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The awesome tales of Wolfpal!
Some awesome stories that are made by your's truely! They just cry awesome! Hope you enjoy! But no stealing them!
Chapter 4
Her face was a deep red, as she blushed. She wasn’t exactly sure if it was because the giant commented that her name was pretty. But her cheeks felt really warm right about now.
She suddenly felt the need to fall asleep. She rested her head tiredly against Aiden’s thumb. Not thinking much about it for now.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Aiden’s voice asked above her, seeming to have noticed Jane’s lack of energy.
She felt a finger tip gingerly touch her forehead.
“Your pretty warm” Aiden said softly , “must be from being in that river...”
Jane weakly looked up at him with just her eyes, and said “you saved me?”
Aiden gave a nod. “Yeah...and sorry I couldn’t save you any apples” he said and smiled cheekily trying to brighten up the mood.
Jane gave her own little smile.
“Now maybe it’s about time you got some rest” the giant said. Jane felt herself agreeing as she began to close her eyes. But her mind felt uneasy about sleeping out in the open.
The giant seemed to sense her discomfort, for she felt him start to pet her hair.
“Don’t worry I’ll watch over you.”
She heard him say as she began to close her eyes and drift off to sleep.

Jane felt herself begin to wake up, after her long nap. It was rather dreamless, but she felt much better than before she fell asleep.
Opening her eyes she groggily looked around.
She noticed that she had been laying on an odd surface. It was warm and soft, yet had a rubbery feel to it.
Looking around she realized that it was a hand wrapped around her.
Her eyes widened as her memories returned from before.
Looking up she nearly jumped when she saw Aiden’s sleeping face. She was still not quite used to him yet.
Shaking it off she studied him. He must have drifted off while watching over her.
Jane smiled at the sight; he looked so relaxed while sleeping.
She could feel his breath as he softly snored, blowing some of her hair slightly.
Jane, letting out a soft yawn, moved one of her free hands (good thing they weren’t trapped in Aiden’s grip) and wiped the sleep out of her eyes.
Aiden, who must have felt her movement, let out a yawn himself.
Man yawns were contagious!
Opening his eyes the first thing they locked on to was Jane’s own gaze.
She could see him smile as he looked at her.
“You’re awake” he stated the obvious.
Jane smiled and gave a light nod.
She then felt his finger on her forehead again.
“Hmm looks like your temperature went down, that’s a good sign” he said smiling cheerfully at her.
She blushed at his gentle gesture; he seemed to care a lot about her.
Looking around for a moment, she noticed things looked very different from up here, even in Aiden’s sitting position.
Large rocks looked like stones, and trees looked like a branch.
Her eyes stopped roaming as they gazed at the setting sun. It was beautiful with all its oranges and reds, it was like an artist’s canvas...but wait didn’t sun sets mean it was getting late?
“It’s pretty isn’t it?” the giant said, who seemed to also be focused on the sun.
Jane nodded but didn’t really pay attention, as her thoughts took over her mind.
Shouldn’t she be home by now? Her mother must be really worried right now.
“I gotta go” she suddenly said.
Hearing her Aiden turned to look down at her curiously. “Hmm? Go? Go where?” he sounds excited, like when you took a kid on a Ferris wheel.
“Home? Oh...” his expression turned from happy to sad in an instant. He slowly puts her back down on the ground.
Jane frowned up at him.
She may have just met him in one day, but she already felt a deep friendship start to form between them.
He looked so sad and lonely, she didn’t want to see him that way.
“I...uh m-maybe I could come back tomorrow” she said stuttering.
Aiden looked down at her his expression brightening up with a large smile. “Really?” he said in a hopeful voice.
She grinned and nodded.
He suddenly scooped her up, and held her against his cheek in a hug. “Thank you, thank you!” he said happily.
Jane blushed at his hug and giggled, “yeah we could meet by the river or something” she said.
The giant nodded happily, “that would be great” he said.
After being put down, with a few waves and goodbyes she went off to go back to her house. Where she knew her worried mother would welcome her in with open arms.

chapter 5
She stayed snuggled in her bed, as she continued to sleep
After staying in the woods for a day and a half, she pretty much conked out as soon as she hit the covers of her down feather bed.
Her mother hadn’t been too rough with her when she returned from the woods. But she did give her a few extra chores to do around the house, which she was ok with.
More chores didn’t hurt anybody right?
Snuggling deeper into her sheets she let out a sigh.
‘Beep! Beep! Beep!’
The alarm clock rang from her night stand.
With a moan Jane rolled over and shot out her hand from under the nice warm sheets, and hit the snooze button.
With the noise gone, Jane sleepily sat up and let out a nice long yawn.
“Jane get up! It’s time for school!” she heard her mother yell from downstairs.
“I’m up!” Jane called as she got up from her bed and went to pick her clothes for the day.
Deciding on her yellow sun dress, pink sweater, and a straw hat with a yellow ribbon, she went to get the rest of herself ready.
After that she ran downstairs to grab a fresh hot bun from the oven, and covered it in butter.
From there Jane grabbed her brown school bag and ran out the door towards her school, eating her hot bun as she went.

“And that class is an example of a pronoun” the teacher babbled, as he wrote on he board.
Jane sat at her desk, having a slight bored look as she watched the teacher and every so often taking notes.
She found herself randomly doodling pictures of flowers and stuff beside her notes.
“Now...Jane give us an example of a pronoun.”
Jane looked up from her doodling; “umm...” she thought for a moment “Jim went to the store. He thought it was nice.”
“Very good Jane” the teacher said and turned to look at another student, “Angela?”
The girl was busy chatting with one of her friends, an looked up at the teacher.
The teacher had an annoyed look on his face.
“The question?”
The girl looked panicked. “Umm... 22?”
That got the whole class to erupt in laughter. They and been done math an hour ago.
Jane covered her mouth as she tried to soften her laughter.
At least she was sort of paying attention.
She saw the teacher sigh. “Alright class 15 minute break and then back with the lesson” he said.
With that said students stood up and went to visit their friends.
Jane remained where was, knowing it wouldn’t be long before they ended up back in their seats again.
Looking down at her notebook she never realised that she had started doodling a certain blue haired giant.
Blushing she quickly closed her book.
‘Oh yeah, I promised I would see him today’ she thought as she began thinking, maybe she could bring some hot buns along.
She bet that he would like that.
“Hey Jane!” she heard somewhere call her that brought her out of her thoughts. She turned to see one of her friends, Amelia coming over.
“Oh hey Amelia” she immediately greeted, “how are you doing today?”
A smiled spreaded on Amelia’s lips. “I’m great thank you” she said, and then a confused look came across her, “where were you yesterday? I was looking for you.”
“Oh... I went to pick apples” Jane said.
A pout came across her friends face. “And you didn’t bring me any?”
This caused Jane to giggle, “Umm....no sorry....i tripped and the apples got really dirty and bruised” she sort of lied. She didn’t want to say she fell in the river and got rescued by a giant.
“Oh I understand” a sympathetic look came on Amelia’s face, and then smiled brightly “I guess you’ll have to pick more sometime right?”
Jane smiled and nodded. Amelia had always been a bubbly teen, who always liked to look at the bright side of things.
Looking at her, Jane noticed her blonde locks were done up in a pony tail today, and that her brown dress was covered in flour. She guessed it was from helping her Mom and Dad in the bakery.
“Yeah I guess I should pick some more apples right?” Jane said watching her friends hazel eyes light up.
“Great!” Amelia shouted throwing her arms in the air. “And you better save me some” she teased pointing a figure at her.
Jane laughed and agreed.
Just in time as the teacher came in and said.
“Ok class turn to page 58 and we shall begin chapter 6.”

After school finished, saying goodbye to her friends. Jane ran home.
“Hi sweetie how was school today?” her mother asked as she came through the door.
“It was good” Jane said, running up stairs to empty her school supplies, and coming back down to stuff as many hot buns in her bag as she could.
Her mother looked curiously at her.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
Jane stopped in her tracks as she stood at the doorway, and looked at her mother.
Sending her a nervous grin she replied,
“Oh... I’m just going out for a bit, I’ll see you later.”
With that Jane hurried her way out the door and headed towards the woods.
Behind her she could hear her mother say,
“Be careful.”

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