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pupmonkeys daily(or not so daily) journal
Warning the following includes faul language if you dont like foul language dont read

Well christmas is comin and I've been looking forward to it all year. I wrote down what I want for christmas and gave it to my parents. I did some yard work today to get on my parents good side when I started talking to my mom about on of the things on my list she said I didnt deserve it WHEN MY DUMD a** FRIEND THREW MY FIRST PHONE INTO A ******** POOL then I talked to my dad about another thing on my list which is fixed my go-kart which would only like 1 hour and 10 bucks he said I should fix it WHEN MY STUPID MOTHER ******** NEIGHBOR(my age) BROKE IT!!!!! so my when I wake up on christmas morning and I open presents I wont find what I've been wanting all year

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