Nickname: Ms. Reese (so far)
Age: 30 Appears 21
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Inconclusive
Dress size: 37-23-37
Hair: Mahogany
Eyes: Light Brown
Bio: Alana has no memories of her childhood, her mother, or father because unbeknownst to her, she is a test tube experiment in order to enhance the abilities of humans one day -- super-humans if you will. However, Alana or Doll 00 (she is branded with this code on her left bosom), had awaken from her cell before the experiments when some unknown interloper attacked the facility. The man, who she barely remembers spares her life for the sake of using her to expose the underground genetic process by other scientists. However, he destroys the compound, but it is still uncertain whether or not he has saved others like her. After exploiting her, Doc takes her in as his daughter/servant, having sympathy for Alana.
Since them, Alana has learned a lot about the world, herself, true morality.
Personality: Sweet and sincere, Alana is always willing to help and make people feel at ease. This makes her seem rather naive, and to some small degree she is, but she's not as easily taken advantage of as some may think. And although she is no optimist, a realist in fact, due to her "Father's" teachings, she looks at facts, instead of illogical speculation. But she can't help but to look on the brighter side of things if to help ease someone's worries and insecurities. She is also easily amused, but is often wondering about the mysteries of the universe.
Likes: Flowers, Hawaiian Flowers in particular, fireflies, Strawberry Icecream, and warm weather.
Dislikes: When people talk about their childhood (it makes her sad), and cats (because her "Father" didn't like them and called them the "Devils in fur." )
Super Human Speed: She can run much faster than any normal human being -- actually able to keep up with a speeding car recorded at 70 MPH at the moment. Although her "Father" has said she has the potential to exceed 105 if she really tried.
Super Human Strength: Alana is capable of lifting at least 2000 lbs.
Sped Up Recovery: Like any human, Alana can get hurt and sick. However, she recovers almost twice as fast as any human.