essence wich enssured his natural form aswell as demonic abilities but gave him a deadly weakness to the sunlight. its a good thing the smog from dominuses castles block out the sun.

The Doministic Zodiac
1.The Masochist
2.The Whore
3. The Sociopath
4. The Innocent
9. The Damned
10. The Psychopath
11. The Rapist
12. The Sadist

((( This portion of the bible really has nothing to do with the story line in fact the following portion is an event that happend in my actuel eventuly going to be comic.
this portion has no ties to what happens in this bible except to explain the apearance of the antispawns armor and cloths also most characters in the bible that where created by myself where takin from past storys of mine and wer thrown together to form wat we have now Ex. Anti D is actuly a demonicly posesed space pirate bent on slaughtering D and his allies Anti D turns out to be Ds girlfriend from a past life b4 being posesd by the heir of the god of knowledge, Nim.

ill put in the acual story ltr

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Lets Rape Kittens
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 14, 2008 @ 05:10am
Oh God, there is so much to correct, my eyes are bleeding. You need to fix the 9 rules, why would we worship Norrisious if hes your immortal enemy?

>:[ fix plox. everything else, Ill get working on it D;

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