Star Wars - The Clone Wars - This is a CGI movie, based in the Star Wars universe. It takes place between episode 2 and 3 of the live actor movies, before Anikin becomes Vader and before the clones turn on the Jedi.
It was an alright movie. Not too impressive, in my opinion. It tells the story of Asoka, a young Jedi in training, teaming up with Anikin to rescue a baby Hutt from the Sith. Doing so would grant the Jedi to travel through the Hutt's space, which would give them an advantage in the war.
If you're unsure about picking this movie up, I recommend watching the TV series, which is based off of this movie, which airs on Cartoon Network. Basically the movie is a long episode of the series.
It's probably aimed more towards kids, but I found it to be entertaining. Though their are two things I'm not too thrilled about with this movie or the TV series. In the live actor movies, their are control ships... or command ships, I forget the name. Anyway, the ships are like a ring, with a large sphere on it, where the commander of the ships are. Those ships are what control the droid armies. I never saw such ships in the movie and have yet to see them in the TV series. Also, each droid seems to have their own unique AI in both the movie and TV series. In the live actor movies, they only ever seem to say "Rover, roger". The movie and TV series, they carry on conversations, like any other droid. It's fine, but makes me wonder if they each have a unique AI, how do they mass produce the droids so quickly?
If you're a Star Wars fan, you've probably already seen it. If not, it is worth seeing, but don't expect a movie as good as the live actor movies.
The Mutant Chronicles - Based in the year 2707, this movie is about an alien ship that had crashed on Earth thousands of years ago. A religion had formed, to warn others about what it brought. Mans enemy. It took the entire world united to bury the ship, in the past.
Now in the year 2707, the world is at constant war. Four organizations fight for the remaining resources on Earth. During one of the battles, the seal that covered where the alien ship was buried is broken and the mutants start to destroy mankind once again.
This movie was actually pretty good. What the alien ship does, is it takes a human and turns them into a mutant. All the mutants are pretty much the same. Zombie-like beings with a large claw arm that seeks out more humans to be turned into more mutants. I call them zombie-like due to they're constantly hunting for humans to bring to the alien machine, similar to zombies are constantly hunting for things to feed upon.
Don't expect mutants, like X-Men. No powers like that exist in this movie.
If you like movies that contain war, blood, explosions, dismembering... I think you'll like this movie.
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