A scientist somwehere (I think he was Russian) once said that the human mind has enough capacity to memorize 40 different languages.
So! Larry's decided to try and become fluent in three. She will begin tacking on internet lessons when she gets home. >D
As for what the third language is, I'm undecided. I'm stuck in Russian-Italian limbo, here.
Larry already knows most of the Russian alphabet. Дa. :3
However! Italian uses the same basic letters as English and German....
I really wanna learn German, Italian AND Russian, but I know I'd die with four whole languages crammed into my head.
Maybe I should make a poll of what Larry should speak next.
Дa---I mean, ja--no wait, I mean YES? DDD:
Yes. Quite. D:
Maybe English itself is too hard for Larry. @w@;;;
Katou Julie Community Member |