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pffft...doesnt the title explain it all? -
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The Story Behind My Avi, Updated#1
Now about my avi...
At the age of eight a small child was abandoned on the streets of Barton. Too young to realize severity of her situation but old enough to know the pain of being unwanted, she decided not to try to find her way home so that she may no longer be a burden on the ones she loved. She spent her first night in a clothes rack in a peculiar store called the Barton boutique. As she stepped into the sunlight she faced her next challenge, the risk of starvation. The small stomach moaned and groaned so loud it startled people she passed by. She was used to this sound, never has she been fed as well as a child her age should her family neglected her quite a bit but nonetheless she thought only the highest of them and never thought twice about their actions. The smell from the local restaurants were almost too hard to bare, to the point where she walked unconsciously into several small bakeries and butcher shops to be shooed out by the cashiers. when both hunger and exhaustion had left her laying on a bench staring blankly at the sky as if she expected to see all her problems rise from her body like smoke and float away, she heard a shout that awoke her from her daze. She jerked up from the bench and watched as a blurry figure came at her with great speed knocking her to the floor. she looked up to find someone laying on the floor beside her. With vision still slightly blurred she saw two other figures in the distance coming in her direction, the person beside her quickly flung himself into nearby bushes. He gave her a vague sign placing his finger against his lips signaling her keep quiet. The two other figures approached and were now in full view to the small girl. They asked the child if she had seen a young man heading this way and if so which direction. The girl stood completely silent, as she was previously signaled to do. Not a word came from the child and after a good five minute long awkward silence the two people figured she was autistic or mentally disabled, so with heavy sighs the two people continued in the opposite direction in which they came. After a short while the girl turned to the bush to see it was vibrating with laughter.Soon the mysterious figure emerged from the bushes it was boy.
"you know you didn't have to stay completely silent, you could've just told them a direction" The boy said through laughter.
"If i did, id be lying. even if they thought i was stupid at the least I'm not a liar." Proclaimed the girl.
The boy paused for a bit.
"Well be careful up there on your high horse, it'd be a shame if you fell and had to spend a day down here with the rest of us." The boy patted her head.
The girl being only eight, sat puzzled by the boys words, because she didn't remember mentioning and/or ever riding a horse.
"why were they chasing you?" The girl asked.
"oh that..." The boy hesitated as he started walking off.
" I was playing keep away" The boy turned and dug into his pockets and revealed four meat buns with steam still rising from the packaging.
The girl vigorously fought the urge to snatch the the buns and run like hell, i guess she understood slightly how the boy felt.
"when are you going to give them back?"
"do you remember how keep away works? it always ends when the teacher comes and takes it away and returns it. so until someone comes and takes them back they're mine, but i have a feeling that they're not going to last long enough for someone to get them back" he said while opening one and taking a big bite.
"Thats stealing" she stated full of jealousy.
The boy chuckled and said "well, i prefer to call it keep away...hey for being such a good girl and keeping your mouth shut take this." he said while tossing a meat bun to her.
The girl attack the bun as if she hadn't eaten for days which was quite possibly true.
"Hey!" a familiar voice shouted.
It was the two bakers returning from looking for the boy.
"oh, crap!" exclaimed the boy, grabbing the girl by the wrist and pulling her.
The girl was still swallowing the last bit of meat bun.
"damn you're too slow." the boy stopped and lifted the girl on his back.
The girl holding on for dear life, with her arms ringed around his neck, practically choking the poor boy, turned her head to see that the bakers were catching up quickly. The boy mumbling profanities continuing the course. The girl was utterly shocked and didn't understand why the boy was carrying her, when he could easily just drop her and get away safely she felt bad for holding him back but didn't know how she could help, the bakers drew nearer. She took one of her arms from his neck and the boy took a long awaited breath. Then she took off one of her shoes which had a thick heal and made of hard leather and threw it at one of the bakers hitting him and knocking him to the floor. The other baker stopped immediately to help his fellow baker who had fell unconscious. The boy briefly turned and saw what had happened, he laughed victoriously. Two ally ways later he set the young girl down.
"heh, that's some good aim you've got there." he said triumphantly.
The girl sat on the gravel and with her knees up and her arms folded resting on her knees, with her head tucked in her arms.
"do you think i killed him?" she felt guilty.
"killed who?" asked the boy.
"the man who was chasing us...the one i hit with my shoe." she insisted.
"what are you, like a size one? he'll be fine. those bakers have thick heads it'll take like a size eleven steal toed boot to take them down." he said as he sat down beside the girl.
"where do you live?" asked the boy.
"nowhere." said the girl excepting her fate.
"really!? cool! I'm the same I've been born and raised on these streets!" he rubbed her head as if he were proud.
The girl remained silent.
"so what's your name?"
The girl paused for a long time.
"my name?"
"yeah your name... my real name is long so you can call me Rip. what are you called?"
The girl thought hard, she knew she had a name. but her parents usually referred to her as "the girl" and the teachers use to write "strange one" on all her papers.
so remembering what the words looked like on paper she said..
"Enoegnarts, that's my name"
She had severe dyslexia, so when picturing the words written on her papers she recited it backwards.
"That's a weird name alright."
"not as weird as "Rip"." she replied.
"fine, I'll just call you Enoe." Rip said ignoring her insult." how old are you Enoe?"
"eight and a half"
"oh really, I'm thirteen, no half. how'd you end up on the streets?"
"you ask too many questions."
"fine then, I'll just leave if your going to be mean." Rip proclaimed standing up, started walking forward.
"My parents didn't want me that's why! They left me at the park yesterday and drove away right in front of me! happy now!?" She screamed.
Rip stopped right in his tracks then walked back towards her and sat besides her again.
"OH NO!" Enoegnarts jolted to her feet. "Its already dark!..great"
"what happened?"
"Barton boutique already closed."
"so what?"
"that's where i sleep" i have no where to go."
"sure you do..follow me." Rip helped Enoegnarts up and guided her through the dark to a small house.
"okay." he stopped and turned to Enoegnarts. "the old lady that lives in this house is over a hundred years old, and is senile as hell...she thinks im her grandson, so just play along."
They walk into the house without even knocking. Enoegnarts noticed it was well lit, almost too bright,. It seemed as if it were daytime but it was most certainly night outside. The house smelled like a hospital, it was way too clean as well as bright.It gave her an uneasy feeling, like a child who was promised a trip to the park but instead their parents had brought them to a doctor.
"ooooh Christopher! is that you?" asked a feeble voice from a close by room.
"Yeah, its me." Replied Rip.
"oh come in come in, sorry the palace is a mess."
"mess?" Enoegnarts mumbled looking around to see a virtually spotless environment. "...palace...?" baffled Enoegnarts.
Seeing as she could see the back door from where she was standing this place was hardly a palace.
"Oh no need to fret my lovely grand mum, it's as beautiful and sparkling as your smile." Rip recited with a sudden English accent.
Enoegnarts was even more confused about what was going on around her.
"oh you're so sweet, come here so i can see that face i hold so dearly."
Rip, guided Enoegnarts into a nearby room. In the room sat a an old decrepit woman. She felt uneasy about all this.
"ooooh," the old woman adjusted her glasses. "who is this?"
"a young traveler." Rip announced referring to Enoegnarts.
"Oh Christopher, you are not taking in street urchins are you? you know those people are filthy thieves" The old woman said in a cold emotionless tone.
Rip had a grave look on his face and looked as if he was secretly condemning the old woman to hell.
"Street urchin? how absurd, grand mum you couldn't honestly think i'd do such a thing, no no no this young girl right here...Why she is the sole heir to the current french monarch. The poor things parents went on a trip to visit and support their french colonies in southern Africa, and not wanting to put her in danger of foreign diseases they decided to leave her in our family's care. The poor girl can't speak a word of English but still i doubt she'd appreciate being called a street urchin". Rip lied without breaking his accent.
Enoegnarts was surprised at how smoothly and convincingly Rip could lie, it almost had her believing it!
"oh my!" she turned to Enoegnarts. "Je regrette! tu es ca va?"
Rip turned to Enoegnarts with a horrified look on his face, that pretty much said;I had no clue the old broad spoke french, just wing it.
Enoegnarts had no clue what to do, and finally managed to speak the only french she knew.
"oui." Enoegnarts gave a robotic response.
"tre's bien!"
"now if you'll excuse us, the young heiress is quite tired and needs rest." Rip and Enoegnarts hastily left the room.
Rip entered a hallway and pulled a string descending from the ceiling then a staircase unfolded that lead to the attic. The attic was cramped but had an old dusty bed but despite that the attic was as clean as the rest of the house and just as bright.
"okay how about you get some rest, sorry about the lights the woman has a phobia about the dark and insists that the sun never sets in whatever fairy book world she lives in." Rip explained as he lifted Enoegnarts onto the bed.
"we'll be able to turn off the lights as soon as the old hag falls asleep."
Rip was now rummaging through old boxes.
"how did you know all that stuff? about France and stuff."
"old text books the school houses threw out when they were too damaged to give to a library, they came in handy when i discovered this old woman." Rip pulled a large quilt from an old trunk and handed it to Enoegnarts.
"is this okay though? To lie to her like this and to take advantage of her illness, if she were to find out about it she'd be so sad."
"Hey how about being a little more supportive of me? i just lied through my teeth to get us a place to stay for the night. be a little more grateful and a little less preachy." Rip fliped the quilt over her head.
"Oh yeah thanks for telling her i don't speak English. I'm really grateful for that." Enoegnarts gave her first attempt towards sarcasm.
"it tied into the story, don't worry I'll fix it tomorrow by saying that you want to learn English so not to speak french in front of you only English so you'll learn. plus we'll only be here until Wednesday, because that's when her house nurse comes to take care of her and clean her house " Rip continued "then we'll take our separate ways".
"separate ways? what does that mean?" Enoegnarts thought.
The bed was small and dusty but was covered in throw pillows. Enoegnarts pushed away the pillows preparing a spot for Rip but Rip was preparing himself a spot on the floor using blankets and cloth from the various boxes, trunks and suitcases.
"why are you sleeping on the floor?" asked Enoegnarts.
"it's improper for an heiress of your status to sleep in the same bed as a lowly noble." Rip said returning to his English accent.
"what are you talking about, you know I'm no where near an heiress." Enoegnarts spouted, becoming annoyed.
Rip knelt before Enoegnarts and took her hand and kissed it gently.
"Maybe not, but for the next four days you're nothing more and nothing less than an princess." Rip recited only slightly breaking his accent.
Enoegnarts snatched her hand from his grasp and vigorously rubbed as to disinfect it from the germs that Rip had possibly spread onto her hand.
"haha, other little girls would have gone crazy for that princess crap." Rip checked down the stairs and somehow came to the conclusion that the old woman was asleep, then turned off the lights.
"i don't want to be a princess, i much rather be someone who earns a living, and someone who others would be proud of instead of a boring princess sitting in a castle just looking pretty, where's the fun in life if everything's just given to you and you don't have to do a thing." She protested.
She stepped off the dusty old bed one leg at a time as not to trip and laid next to Rip.
"heh, you have quite an opinion for an eight year old"
"eight and a half thank you very much..."
And with those last words the two exhausted children fell asleep side by side on the floor and slept soundly through the night as the dusty old bed stood alone.

to be continued...immediately.

The morning that fallowed was difficult for Enoegnarts, thanks to Rip's outlandish lies, she knew she had no way to communicate to the old woman which from this many complications arose. Enoegnarts awoke to an empty attic. The staircase was set down which told her that Rip must have been downstairs with the old woman. The small girl made her way across the dark attic to the beam of light that shot out from the lower level through the small square opening on the floor from which the stair case would fold and unfold. The light beckoned for attention, and like a moth, the young girl drew closer to it, giving it the attention it called for. She peeked down. As it was the night before the lights were almost to bright for her eyes to adjust properly, she closed her eyes and winced for a long while until her pupils were fully adjusted to the light. she saw the empty hallway below. She contemplated going down but thought it was best not to risk it until Rip came back, well those were her thoughts until she smelled the wonderful aromas coming from what she, as well as anyone, would assume was the kitchen. It was almost hypnotic, she followed the scents down the staircase. Through a small hallway and in the corner of the dinning room there was an opening to a kitchen about the size of a shoe closet. she didn't want to be noticed so she peered quite carefully making sure not to make a noise. But what she saw...oh what she saw will live on in infamy. Rip standing there in the old woman's pink flower print apron with his hair tied back into into what couldn't be described as a pony tail because his hair was too short to make a whole ponytail but long enough to get in his way while cooking, maybe more like a hamster tail. He stood happily toiling away at the stove top while humming the melody of caramelle dansen. Enoegnarts was at her limit, no longer could she withstand the pressure and thus, broke out laughing.
Rip jumped three feet back in shock.
"w-when did you wake up!? hey, stop laughing!" Rip panic as he tried to frantically untie both his apron and hair tie.
"hahaha you look like a house wife! Ha, wait wait don't take it off yet! I'll be right back!" Enoegnarts rushed out of the room.
Rip curiously stopped in his tracks and awaited Enoegnarts return, not before realizing he was cooking he hurried back to the stove. several minutes later she returned wearing a white collar work shirt that was long enough to cover her knees, a black tie loosely fitted, and she carried a newspaper. all of which she found in the attic. She sat at the table and pretended to read the paper.
"what the hell are you doing?" Rip asked as he cooked.
"we're playing house.I'm the daddy you're the mommy." she recited in her deepest voice.
"Who said I wanted to play!? And why would you make me the mom, huh!?!?" he demanded an answer.
"I didn't make you the mommy you made you the mommy when you dressed like that! Now serve me my food like a good wife!" She insisted.
"why you little- what makes you think you can talk to me like that!?" Rip paused and thought for a bit and decided to play along.
"I should have married that nice doctor I met in college, he would have treated me better." he said in a forlorn womanly voice.
"yeah well it's too late now, you're stuck with me. Where's my coffee?" Enoegnarts replied from behind her news paper.
Rip brought her a mug of orange juice and Enoegnarts blew on it pretending it was hot then took a sip.
"So maybe later after work we could go out for dinner, maybe a little dancing. I'll send the kids to my sister's place and we can-" Rip asked finally getting into character but was interrupted by Enoegnarts.
"Can't. I'm working late tonight" Enoegnarts took a sip of her juice and turned the page of her news paper.
"We never go out anymore! Before we were married we used to stay out till dawn enjoying the city life!" Rip now completely consumed by his character.
"Look it's getting late, is breakfast ready or not?" Enoegnarts once again flipping through pages.
" I'm so unappreciated" Rip sighed in his womanly tone and
wandered back towards the kitchen.
"you're just like your father." Rip said to spark a fight.
"whats that supposed to mean?" Enoegnarts removed the paper from her view.
"oh nothing, you don't have time to talk remember? You'll be late for work." Rip acted as if it meant nothing to draw her in.
"No, you wanted my attention, you've got it. What is so wrong about being like my father?" She inquired, indulged in her character as well.
"Oh nothing..." Rip paused
"if you don't mind being an lonely drunkard."
"My father has a problem that's not his fault! show him some respect hes a war vet!"
"you're father is a drunken old fool, who couldn't give a crap about anyone else even if he received a kidney from some wonderful soul, I'm sure he'd find something wrong about it to b***h about." Rip was quite good at making up stories on the spot, but at this point in time he was trying to create a speechless effect towards Enoegnarts, to catch her off guard so that maybe he could end this game as the victor.
"my father is a saint who was traumatized by the war, leaving him emotionally scarred, so excuse him for being a little moody!" Enoegnarts shot up from her chair as if she were outraged at his comment.
Rip was surprised at how articulate Enoegnarts was, but mostly how well she could play along with the story he was creating as he went. He thought that she may be helpful in the future in the case that she may ever need to play along with his lies again.
"Emotionally scarred my a**! he's a violent, misogynistic, mentally unstable threat to society. And anyone who believes otherwise must be deaf, dumb, and blind!" Rip scoffed.
"I swear say one more thing, just one more thing about my father, and Pow! straight to the moon!" even Enoegnarts giggled a little with this statement.
"woah, abusive husband I see...fine, fine, I'll just go back to breakfast..." Rip began to walk towards the kitchen but just couldn't resist...
"your father's fat as well..." He said nonchalantly.
"ARHG, I'm gonna get you!" Enoegnarts Charged at Rip and took a flying leap at him.
Rip caught off guard by this sudden outburst tried to catch her but failed miserably which just landed both of them on the floor. Enoegnarts Playfully batted at Rip on the floor and he remained in the fetal position laughing uncontrollably, well still trying to stay in character...
"Ahaha, how could you be so cruel to me!" Rip said struggling for air through all the laughing.
"do you think I like hitting you!?t his hurts me a lot more than it hurts you! hahahah!" Enoegnarts also in hysterics, had trouble breathing.
As the two roughhoused on the floor, they failed to hear the approaching footsteps. The fun ended when they heard an;
"ahem!." said a fragile yet stern voice from the dinning room doorway.
They both came to attention immediately, and their eye's nervously focused on the old woman who was leaning in the doorway.
to be continued. now.
"Christopher! What on Earth are you doing! That is not proper conduct... how shameful. And what are you wearing!?" The question focused towards Enoegnarts.
"A-...er" Enoegnarts almost blew her cover forgetting she couldn't speak English.
"OH. She-" Rip had almost forgotten himself, he switched from womanly tone back to his English accent; " Ahem. What I'm trying to say is that we were merely playing a bit of dress up, if you will." Rip basically stating the truth. for once.
"How foolish! Is this how a young heiress should act? I would think not!"
Rip stood up.
"grand mum, what you must take into consideration is that she is a child first and an heiress second, a child must play."
The woman considered the thought.
"well, I suppose... but there must be more cultured and refined games you could play, that wouldn't have you two on the floor making a ruckus in the dinning hall."
"A child plays what a child plays. there was no changing her mind she wanted to play dress up, nothing more nothing less." tbc...

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