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Inflation stories & a few pics
here are a few stories & pics that those who are interested in any kind of inflation would like
Let her eat cake
The key turned inside the doorknob lock, and with a shut of the screen

door, Ashley adjusted her tight black shorts again along her thigh. Her hot pink shirt

pushed against her chest, revealing ample skin over the half open zipper top. White

sneakers quickly stepped down the stairs; earphones played her music from an iPod

Velcro strapped to her arm, ready and on her way as she jogged down the sandy

sidewalk in the early morning sun. Her tied-back hair flipped and bobbed against her

pavement. The soft and distant wind blew along the water; shore

waves roll with crisp spatters onto the wet sand; the sun revealing a red, orange,

gold hue. On that particular morning, she had her mind back to some stories TJ, who

offered to make dinner last night. His barbecue chicken came out a little too dark,

but he joked that it provided good charcoal for his borrowed mini grill. He tried to

make up for it with takeout of burgers and a quiet night at her home, occasionally

sneaking in a few stuffed fries along her mouth.

It was one month after they “embraced” each other, and the two became

a steady couple. Both were working on their own activities; TJ practiced for another

skating competition on the upcoming weekend while waxing his surfboard to get

back onto the ocean waves, hoping to enter the next surfing contest meet. Ashley

contacted her agent about her contract renewal and if local castings were available;

the closest one was located in Permaona, 3 hours away. TJ offered to drive her

down if he had a car; currently setting his eyes on a hot red jeep Cherokee at a

dealership across the block from the skating park. Yet, he couldn’t help if he had the

skills and tenacity like Ashley to do just about any job that was available to earn

extra cash. A pleasant childish dream of his involves a spot discovery by a talent

agent of extreme sports.

Now jogging along the boardwalk, the air rose to a pleasant warm breeze

with ocean mists tagging along the gentle wind. The stalls metal grids were down

and sweepers marched up and along the boards, brushing away rouge sand bits. A

girl in a tight honey-brown ponytail stapled a flyer onto the bulletin board and

happily jogged off to the next bare space. Ashley thought to herself how everyone

else was getting even the smallest, most mundane of work but her. Maintenance

trade jobs have been dry for a couple of weeks and her one true dream was just as

arid, feeling the universe must have it in for her ever since her body went through

unusual “changes”. With controlling her body from letting loose extra body fat and

her entire form turning into a giant novelty volleyball enough work to begin with; TJ

had been telling her to look at the bright side of it, that is, if it required entering a

hot dog eating contest.

The bright pink topping of a drawn muffin caught her eyes just before she

passed the board. It was dotted with purple round sprinkles over a blue a muffin

cap and the lettering scribbled in red marker, stating that a bakery shop will make

their grand opening this weekend.

“Bet that would be a sweet date with TJ,” smiling at her own joke.

“You have a boyfriend?” A very curious yet peaked voice chirped up. It

was the girl posting the signs, about to enter through the glass door of a pizza

parlor. Ashley wondered if her remark was a sarcastic ploy; she remembered such

moments from some of the snotty rich princesses back in high school, yet her family

was very well to do as the other cliques.

“Um, yeah,” Ashley mildly joked back. “But, is the bakery hiring anyone


“They have the staff they need,” the girl explained, “But one of the

display cases has a broken light, or maybe it was the lighting in them. Either way,

they need a handyman to come and take a look at it…”

“Say no more,” Ashley interrupted, “I know the perfect handyman: me!”

* * *

“And all that bimbo did was just stare at me! Like I had 2 heads!”

Ashley poured out the events that happened during her morning jog,

stuffing a piece of banana bread with whipped cream into her mouth. TJ pushed the

dessert place aside before she forked another slice.

“Well, so what, babe,” shoveling his piece into his mouth while comforting

her. “She isn’t worth your time and you know it. Besides, the owners might not care

if you’re a lady, as long as they need the job done before they officially open. There

has to be open-minded people somewhere in this town; it can’t be that small.”

Wiping her mouth, she muffled and swallowed, “But what if these owners

do have a problem?” She tried to push TJ’s hand back.

“Ash… as much as I like you stuffing your face with goodies, I don’t think

this is the right moment to pig out.” He patted her hand, caressing with his thumb.

Leaning in, he mischievously remarked, “If you do a good job, they might

want you full time and have all the sweets you want.”

“Is that suppose to imply something,” Ashley knitted her eyes.

“Babe, what I’m saying is: don’t doubt yourself just yet. And word travels

fast too, especially when it comes to references. Trust me, agents know of me

because of how excellent a skater I am,” giving his hands the thumbs up gesture.

Her eyes once scowling now softened up; he really knew how to make

her feel better. She just smiled and, as calm as anything else, let her chest expand

softly, stretching her shirt until some skin squeezed at the top, a cup and a half

bigger. This distracted TJ quite much, letting her hand snake once again for a slice of


* * *

Ashley went down the next day the owners personally about a handyman

position. A twitch inside her heart and along her shoulders pinched, both excited

and worried if she would be hired. The bell of the glass door rung, as she was

greeting by 2 ladies who were reading over some paperwork by the unplugged cash

register; it appeared that the store will be run by them.

“Um, excuse me,” using the politest tone she could muster without

sounding like a vibrating idiot.

A woman in her forties with a few barely noticeable crows’ feet from afar

and light wavy blonde hair; looked up.

“May I help you,” her voice very grandmotherly and mellow; not as mellow

as Ashley remembered her Nana’s voice.

“I’m… uh... inquiring…”

“The maintenance position? Oh yes, I can see that in you,” the woman’s

smile very warm.

Ashley blinked with astonishment as she replied, “I didn’t even get to say

it. How did you know?”

“Nothing to trouble yourself over,” her gentle smile still present, “I could

tell just by the way you present yourself: determined and hardworking.”

“But as well as some very strong references,” the other woman added in.

She was of short stature with red rimmed glasses and bare sandals, as she

flattened the back of her long braided hair.

“You mean,” Ashley achingly asked, “You mean, I’m hired? That sounds

too unbelievable.”

Ashley’s own rational insecurity lightened the older woman’s mood, as

she then quipped, “Unless we get word of the President’s approval, you won’t find

any work as quick as this. The job market in paradise blows.”

“And… we could always use a woman’s touch for such a dirty job,” the

blonde woman dryly putting in a joke.

Ashley could only smile wide at their immediate gratefulness.

The ladies were originally from Connecticut; it was the dream of Nina’s,

the kindly older woman, to set up a sweet shop but her partner wanted to live by

the shore. Eventually, it ended up as a compromise to both their dreams and their

relationship as a tight couple.

Right now, the display cases needed the lighting checked and a new glass

case needed to be replaced. It was stored in a back shack of the building planned

as a freezer for the time being while the kitchen was in the final stages of

remodeling. Ashley mentioned other businesses and buildings she helped with

maintenance as her referral backup, hoping they would still give her a shot. Already

impressed by her tenacity at her various positions, they easily hired her full time. At

that point, Ashley could feel herself rise out of the slump she was in and for once,

wasn’t fazed by the low compensation they only promised her for the beginning

weeks; she now had something to do out of the house, a purpose renewed.

The job had been routine since day one; fixing shelf lighting is a snap to

her, thanks in part to high school maintenance; realizing fluorescent installation

wasn’t the same as screwing in a light bulb. With the glass lining now edged in

between the sliding grooves, the lady in red glasses, going by the name of Gladice,

asked Ashley if she would like to help out in the kitchen and the counter on normal

days. As always, Ashley very grateful enough, accepted; again, it never hurt to have

extra income.

She eased herself working the old time, long push button cash register,

when she was greeted by her “new” co-worker.

“How ‘bout that,” she voice gleamed, “So much for being a tool girl.”

Ashley hid her knitted eyes perusing through the stapled papers to add

up the day’s sales.

“I also see that you are a counter girl yourself,” Ashley only remarked.

The girl could see that her attitude would be a big thorn on her behind;

assuming to herself she should keep her bitchiness in check.

“Well, it’s nice to have you on board,” her voice mimicking cheerfulness

and a side of snarky disposition. “Also, if you could, I know you’re new here and

such, but could you put away the new donut trays the biddies are making now?

Part of their grand opening sale. Just put them along the shelf that has a sheet on

it, ya know. I really can’t stay after closing, I would but I have plans and can’t be

late, you understand right?”

“New donuts you say? I mean… sure I will.”

Odd enough for the girl to ask her to do the job that as suppose to be

hers; something didn’t seem right, but it was risky to get into a confrontation in the

new week. While punching a final number and placing the bills in a plastic baggie, a

part of her mind wondered through the curiosity of the new donuts, or at least what

made them “new”.

* * *

The keys dropped on the chrome counter of a serving tray line after

business at the bakery closed for the day. Ashley stayed behind to mop the floors

and double check the freezer’s lock. She brought the bucket to the floor sink stall,

draining the splashing brown water when her eyes diverted to one of the counters.

The girl did mention the trays of donuts and cupcakes left out to be stored in the

shelves. Shrugging and double rinsing her bucket, she grabbed a hand towel and

lifted up the donut tray, carrying it to the back behind the dough rolling station.

These delectable treats coated with pink frosting were made with whole wheat and

honey, a specialty the women honed of natural baked goods. Ashley couldn’t resist

them, and from what TJ said, taking the chance to work here would have its

rewards. Already knowing the guilt of having another sweet and getting hungry

before she had dinner, she grabbed a hot pink donut and bit right in. Soft rolled

oats caked her mouth, the sweetest rush of frosting on her tongue, biting down the

loop of the donut right to her sticky fingers. She grabbed another one, chewing the

same way over, taking back in the wholesome mixture.

She then grabbed a third, all the way to a fourth and fifth donut. This was

the first time Ashley ever pigged out on anything; her teenage years of worrying

about her looks were far away at the moment, in her own private heaven tasting

the natural and sweet goodness of these ladies’ confection. By her seventh, her

belly rumbled and groaned in frustration, as it expanded over her short waists and

pulled back the bottom hem of her shirt with rear end now stretching the stitches to

their limits, tearing and popping as she engorged on more. Her breasts heaved and

jiggled in junction with extra rolls of back fat, legs sagging and thickening to make

room for the edibles consumed. The whole tray was gone as her face powdered

with crumbs from the honey baked oat wheat donuts; she licked her lips of pink

frosting with her fingers coated in rosy indexes.

With a shift lunge of her leg, she realized then what she got herself into.

She looked down, awestruck by the change, quickly looking over her butt now

threatening to rip her shorts and continue to expand and sag. Her belly masked her

feet as her breasts masked some tummy. Poking herself to test her reality, she

finally fattened herself up with food. When she started to walk, she could feel the

weight wiggle and encompass her speed to a medium mobility. Another first that

took place for her was the insatiable appetite to still eat, the need to grow. It was

strange, exhilarating and anxious for her, she wondered if she could ever get her

weight back down or if her “powers” would allow it, now that she had something in

her body stored away.

Either way, she remembered the cupcakes left out and now slightly

waddled her way over, her butt moving left and right, up and down at the same

time, slinking into herself to form a starting wedgie. Her long plump fingers grabbed

the pink coated cupcakes and shoved one right in. This one has a taste of bran and

cinnamon, not as sweet, much each one she dove more made up for it. There was

no telling how long it would take to strip the tray clean as Ashley continued to

fatten up again.

When the tray was finally empty, Ashley eventually sat stuck on the bare

kitchen floor, her rear now stretching three and a half feet wide and bare, a belly as

big as a full grown woman cuddled in a fetal position and heaved between her thick

trunk-ish legs, her feet straining the open sandals at they too were developing rips

at the straps, not long now before they break away and hang along the balls of her

feet and toes. Her upper arms measured as car tires, too heavy to lift and squishing

her invisible neck to her head, nestled among a large second fold of chin. She was

bare all around, her naked hanging breasts were thankfully supported by her

immense gut.

Ashley let out a small burp between her crumb coated lips, muffling

between her plumpened face, “So much for [hic] being natural…and ended up going


A humming sound rang out in the front of the store, as Ashley realized

she left her cell by the register; hopefully it would be TJ calling to check up on her.

But now regretfully stuck where she sat, no matter how many times she rocked

herself on her pivot. She sighed, very close to crying when she heard a voice from

the front, knocking on the glass of the door. Who would be here at this time she

pondered, almost thankful if she wasn’t a nude immobile woman. It wasn’t until a

minute passed when the front door opened, not quite ready to be locked earlier

before Ashley had to leave; another moment to be thankful for? She would’ve

expected the voice of her skinny conscience to mock her and scold her to becoming

the way she did. The swing kitchen doors flung open and there stood her love, in a

T-tank shirt and Bermuda orange shorts holding her cell in his palm and jingling

some keys in his left hand.

As TJ swung the doors opens, he looked upon his girl, presenting herself

in the buff and completely immobile and bound. He let his arms relaxed despite the

wide look on his face, nonchalantly checking if his pants became tighter.

He stammered finding the words before letting out a simple, “W-what

happened to you??”

Her let her fingers wiggle with a meek reply, “I guess I went overboard.”

“I’ll say,” scratching his head and approaching. Her touched her folds of

her belly and smoothed the skin of her right breast, feeling how real this was again.

“Maybe I should’ve said to ask if you get freebies.”

She shook her head in her own shame on the outside, but his hands on

her told her otherwise.

“I feel so stupid for doing this. For stealing something from my own job.”

“Uh…well…it really isn’t your fault; not all of it, but couldn’t help it I guess,”

he said as he rubbed her upper belly. “I now this is bad, but it’ll be alright…”

“How can this be,” she cried out, “If they find out about this…”

“They won’t.” TJ looked around the kitchen, eying any ceiling corners.

“They don’t have any security cameras installed, do they?”

“What do you mean? You can’t think…”

“Think? I know,” he replied. “As long as no one sees this, you’re in the

clear. Just gotta get in early before the owners or anyone else comes in.”

“All fine and dandy, but what about me,” trying to indicate her position.

TJ hummed to himself in thought. He eyed the area again; now spying

a lift cart already supporting an inserted thin board of skid.

“I can always carry you over the threshold,” thumbing to the cart before

guffawing loud snickers.

“Ha ha; very funny…”

“I mean…excuse me…I can use that lift over there. Looks automatic and

drivable…I mean, there really isn’t any way for me to do it, babe. Just trust me for a


It was one thing for her to trust TJ; it was a whole other matter of

patience and embarrassment waning thin. Before proceeding to ride the machine, TJ

rushed to the double hanging doors, checking if it was still unlocked, now able to

make the work much easier.

With the keys already in the ignition, TJ hoped on the seat and turned the

crane on, hearing it softly hum. He pulled a bent handle to let the slopes rise up a

little, before maneuvering the vehicle with back ups and forwards despite the

constant beeps ringing in the empty kitchen. Now having it rest near her chunky

legs and bulbous butt cheek, the skid slowly seeping under her and cringing from

her weight before she felt herself sitting on the skid’s smooth ply surface. TJ then

clutched the handle, the lift slowly rising, the board groaning but stiff and strong as

ever as he drove them through the swinging doors.

The sky was now dark blue with a swipe of red orange over the horizon;

a few minutes more before it becomes officially pitch black. TJ went through the

procedure again of placing Ashley gingerly along the ground and backing up the

vehicle through the door flaps, now securing and positioning it in its original spot.

TJ trotted back to Ashley, dim in the darkness with an overhead light

shining on her magnificent belly. Knowing she was alone in immodesty, he also

brought with him a canvas blanket covering a table of appliances and wrapped it

around her swollen form.

“It’s not Dior, but it’ll do,” he murmured.

“I just want to go home,” her voice very down.

“Well, can’t risk driving that thing back and forth. Guess I’ll just…”

Without another word to say, he gingerly placed his tanned hands along

her belly and shoulder, slowly shifting and moving her back to the ground, watching

her breasts and tummy jiggle.

“Wait what….” Ashley garbled, as TJ gave a few swifts shoves, feeling

herself move along the concrete in squishy presses. He heaved and pressed on,

moving and rolling mounds of flesh along the ground; at first it felt like pushing a

bundle of stuffed shopping carts, the weight noticeable and wobbly before

eventually coming together and moving in one line of motion. Ashley still made some

muffled protests over watching her vision spin and occasional neck fat smooshing

her face into her soft cheeks; squeaking whenever TJ grazed a rising pointed n****e

along the back roads behind alleys and bush patches. After a half hour of rolling,

they returned to her beach house; the next challenge was getting her through the

door. While amid the rolling outlook of her own shame, Ashley had time as well to

slowly reflect. The changes have been very unrealistic to the young woman, despite

how it has happened in front of her eyes. She felt, deep down, it would be a

devastating ego and self-esteem blow if anyone in town found out.

Among the murky imaginary moments, she also found that one spark, a

little light that flickered. A memory of feeling happier and better of having fish

burgers, salad, fries, to cure her empty stomach and attempted anorexia. The pixie

blowing away from her puffing breath, never wanting to see the paper thin creature

again. She felt so much better when she ate, the joy filling the rest of her soul that

hurt from the false teasings, a little less naïve. The pleasant boundaries over food

and health tingled along her skin, massages a few muscles hidden deep in bulks of

fat, now slowly shrinking. How much she dropped while lost in thought again didn’t

matter; it melt as quickly over the time it took TJ to ponder, view and examine the

door frame’s size and the back door glass.

Ashley now laid on her smoothed out back, a tiny breeze grazing a n****e

and streaks of hair.

“Now where did it all go??”

She quickly opened her eyes from the quizzical calling; watching TJ

frantically looking over her as if he lost something on her and leaning over her legs

to spot it.

Back in the house, Ashley warmed herself in a knitted linen robe and hot

cocca, sitting on the couch, feeling her bent legs’ shape pressing against her. TJ

wrapped an arm around her, pricked by the fabric.

“Could’a saved me a whole lot of trouble if you did that earlier. Reminded

me how you “deflated” not too long ago…” TJ trailed.

“I know. I couldn’t help it if I wasn’t thinking straight. But I only I could do

that if…the fat already came up by itself.” Her wording of past fattening experiences

vague, a lack of expression used on something implausible.

TJ only sighed and smiled, saying, “And like anyone can say they lost a

ton in 30 seconds. You really are one of a kind, Ash.” Now nuzzling into her cheek.

“But I really have to get a hold of this better,” Ashley said, brushing her

hair behind her ear.

“You can,” with TJ adding devilishly, “But just leave it at home instead.”

Nuzzling deeper and squeezing harder, making Ashley adjust her hold on the mug.

* * *

Nina swept the crumbs from the counter in a sullen, unfeeling grasp.

There were more crumbs everywhere and torn rags covered with pink frosting,

unable to distinguish who it belonged too or one of the towels. Everything was

locked up, front and back doors, no sign of a break in. Hard to say if it was a criminal

too cautious to be caught; the idea of a mastermind now thought too outlandish to

be out of novels and movies.

The front door jingled open; Ashley held the door open for TJ, wearing his

usual shorts and t-shirt get up while she had on lime green jean shorts and a white

cut off sleeve top. Her flip flops smacking on the floor as the two wandered near the

kitchen doors. Motioning TJ to not give any signs of ease, like they were watching a

practical joke come into place, she swung the doors open; with Nina looking forlorn

and dazed over the messy kitchen.

“Nina,” Ashley asked cautiously.

“Will you look at this,” She only responded back, her voice down and lost

of mannerly cheer. “I just don’t understand how this happened. And everything

was… and I knew you left the keys right where they’re supposed to be.” She turned

to Ashley, her eyes a little tired with a usual gleam still present. “You didn’t see

anything unusual before you left, did you? No hoodlums or anyone outside of the


“Uh, no. No I haven’t.”

TJ scratched his over the surroundings, but also how the kindly woman

didn’t even begin to interrogate Ashley if she really was the last one there. He knew

she and him were the only ones.

“I really am sorry, Nina. And it’s horrible to think now it could happen. But

don’t worry about a thing. This is TJ,” directing her hands over to him, “I thought of

bringing him to the store to get a peak."

“And, now,” TJ’s turn to bustle in, “Hearing about your store getting

robbed by some pastry thieves, we’ll help re-bake them for you. Least either of us

could do.”

Nina patted Ashley’s hands, her smile returning, relieved that goodwill will

return quickly to her business.

After sweeping crumbs turning into mini mountains worth into the dust

pan and dropped in the waste can, TJ tied a double knot around a white apron as

Ashley turned on the automatic table mixer, watching pale ingredients becomes a

sugary pink.

“That almost sounded too good to be true that she didn’t think I was

responsible for this, hon,” Ashley said, deepening the rolling pin on a flat ply of


“Guess she assumed no one would eat that many in one sitting.”

Ashley’s smile came out small and crooked.

“I mean, not that I…”

“TJ. Gonna need more space on the counter.”

He blinked and moved the canisters aside. While not one for being a

master chef, he was more than happy to be Ashley’s little kitchen aide boy; his mind

reeling and carving future fantasies insider her own kitchen for later.

The dough now smoothed out, Ashley reached her arm to the stainless

steel cabinet to roll in extra natural sugar coverings. Her hand tipped and grabbed

hold of the one canister placed three shelves higher than what she could normally

reach for. To her, it was probably lower than she remembered.

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