Do you love you ex?:
As a friend.

What did you last cry over?:
Been a while, don't remember.

What's the last mistake you made?:
The last mistake I had was thinking I had made a mistake.

Who was the last person you said I love you to?:
Kira. heart

Who last slept in your bed?:
Me? o.o

Were you with them?:
Eh, half and half. Lawl.

Where do you want to be?:

Who do you want to be with?:
Kira. heart

Do you honestly love your friends?:
*Ahem* Some more than others.

Who can always make you happy?:
Kira heart (Notice a pattern here? Look real hard for it kids.)

Who do you love to talk to the most?:
Kira heart xD

Who hates you?:
Probably a lot of people.

Who do you hate?:
I don't hate.

What are you doing right now?:
This survey. >D

What are you talents?:
What are these "talents" you speak of?

How often do you cry?:
A-ha a-ha a-ha. No.

What did you do last night?:
Talked like all night to a certain somebody... heart

Would you ever go back out with an ex?:

Have you ever used a condom?:
Never had a need for one.

Are you a virgin?:

Is your boyfriend/Girlfriend a virgin?:
*Thinks* ...Why don't I remember this? xD That'll teach me to get 2 hours of sleep.

What's the last movie you watched?:
Uh...Damn, been a while. I wanna say Wall-E.

Ever been in true love?:
Oh yes. ;3 heart

Ever smoked?:
Nah. I'm allergic to smoke anyway.

Done drugs?:

Gotten high?:
Does a sugar high count? >D

Ever gone running?:
The hell?

How much do you weigh?:

How tall are you?:
5' 9" last I checked.

Gone skinny dipping?:

Gone streaking?:
Who hasn't? No.

Played strip poker?:
A-ha. No.

Given a lap dance?:
What is it with surveys and sex related questions? No.

I ask again, what is up with the sex related questions? ...And that's my business, not yours. <.<

Rolled on the ground w/ the opposite sex?:

Bungie Jumped?:
No. o.o

Sang Kareokee?:
Can't sing. xD

Been wet with your clothes on?:
Multiple times.

Seen the opposite sex naked?:
*Passes question*

Made fun of a fat person?:

Laughed at someone?:
More than once.

Looked at someone funny?:
Not when they were looking. Until they turned around. Then it was when they were looking.

Have you had "the talk" with our parents?:
Nope. Lawl.

Been touched by the same sex?:
Yes, but not the kind of "touch" this survey seems to want to imply.

Ever been horny?:
Ever used your spleen as a soccer ball?

Looked at porn?:

Own any thongs?:
No. O.o

Touched a genital of the other sex?:
I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.

Thought about sex?:
Who hasn't at least once?

Had a "dirty" dream?:
Lawl. No.

Favorite animal?:
CAT heart heart

Least favorite animal?:
Uh...I don't know if I have a least favorite. o.o

Most missed Memory?:
My grandmother..