To day i just got bk from hunting and i heard one of the worst noises i'll ever hear in my entire life tell my uncel i heard turn my safty off deer behind us he looks bk bout an hour in a half l8er he tells me to get ready so i switch my safty agian like an idot and hour and a half l8er they come up behind us he tells me to turn around but i was going to i was wiating for him to shoot first cause i knew if i turnd around they'd just see me and run off so he takes the shot we both think he hit it but i pop up and try taking it down it's right in my sights i mean to me it looked like it was limping and there was no way i would miss it right any way i pull the hammer bk take a deep breath pull the tigger half way made sure i was on target pulled it the rest of the way CLICK CLICK and i was like CRAP i just realized i turn the safty back on gonk i swear it is one of the worst sounds i'll ever hear yes i'v herd worse but that come closest to it