red glowing eyes fallowed her around the circle, as she, in her wolf form, entered the middle of the councile. 'you have dissobeyed us.' said the all to familiar voice of the pack leader. 'and you know the conciquence.' all of the sudden, the entire pack swarmed around her, teeth and claws gashing into her flesh, searing pain in places she could not feel because their was too many, and then... "lilly!" screamed called trish. "wha?" lilly sat up quick, she was on the couch, her tourn band uniform laying uselessly next to her. trish came into the room with the needle in her mouth, and the dress in her hand. "there, that should fit." she said through her teeth, being careful of the needle. lilly had to admit, the dress was amazing. it reminded her of a cinderella gown. it was creamy white, sleeveless and flowing, and at the bottom was a red floral pattern. lilly smiled to herself, thinking for a moment what it would be like to be normal in that gown, and to go to the prom looking absolutly stunning. if only, she thought to herself. "now hurry up and put it on." said trish, some of the words comming out as short whistles from the needle. lilly did as she was told, disposing of the black bibber she was still in. it was ripped at the bottom anyway, but her music teacher is going to be furiouse!! lilly slipped the dress on, being careful of the small cuts that probably occured in the woods. she combed her hair and put a white bow in it but didnt dare look in the mirror. she was affraid of the beast in the dress she knew she would see. "oh look at you." said trish, comming into the room. "i'd rather not." lilly said honestly. "why not?" said trish, leading her to the bathroom. "look at you." lilly took a deep breath and looked. she was stunned. the red was gone from her eyes and her canine teeth were only slightly enlarged. other then that, she thought to herself, she looked pretty good. "oh, one more finishing touch." said trish, and wrapped a red sash around her, tying it into a bow. "finally ready." she said with a proud mothers smile. their moment was interupted by a knock on the door however. trish gave lilly a confused look. "are you expecting someone?" she asked. lilly mirrored her look, which answered her question. they raced down the stairs, and as trish cautiously opened the door, lilly hid in the kitchen. "hi, is lilly here?" siad an all to familiar voice. lillys heart skipped a beat as she stepped into the living room. "zac? what are you doing here?" she asked, and was confused with his look. he was dressed in slacks and a white shirt, looking absoulutely breath taking, and stunned. "lilly, wow, you look amazing!" he said, a cute half smile on his face. lilly felt herself blush and looked down. "you too." she said. "oh i actually came here to ask you to the dance, if that was okay?" he said, looking at trish. "go ahead, you two have fun." she said, turning to lilly with a smile on her face. lilly walked toward zac, hardly breathing and trying not to trip. zac held out an arm to steady her. "shall we?" he asked. all lilly could do was nod and smile, as they left for the dance.

The Legend Of The Moon · Sat Nov 08, 2008 @ 02:02am · 0 Comments |