Race: Unknown Demons
Height: 8'5" / 5'6"
Age: unknown
Appearance: [Sealed Forms]


[Human Forms]

[True Forms]


Bio: They are the parents and the reason their family has been placed in different forms to keep their powers under control. They are both kept hidden away within a vault that has at least 40 battle angel's guarding it at all times.
Sexuality: Both Pan
Barers: Are forbidden to have any
Name: Zlaxadan
Age: Unknown
Race: Shadow/Lighting/Fire Demon
Height: 7'5"
Appearance: [sealed form]

[human form]

[True Form]

Bio: He was sealed into his pendant at a young age, in charge of keeping those who bare's him fertile and innocent for their soul-mate. His current barer is Avery, the mixed blooded demon where he can't even tell what types are in him and is also in slavery. He has had to fight off master after master to keep his reasponlisblity and isn't affraid to show his true from to the offenders but also wipes Avery's mind of him, keeping him in the dark about what he is carrying around his neck, only letting him know that it was what was keeping him safe. He also always hs Vitani followig them in the shadows, so as too keep Avery warm at night in his dank cell at the market and at times has Hatek come on the really cold nights.
Sexuality: Aisexual



Barer: Avery
Name: Ataziel
Race: Blood/Fire/Bird Demon
Height: 7'11"
Age: unknown
Appearance: [sealed form]

[human form]

[true form]

Bio: He was adpoted into the family and thus also placed under a seal, he is the second oldest and carries it with an almost heavy burden, hating the fact that he was adopted into this cursed family. He is also very noble at heart, always igrnoing his youngest brother whenever they happen to be near eachother, and always portected his barer from him escpically.
Sexualtiy: Straight
Barer: Idia
Name: Renthos
Age: Unknown
Race: Fire/Ice/Lightening Demon
Height: 6'9" 5'3" [alt human form]
Appearance: [Sealed Form]

[Human Form]

[Alternate Human Form]

[Demon Form]
Fire Form-

Ice Form-

Lightening Form-

Bio: He is Zlaxadan's Half brother and like him was sealed away at a young age. He has had a total of 14 barers, most of them having been immortal beings and thus having gone for a long time without finding their soul mate. At the moment, he is sitting in a musem type building but was in a section where some items could be bought, his sealed form being one of the peices. One day, he grew curious of a certain human and alowed him to steal him. The human was named Adel and as time flew by he found himself falling harder and harder for him, to the point to where he even created a female form for him so he could be closer to him, and was willing to do anything if it meant he would get a smile from him. However he had recently started to feel the strain of loving someone who didn't return your feelings and in turn backed down and left so Adel could live a happy life without him.
Sexuality: Gay.
Barer: None
Name: Ontur
Race: unknown Demon
Age: Unkown
Height: 7'3"
Appearance: [Sealed Form]

[Human Form]

[True Form]

Bio: He is much different then his older brothers personality wise,having ignored the the deal his ancestors made with the gods to spare their genepool, following in their footsteps in a way only being more clever then they ever were, always erasing his trail so as to make it seem that he was never ther in the first place. He can also be rather sadistic at times, raping his barers when ever he felt like it.
Sexuality: Pan
Barer: Sylvano