more pictures coming if u want even more pm me,there are too more of my journal entries that have photos of me 3nodding
well i just finished my exams , i dont know why my grades are too average
my friend lecksfrawen dont study and sleeps in class and get better grades than me xd im glad he is with me in all my classes , i hope i will keep seeing him the rest of my carreer, and finally after lecksfrawen`s birthday mine is coming i will be 19 im old xd
, it has been a month since i fell in love with this girl,,she's an old friend too,we finished the highschool , i dont know why , , but since i stoped seeing her i realized that , i wanted to be with her the rest of my life,she is so cute,so now im thinking of her all the time , i hug my pillow while i think of her,:sighs:, well i guess that covers my emotional aspect
i dont know why but as a person i started to feel empty ,
and that song came back to my mind ten years after - change the world..(i recomend it its a beautifull rock soul song of the 60`s - 70`s )
i really recomend it , its jimy hendrix`s style
it came to my mind because of what the lyric says
"i`d love to change the world, but i dont know what to do,so i leave it up to you"
and also an aerosmith song came back to my mind "dream on" so i`ll keep on dreaming ti'll my dream come true
why the s**t in the world grows all the time ? , and the good things start to shrink? ,, well i love you all ,
well at least my heart reminds me that im alive
and im glad im in love ,with such a beautifull
person ,destiny will tell the rest of the story 3nodding
Community Member
Xp...BTW... *shhh* that was a secret XD
Grandpa? ... can you take me to the movies in your birthday?