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Dark elf sorceress
As a lone traveler wanders through a snowy forest the wind howls and cascades around him he hears a hauntingly and otherworldly song of a maiden. He stops and listens as the beautiful voice is carried by the wind to him. The traveler as if in a trance heads toward it in till he reaches a spring and in the middle of it a top of a rock is the otherworldly singer stands with her eyes closed. Her eyes open staring straight into his as she continue singing he continue forwards. By now he's near the edge of the spring when he realizes with horror that he can't control his body and the cold watery death that awaits him. He tries to control his body and he's up to his chest in the freezing water. As he is at death's door he thinks "If only I could of resisted her siren song I may of been able to see Katherine again". The maiden that lured the traveler to his death was Celine the dark elf sorceress who with a smirk plastered to her face silently chuckled as she stood upon her perch to wait for her next victim.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 14, 2010 @ 05:50am
Does the saga of Celine continue?

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