Here are some of the most amazing friends I have ever met.
Butterfly Dragon Girl: An amazing person who is always kind and funny.
Millie990: An amazing friend who I always can talk to.
Sakura1291991: One of my bestest friends and my most beloved sister. <3
Kada Chu: An awesome guy!
Cute_Epiex: On hiatus because of school but I still miss talking to her.
Charici: Such an amazing friend. ^^
Holy Moonlight Silver: Glad I know her. A silly and sweet friend~
iAzyan: A silly friend that can always cheer me up
Saro007: An awesome friend. :]
Elegant Earth Fairy: a very kind person. ^^
Rachmaster67: Someone who is one of my homeies. XD
ms.Uzumaki Naruto: A kind person who I always love to help.
Fluffeh, Fatal Rewind, And Vevione: An awesome friend who can always be kind. ^^
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Panda Dreams~
Sanguine Professor Merlin
[strike:1b68946d28]All nobody items
Rogue Narok
Boneyard Butcher
[/strike:1b68946d28] Thank you lolqtpie!! You da best! emotion_bigheart
Thank you Ms Wanderlust emotion_jawdrop
Thank you for all the gifts fist! emotion_yatta [/size:1b68946d28]