Wow, I just got a ton of surprises today. First, I figured out how to get my avatar to appear. So now when I go to Gaiatown, I'm not a shadow anymore. I'm so happy to look up and see my little person there instead of an X. I was running around in Gaia town and met a user at this site. She has been here for a while. Actually, I took someone's spot behind a rock--that's what started our conversation, I believe. *laughs* We talked about food and latin. It was a short conversation really, but I enjoyed it. I hate seeing all those people 'I want a boyfriend'ing or 'who's got a webcam?' I mean . . . to call someone else's avatar 'cute' and mean it as just adorable, then that's okay. But wanting to play spin-the-bottle is a little odd. It's online. It's not like the people really look like the person they make to represent them. I'm not ranting, I'm really not--It sounds like it, so I'm going to stop. *laughs* Anyway, back to what I started talking about: I was really surprised to recieve a 3000 gold transfer from the user I met. She said she was having a bad day and thought it make her happier if she made someone else happy. I really like people who do nice things for no reason. *laughs* I'm not saying it because I benifited from it, but I was recently starting to think that the world was going to hell. For lack of better words. >.< I really hope tomorrow is better for her though. ^.^
Then a few moments ago, when I went to write this, I noticed I had a comment under one of my other entries. It was from a member of the guild I joined. That made me glad. Another unexpected surprise.
*sighs* The only bad thing to happen today was that I found out that I have to work at night for the next few days. >.< 5-10 mon-thurs. 'cept Wed. I gotta go in at 3 on Wed. I hope I get to role-play just as much though! I just got started and I already like the roleplay.
I'm getting a headache though, so I guess I'm gonna go to bed. Hmm, they really do need a 'sleep' emote. xd
![]() Alacris Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
And then I have *four days off* ... which wouldn't bother me so much, except that they're all in a row, and I really need the money. sweatdrop
Yes, the sleep emote would be awesome. I'd also love to have emote-bubbles next to our avatars on the forums. That'd be neato. 3nodding