Wölf sat in the back of the truck, with two of Clark's squad mates. "Why do we have to sit with the Nazi Sergeant?"One of them complained. "Because, I want to drive"Clark growled. "What if he attacks us?"The other asked "Knock him out"Clark said. Wölf thought for a while, having no clue where they were takeing her. She looked around, not moving her head. She could head but one, but then what? Ruin her hat was the only out come. She grumbled a few non=reconisable words. One of the soldiers next to her looked at her and frowned "Shut up"He said. "Im tired of hearing you damn Nazis cuss us out and we dont know what your saying"He growled. "And you dont know what they are saying, you failed german speech lessons dumb a**"The second soldier said "Oh haha Ryan haha"The first soldier sighed. "Dont worrie Josh Im sure there are other guys like you who..."Ryan was cut off as Wölf slid down, kneed him in the chin and made a lunge for the car door screaming "SEIG HEIL SEIG HEIL!" Josh grabbed her arm and threw her against the back of the truck and punched the side of her in the right eye. Wölf blacked out.
The drive lasted four hours, in that time Wölf had made two attempts to escape, and was beaten down a few more times. She was still knocked out by the time they reached a small base fourty miles from the nearist town. "Alright get the Nazi out and fallow me"Clark said. Josh and Ryan, aided by a few other soldiers from the base, carried Wölf into the base and layed her on a cot in a makeshift holding cell with iron bars, and no windows. Wölf woke up an hour later tied to a chair by her arms and feet. She looked up, her right eye's vision was a bit blurry. It had taken three hits from Ryan while on their trip in the truck. Clark and two other, what Wölf belived were, two american soldiers. She fought the urge to black out again as one of the officers walked twards her, a rather angry look on his face.
(its short yeah but oh well)
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"You better fokyoos und suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!"~Johann Krauss