Here I have a list of some highly famous and influential people who used alchemy, or appeared to, in some way or another.

((I will be adding accomplishments, biographies, etc. at a later time))

Moses was the man who was responsible for removing the Israelites (aka Jews) out of slavery from Egypt. To have accomplished that task however, he had to perform some amazing feats. Some of the wonders that Moses displayed for the pharoh was actually a form of alchemy. Feats such as transforming his staff into a snake and transforming the Nile river into blood could al be considered alchemy. Although these alchemic processes seem to be ignoring the Law of Equivalent Exchange, they are in fact not. If the story of Moses holds true, then the alchemy Moses used was fueled by the omnipotentent Judeo-Christian God. And as many have determined already, spiritual prima materia is of a much more higher value than material prima materia. Therefore, with the use of spiritual elements and energies, Moses was able to transmutate a lifeless wooden staff into a living creature and a river (the universal spritual conductor) into blood (the stream that gives life).


Nicholas Flamel
Alchemists who are involvd with mainstream activities have probably heard of the name of this alchemist. He was regarded as one of the most accomplished alchemists in Europe. Flamel was a Frenchman of the 5th century. It is historically true that Flamel did exist. His house still stands and gradually changed into a restaraunt over the years. His accomplishements are said to be the myths about him. It is said that Flamel was bestowed upon by a man named Abraham the Jew a book filled with arcane alchemic knowledge writen in Hebrew and Greek. There were also many references and uses of the Kabbalah. In order to decipher the book, he traveled around Europe to consult Jewish and Muslim authorities. In Spain, he met a man who taught him how to read the texts in the book. When he returned home fter is long journeys, the knowledge that was now his made him rich. He donated to churches and hospitals using his earnings. Among his greatest achievments, it is said that he created the Philosopher's Stone that could be used to change lead to gold and that he and his wife had attained immortality. On his tombstone, he had alchemic designs carved into it. The tombstone to this day is kept in the Musée de Cluny in Paris. Flamel's tomb remains empty with no body. It is theorized that his tomb was plundered by alchemists seeking to find any record of his findings and that they took his body with them for study. However, there is the idea that Flamel truely did attain immortality and walks the earth this very day.


Update: I have recieved a PM from a girl who pointed out some possibilities about the relation between Jesus' "miracles" and alchemy, as well as Moses "hearing God".

Could it be possible that Jesus was an alchemist who had created a Philosephers Stone? It would explain feats such as his ability to cure people of "demon" and bringing them back to life, as well as his blatent disregard of equivalent exchange. If oses had something similar (a red stone, you could call it) but not authentic, then he could transmute a staff to a snake or water into blood. If it wasn't authentic, it would also explain why "God" was "speaking" to hm, since the high chemical concentrations needed for a fake stone can cause several problems, with brain damage among them. This is a theory from a novice, but what do you think?

My idea on this is it is very possible. Although the show "Fullmetal Alchemist" completly seperated religon and alchemy, the real world alchemy was very different. I do think it's possible, as the chemicals could have caused Moses to see the flaming, non burning bush as well. I wouldn't be surprised if a philosopher's stone had actually been created in the past. Very good point.