Caturday suckssss.
D: Bored as hell, watched the cube, and cube 2; hypercube. xD
Whats up with me and cubes today?
Talked to Laurence, he sended me a sms saying p***s 432 times.
I don't have one and you should deal with it Laurence, DEAL WITH IT.
I want to go to places,
i want to visit Rome again,
i want to meet a summer love.
D: But that would never happen since im too damn ugly.
Its quite patethic actually, that im writing here.
And that no one cares enough to read this,
but who the [******** cares?
Im just writing and earning gold cause im bored.
I could write multiple times on a day actually, but i dont
i want to make something prettyfull and worthy enough to write.
So [******** read my journal b***h.
Tomorrow sunday,
God knows what will happen tomorrow.
D: Bored as hell, watched the cube, and cube 2; hypercube. xD
Whats up with me and cubes today?
Talked to Laurence, he sended me a sms saying p***s 432 times.
I don't have one and you should deal with it Laurence, DEAL WITH IT.
I want to go to places,
i want to visit Rome again,
i want to meet a summer love.
D: But that would never happen since im too damn ugly.
Its quite patethic actually, that im writing here.
And that no one cares enough to read this,
but who the [******** cares?
Im just writing and earning gold cause im bored.
I could write multiple times on a day actually, but i dont
i want to make something prettyfull and worthy enough to write.
So [******** read my journal b***h.
Tomorrow sunday,
God knows what will happen tomorrow.