» . p a t c h .
Feel free to add my to your quilts using my patch.
If you patch me, comment in my profile and I might patch you back (if I like your profile). You will not have to change the patch when I change profiles - it will be done automatically.
» . q u i l t .
This is my quilt.
. n o t a b l e . p r o f i l e s .
AKA patches that don't work.
- http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/?u=2183228
. a b o u t .
This quilt was started many years ago. I have no control on the other person's profile, so the profile may be hidden, removed, etc. I'll clean out my quilt once in a while, but there still may be some useless patches.
. n o t e .
Tinyurl links don't work, so I went to fetch the original link. (Photobucket works.)
For those hosting with imageshack or tinyimage (and sometimes your own website), I couldn't get the images to display (same thing goes for tekteks...). So I created a private photobucket account for reuploading them.
NOTE: I'm not trying to steal them. I just need links that work. If you want me to remove your patch, just tell me!