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Inflation stories & a few pics
here are a few stories & pics that those who are interested in any kind of inflation would like
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It had all come down to the final round. After the swimsuit competition, a new Ms. Halestead High would be chosen. To the winner would go the spoils of fame, fortune and –more importantly- the choice of any guy that the winner cared to go out with; but there was something a bit more personal to it this time. The two leading contenders had a grudge match going and the crowd, quick to pick up on such animosity, had been cheerfully egging them on to ever greater efforts against each other.

"Well, Veronica. How do you feel?" Chad asked, looking nervously at the time. "It's still quite a while before the finals and the swimsuit competition. Not too stressed out?"

"Of course not, I'm fine!" Veronica flashed him the smile as she turned and winked. Once again he felt his knees tremble slightly. Amazingly enough, even though she could cause such devastation with a mere glance she seemed unaware of it. A tall girl with ebon hair that descended in soft curls to her shoulders, she showed a great deal of toned, fit and, to Chad’s viewpoint at least, desirable skin underneath her low cut one piece bathing suit. A lifestyle of exercise and health showed in every movement.

"I just wish I knew how Sherri caught up so easily." A frown puckered her near perfect face. "I had a ten point lead until the cooking competition. Then suddenly she came up with that amazing pizza, and I’ll certainly give her props for that considering my pie crashed in the making. Stupid stove…. Oh well, everyone knows I have the last event in the bag. After all, Sherri's pretty cute, but I don't think she can compete with this." Her hand traced a path along one hip for a moment while she fiddled thoughtfully with a strand of hair draped artfully over her left ear.

Chad had to agree. Sherri was petite blonde who always managed to have startlingly piled up hair that was in complete control, not to mention an eminently viewable figure, but she just couldn't compete with Veronica's aerobics-forged appearance. It would be close, but in the end Veronica was almost sure to win. Theoretically, if nothing unusual happened. "Howsabout I go and scope out the situation? Y'know, see if they're planning anything?"

"That would be unethical, Chad." Veronica frowned again. "Then again, you never know with Sherri. You’d better go check. I think she's with her friend Newmann."

"I can't believe I'm losing to that bimbo!" Sherri ranted as she stomped about in the confined space of one of the somewhat cluttered school labs. "Here I spend all that money and effort to buy the judges off for the talent show and not only do I lose to Erica, Veronica comes out of nowhere and passes me up with that juggling act too. Good thing I was able to take out Erica's crab cakes before she got to my pizza and I can outcook Veronica any day of the week."

"Stop moving around," Newmann muttered, scribbling away furiously in a notebook. "I have to get the skin composition timing exactly right for this to work."

"Are you sure this'll do the trick?"

"Sure I'm sure," he replied indignantly. "I... well, my dad's been working on this for years. Basically all I'm doing is giving you a second layer of artificial skin from your neck to your ankles and wrists. It'll conform to your body shape exactly, but since it stretches..."

"I'll be able to strategically augment it in order to beat out that beach bunny Veronica! I still wonder where she gets all the time to exercise and still get those grades... I mean it's not like her folks can afford to donate a library wing to the school or anything like mine did for my brother and I. Oh, she must have some sorta angle she works that I’m not seeing. Is the suit ready?"

"Yup." Newmann held up what looked like a glossy pink unitard with a short zipper along the back. "Good thing you decided to wear that swimsuit with the high collar and the belt. That'll cover the back of the skinsuit, which is the only part we have to hide. Everything else I can blend in well enough to be almost invisible."

"What about this?" Sherri asked, pointing at a small nozzle, much like that of a bike tire where the pump is attached. It protruded from just below where the zipper seam started.

"The valve assembly? Don't worry, it'll fit right underneath your belt. Ok, strip down and climb in."

Sherri was already out of her clothing and carefully pulling the suit on almost before he finished his sentence. Newmann boggled a bit, feeling slightly annoyed that he was being treated as hired help once again, but his was the soul of a scientist and this was his project. Admittedly a project that let him watch scantily clad girls a lot, but it was a sacrifice he was more than willing to make. "Oh, don't be so careful with it. It's incredibly resilient stuff. I think it would take a pretty sharp knife to cut it, at the very least.”

After slithering into the outfit and having Newmann zip it up, Sherri resembled a barbie doll. She smoothed out the material, pressing it flat as it clung snugly to her, showing off every curve and bend of her figure. The shine faded slowly, the fabric matching the hue of her face and hands more and more completely as time passed. No private parts showed whatsoever, but after five minutes only close examination would reveal that she was wearing anything. The suit had blended nearly perfectly with her skin.

"How does it feel?"

"Not bad. Really comfortable, almost like smooth satin. Or maybe rubber. Yeah, that's it, like smooth and warm rubber. Now what?"

"Here's your swimsuit." It wasn't really what could be termed a swimsuit. Its designer would be agast if something this expensive would ever be worn where water could mar it. The neckpiece started just below the chin, dropping to evenly hemmed legs. The wide black sash of a designer belt was the only thing to mar the spandex ivory of the outfit.

"All right, the valve blends right with the belt. No one'll notice it," Newmann grinned. “All set to try this out?"

"This is so cool!" Sherri squealed. "I'm so glad my dad hired yours to be head of research at that lab of his. You get to play with all his new stuff!" Newmann connected a small hand pump to the valve, then started squeezing away. Holding her breath, Sherri watched in the mirror.

Slowly, muscle tone seemed to improve before her eyes, arms thickening slightly. Her bustline swelled outward slowly, firming while her waist remained perfectly the same. Hips flared ever so slightly and her legs assumed curves that she'd thought she'd never see except through the wiles of expensive pants.

"Oh, that's just perfect."

Running her hands down her front, Sherri sighed. Reaching for the hand pump, she tried to disconnect it, struggling for a moment until Newmann twisted it off the valve.

"Sorry 'bout that. It's a bit fragile back there and if you don't twist it off right, it'll jam."

"Never mind." Sherri grinned happily. "This pageant is in the can. There's no way anyone could find Veronica better looking than this!" She could very well be right. Originally making do with an intrinsic cuteness, now Sherri's appearance could only be described as outstanding. A pair of high heels with wrap around laces to hide the leg cuffs, she was ready and prepared to face all comers.

"She did what?!?" Aghast, Veronica sat down in stunned amazement. "That… that's cheating!"

Chad nodded solemnly. "I saw the whole thing through the vent."

Veronica eyed him suspiciously. "The vent, huh. What were you…. Nevermind, nevermind. I don’t wanna know. I can't believe Sherri would sink so low... I don't wanna lose to someone who's cheating."

Chad smiled as he lightly punched Veronica in the shoulder. "C'mon, that's not the Veronica I know. You'll think of something. See, you already have that look in your eye!"

"Chad, you said the nozzle thingie on the back was kinda sticky?"


"C'mon, I've got an idea. I need you to go down to the supply office and pick up some equipment. Let’s see if we can turn Sherri's new assets against her."

Sherri was already in the stage dressing room, admiring herself in a wall mirror, when Veronica shuffled in. Turning with a happy smile, she greeted her opponent, pretending to be friends when all the while she was flaunting her new figure to her dismayed opponent.

Chad was right, Veronica realized. Sherri now had an incredible body. But if a few curves were enough to win, Veronica was determined to give Sherri more than she could handle.

"Why don't we sit down and wait? It's still twenty minutes or so before we go on," Veronica suggested, settling down on the only chair available. The only other furniture around was a table or two and an open backed stool nearby. Acquiescing, Sherri sat down with ill grace, but was soon absorbed in reading a nearby magazine.

"What's that on you, there?" Veronica pointed to Sherri's back. "It looks as though you have some lint. *Tsk* Isn’t that always the problem with white. It shows everything."

"Really?" Sherri tried to glance over her shoulder, but couldn't quite get the area in question into view. "Could you pick it off for me?"

"Certainly!" Veronica smirked. "Hold still." Reaching forward, she brought forth what she had been hiding carefully behind herself the entire time. An air hose, clamp foremost, with the end of the hose going out the door. Brushing and tugging on the belt, she carefully connected the hose to the nozzle sticking a bit out of the back of Sherri's suit.

"Pardon me. Veronica, may I speak with you for a moment?" Chad waved from the door.

"Be right back!" Veronica walked over, high heels clicking on polished hardwood. "Did you get the tanks?" she whispered to Chad.

"All they had were some nearly full ones of helium from last weeks Halloween party. I already hooked one up in the hallway."

"Fire it up!" Veronica turned and went back to her seat, sparing a smile for Sherri.

Keeping watch on the air line, Veronica could see when things began as the pressure made its length squiggle slightly. A gentle hissing echoed, barely audible. The effect on Sherri was almost as if it were a roar, however. She sat bolt upright, glancing around nervously before staring down at her arms and legs, checking for leaks.

The fact that there were no leaks took a bit to catch on to, and there was already a noticeable increase in the size of her calves and hips, at least to Veronica, before Sherri got up. Flashing a nervous glance towards Veronica, she slowly stepped towards the corner mirror. Suppressing a grin, Veronica kept track out of the corner of her eye.

The next bit of evidence that something was not right Sherri discovered when she looked down and realized she could no longer see her feet. The suit hadn't made her that big up front before, she was certain. Staring down at herself, she stifled a gasp as she realized her bustline was slowly swelling outward, almost as if more gas were coming in from somewhere. But that was impossible! Staring into the mirror, she realized she had already increased a cup size or two. Her figure had gone from trim and athletic to full figured and voluptuous, perhaps beyond. As she watched in horrified fascination she became even more topheavy, if such a word applied considering what she was filling with. Her lower body was not about to let her chest hog all the action either, legs puffing up in sleek curves leading down to well rounded calves.

"Oh no!" Sherri blurted out, spying the air hose for the first time in the mirror as she shifted from side to side, trying to get a complete view of her burgeoning build. Quick exploration by her fingers revealed its attachment to the nozzle on her back. Tugging hard, she struggled with the awkward angle for a few moments, dancing in frustration when she realized she was only jamming everything tighter. Growing desperate, she tried to yank on her sleeve by the cuff in an attempt to peel it back, but her chest was already large enough to get in the way of her arms as it strained at her swimsuit, forcing her to let go of her wrist. Planting hands on her ballooned up breasts, Sherri squeezed, trying to force everything back down. Unfortunately this particular move only got her a face full of pumped up cleavage. A definite sensation of pressure was starting to be felt wrapping about her, pressing insistently at her joints.

Staggering about as she struggled with herself, Sherri paused for a moment to glance into the mirror. She could only blink in astonishment. Her once trim figure was now swollen to massively perverse size. Twin beach balls stretched her suit’s front to the limit while her shoulders had started to bulk up, adding to a sudden feeling of claustrophobia as everything welled up towards her face, pressing along her neck. Her arms certainly were not going to stay out of this and had started to inflate as well, trying to stiffen out as her elbows expanded and her back widened. Below, her waist was still somewhat normal in comparison to the rest of her, due at least in part to the herculean efforts of her belt to hold everything in. Under no such constraint of their own, her thighs had become barrels in their own right.

As Sherri watched in appalled shock the suit swelled larger and larger. She became more and more pumped with gas, a sensation of relentless pressure spreading over her body and holding her quivering in its grasp. Helpless, Sherri could only tell what was going on by her view into the mirror as her now impossible breasts ballooned ever outward. Trying frantically to move, she realized that she could no longer do more than a light shuffle as the suit gripped her with a tenacious strength. Slowly her flailing arms slowed as they stiffened out and her shoulders, swollen enormously, touched up against her cheeks. With a ripping bang the belt gave, letting her waist literally leap outward to join the collection of spheres her body was rapidly becoming. Sherri began to pant as she was forced to draw breath against the tension of the suit. More and more she began to resemble a vaguely female shaped ball, ballooning, inflating, swelling, expanding larger, larger and impotently larger.

A peal of laughter broke her out of her shock. "Oh, this is great!" Veronica laughed again, coming over to stand next to the trapped Sherri. "You're huge!"

"Veronica!" Sherri gasped. "Stop… it! Please, you've got to help me! I can't move..."

Veronica's next statement was cut off as Sherri let out a loud yelp. Slowly and ponderously, like a blimp or some peculiar plaything of a child rising from the ground, she started to drift upward. She whined despondently as the utter insanity of her situation became apparent to her.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd get big enough to do that." Veronica snickered again as Sherri's swimsuit gave up the ghost and finished its shredding off, dropping away and to the floor.

"You gotta help me! You can’t… Ouch!" Sherri winced as her head hit the ceiling, followed by starting up her caterwauling again.

Veronica reached up and gave the hose a good tug in the right direction, separating the nozzle from the valve with a pop. Grasping Sherri's high heel with one hand, she pulled her rotund opponent down far enough to tie a short rope from one of the tables around an ankle. "Oh, you make such an adorable balloon. Now I think I'll go out and show you around a bit!"

"No…. Wait, wait! I admit I cheated, but that doesn't deserve this!" Sherri had turned rather red from all of her puffing, frustratedly trying to see Veronica over the curve of her body.

"Sure it does." Veronica let go of the rope with a giggle as Sherri bobbed up and clonked her head into the ceiling again, yelping loudly. "Let's go see us some judges."

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