Sora was stroking my hair when there was a knock at the door. Riku yelled to open up. Sora jumped up and put on his pants, kissed me and said to hide in the bathroom. I got up and ran. Sora opened the door and Riku said he needed to go outside, that i was missing... I had a gut feeling that this wasn't going to end good. Sora told him to give 15 minutes because he just woke up. Riku said ok but hurry. Sora closed the door, locked it and ran to the bathroom. He realized i was still covered with only the sheet to his bed. He grabbed my clothes and helped me put them on. After everything was on he grabbed me and told me to run as fast as i can to my home. He kissed me so passtionatly and told me to go. He watched me run, then leaved the window. I ran faster and faster. I finally reached the house. I went though the window and dusted my self off. I heard a knock on my door asking if i was there. I queitly walked over and opened the door, smiling. I told King Mickey that i was sorry i was doing some... Girl Stuff! He told me it was ok and went to tell Sora. I sighed fell on my bed. I opened my eyes then Riku was there. He held up the paopu friut me and Sora ate. I knew i was busted...