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My Insane Ramblings.
i quit my other...i'm going back to bad poetry...
New story. the Curse of CHaos, part 1
ok, i'm back...but i've lost my insparation for the story i was writing inhere...i've re read and and decided it sucked...so i'm posting a story i acually have finnished...it's the one that i stoped writing the vampire one for.

so enjoy. This took me ever since sumer till now... that's what...five months?

The curse of CHaos.
The Curse of CHaos.

The town of Yoeka was a small affair. The citizens did not have much to do with each other, it was a perfect place to sell illegal items, and whore's were as common as flies on a wall.

As every town did it had it's 'Good side'. Witch were the people that had no idea what happened after the lights went out. Or even while they were still on. These were the people who the world saw when they looked at the town.

Yet this town bore witness to the growth of a Delta lert. Every school day he walked the same path. Any other day he stayed in his home with his mother. His name? Milloe Roseada. His mother? The most popular and well known Whore of the night life in the Town of Yoeka.


Milloe sighed while he stared out the slightly clouded window into the rainy street. He had finally given his mother the slip, though she'd most likely find him soon, he held himself upright by pressing his arms to his aching ribcage. Providing Support to his battered torso. Myde was going to have a fit if he found out. Again. Milloe still found it hard to believe that after all these years someone turned up and was WORRIED for him. Oh there was the occasional worried glance and all but just out of the blue the Gothic water Neada Lert comes out and asks him if he's ok.

Ok, it might have something to do that he had just seen Milloe fall off the cliff that was behind the school. Well anyway Myde had gotten protective of him. Milloe had done his best to keep him mother unknowing about his new friend...but of course. Stupid little Milloe forgot to tell Myde not to call.

Of course Pansuke hated it when Milloe tried to keep something from her... No His mother hated him. Period.

“Milloe you little slut, get your ******** a** down here before I staple your stupid little ******** HEAD to the wall by your nose!” Milloe mewled in relief. It didn't seem she was to mad he came up here this time. He scampered down the stairs from the attic, not stairs exactly but his mother couldn't make it up them. He grabbed an old mug before he went down.

“S-sorry m-mother...I thought your wouldn't like this...erm...mug left up there...” he stared st his feet,waiting for the blows to come. She hit him over the head with a cookie sheet. Why? Because she could.

“Damn it you useless retard.” she shoved the dented cookie sheet at him and stalked out. Milloe grinned and rubbed his head. The Mug had been BRILLIENT! He only had an almost concussion this time! This morning was getting better and better! She had been in a bad mood this morning when she had woken up and he had thought she would at least get a bat out or something....Milloe shrugged. Today was the last day of summer! He was going into school again tomorrow! He's be free from the b***h for a whole 7 hours! He couldn't wait!


Myde waited nervously For the Pink fuzz-ball. He briefly wondered if his friend had made it though the summer. But of course. The little delta was how old? He didn't remember if he knew. He could surly survive one summer without having his mother rip the kid to pieces! Couldn't he? Myde had seen first hand (from the bushes of course) what the b***h did to Fuzzy (as he called Milloe). It was enough to give him the shivers to say the least.

Then there was the time he had called the little fuzz-ball. He had bribed an office aid last year to see if he even HAD a phone. He had called. Needless to say The lady on the other end had acted like Milloe didn't exist...but she sounded PISSED.

He stood by the steps while searching anxiously for a flash of pink hair, when his oh so pleasant brother Matsu came over.

“Hey...your boyfriend showed up yet?” Myde felt his eyebrow twitch. The Fuzz-ball was NOT his boyfriend.

“For the LAST time Matsu, Milloe is just a friend...and he's straight anyway.”...ok...Myde might have a few feelings for the kid...but seriously...Fuzzy was a delta for crying out loud! Myde wasn't abought to go rape some kid, because he was cute! “I'm worried about him is all.” Myde's voice dropped a few octaves. Matsu nodded. Myde had told him what he had seen from the bushes above Milloe's house. He was his twin. Myde told him everything.

They didn't dare invite him over after Milloe begged them not to call or ANYTHING over the summer,not after he had called and had the ruin in with the lady. That fuzz-ball was very brave...Myde had to give him that much. And so did Matsu, even though it chafed.

Matsu ran a hand in his hair and the scratched a horn that curved elegantly back from his fore head. “Well...Tell me if the punk lived or not. I'm gonna get to Class.” Myde sighed and let his scaly blue tail twitch in annoyance over his Idiot twin's bravado.

A few minutes after Matsu left Myde saw the Pink haired Fuzz-ball bound up, his tail flying though the air to whack him on the back of the head when he came to a stop.

“H-hey My-yde!!” he said grinning ear to ear. Myde flashed him a relieved smirk before turning to go into the school.

“hey Fuzzy.” Milloe stuck his tung out at him.

“I-i TO-OLD you to stop c-calling me tha-at! It's deme-eaning!” Sometimes it surprised Myde all over again how educated Fuzzy was. After all, he's in what grade, 10th? But he still looked like a 2nd grader.

“Your a delta Fuzz-ball, it's not.” Myde retorted back in his quiet voice as he studied Fuzzy's gait and searched the exposed skin for bruise. He was limping slightly,and he had a bruise over one eyebrow and he was stuttering worse than ever, but he seemed ok.

Milloe sighed his quiet sigh, and rubbed his temple. “And i-I'm old-d eno-ough to b-be... yo-ou.” he glanced up at Myde. “s-so r-respect your... p-peers!” Myde smirked, stuck his hands in his pockets and left for his class. Glad his blue hair his his face so Milloe couldn't see the relief hidden there.

“Later Fuzz-ball.” Milloe squeaked angrily. Man that kid was funny.


Milloe was ecstatic. Myde still liked him even after a summer of being ignored! He had thought that Myde was angry with him at first but he wasn't! He was simply checking him over to see if he was ok! It felt strange to be the center of attention, and not get beat for it. Of course, if Milloe told him about how old he was Milloe was sure that Myde would hate him. It was better to be thought of as a twerp, or Some smart delta. Those were good things...right?

Milloe went to computer class, pondering his friend. He could help but doubt Myde...after all, he was openly Bi. Not a single time in Milloe's 417 years of being a Delta could He remember having a real friend, no stings attached. He wasn't sure if he should start now.


Milloe Greatly enjoyed his first day of 10th grade. Even if it was like the 2nd time. He got to see all of his acquaintances (he didn't like to call them anything else after his mom threatened to kill all of his friends).

He got to see Matsu, the Red Neada and Myde's twin brother. He had grown about a foot over the summer and now truly towered over Milloe. His Scaled tail was longer and so were his elegant horns that curled away from his forehead.

He ,of course, got to see Myde. He was Matsu's identical twin. But Myde dyes his hair blue and had it in a emo cut. Where as Matsu had his natural red hair spiked back. Myde was lacking horns but his glistening blue Tail made up for it.

He was able to even squeeze time in to spy on Azami Tora for a few moments. Just to remind himself of how self confident she was and to long after that security. But he couldn't help but notice how her fur was thicker and how bright her eyes were as she chatted to her boy friend Laigon.

And what a day could it be without running into his favorite bully? Laigon. Milloe found the lion lert funny. Mostly because everything Laigon did didn't hurt all that much. Sure Laigon scared the s**t out of him (what didn't?),but Milloe could never quite smother the spark of amusement caused by Laigon's antics. And Laigon seemed to sense that. Needless to say the SIGHT of Milloe sent the lions tail twitching and off they went, Milloe running for his worthless life and Laigon Pounding after him screaming insults and threats.

Oh the joys of High school. Ritsuka Constantina was another thorn in his side. At lunch she walked straight up to Him and Myde and started yelling at Myde for not taking care of his boyfriend. Milloe was shocked and turned to Myde and said:

“Y-you ha-ave a bo-oyfrie-end?”

That got Ritsuka staring at him needless to say. Then she gave a small smile and turned to The stunned Neada lert. She started scolding him for making the poor delta so confused and twisting his morals. Milloe thought on this for a second and went pale. He shivered and gave Ritsuka a flat stare.

“I-'m n-not wh-h-or-rin-g m-my se-elf ou-ut...” Milloe gulped “I-i Fe-ell dow-wn t-the s-stairs.”

Ritsuka blinked. And blushed. “well...WHATEVER your doing...argh!” she stormed off. Milloe stared at his food for a moment and rubbed his arm. He had another bruise there from his mother's shoe. Why the hell would a full time whore have metal plated hiking boots?

Myde noticed this. “You have another one fuzz-ball?” Myde's soft voice startled him out of his revere.

Milloe stared at him for a second, almost panicking that Myde had figured out about his mother. But how could he? So Milloe forced his face into a innocent stare and shrugged. “I-it wa-as a b-big fl-light of sta-airs.” he looked away, aware of three pair of eyes on him. Laigons' (wanting to beat him up). Ritsuka (wanting to play shrink) and Myde's (wanting the truth). He thought Myde's was the hardest to bear, but he knew it was just his worthless imagination playing tricks on his worthless mind.

As it were, there was actually a new kid. It happened every once and a while, but not often enough not to be noted upon. She was kind of strange in Milloe's eyes. She was Hyper and very clumsy. Milloe couldn't wrap his head around that. How could she be so happy? Was she happy about being clumsy? Or was she Clumsy because she was so happy?

Another odd thing about her,she made friends with Milloe right off. Well, in HER eye's at least. It took more than being Bafflingly happy and Nice to make it to Milloe's treasured friends list (which Totaled with one.). Milloe was Friendly in return. Which only caused her to try to get arid of his stutterings one day.

“ oh c-mon Millo-puu! There's got to be a reason you talk like that!” Nadesiko Ring pestered. Milloe stared at her. He shook his head and turned back to Myde's broken computer. Myde had brought it to school in hopes that someone would try and fix it. (his brother had sat on it.). Milloe had of course volentered.

“what could be the reason? Hmm...i dunno...try singing everything.” Matsu promptly fell out his seat.

“no, trust me. His singing could be used as weapons of mass destruction!” Milloe blushed and hid his head in the computer. It had a cracked mother drive and he was attempting to sauder that back together (he didn't even know if that was possible). He ended up (against his better judgment) blocking everyone out and concentrated on the delicate job.

Needless to say Nadesiko thought he was ignoring her and poked his shoulder. Milloe yelped and next thing anyone knew he was clinging to the far end of the ceiling staring at the ringed lemur's stunned face. The saudering iron was clutched in his tail his wolf feet clawing the wooden beam and his fingers seemed glued to the ceiling, what's more? He was in shock. Myde couldn't help but chuckle.

“Fuzz-ball...your one special delta...” Myde couldn't stop his quiet chuckles. Matsu joined in, his rash laughter echoing off the walls.

Matsu walked over to the computer and pressed the power button. It turned on. “ FUZZY YOUR A MIRICAL WORKER!” Matsu cheered mostly glad that his twin wouldn't beat him up for sitting on his precious computer. Milloe blushed.

Nadesiko blinked. “Millo-puu...are you coming down?” everyone turned to stare at him.

“i-i'm...stuck...hyujj...” Milloe was staring at the ground, his face turning green. “an-nd i'm scar-red of hi-ights...” Myde yelped and ran over to help him down, berating himself for forgetting this fact.

they got him down and Nadesiko got the regular reprimand from Myde about scaring the fuzz-ball. Milloe protested. Nadesiko just pointed out that he wasn't stuttering so bad. Milloe went quiet for a bit while he made sure the mother board wasn't going o snap again.


Another new student joined their little group of miss fits. The group in question consisted of Milloe Roseada, Matsu Garr, Myde Garr, Ritsuka Constantina, Nadesiko Ring, and the new girl Jishka Drenada.

To Milloe th new girl wasn't so baffling. (mostly because he's already gotten used to the Hyper active lemur) the girl was Hyper, liked staring off into space, and ate the oddest things. But she was nice and had a habit of ruffling his hair. (even though he could of lived without that).

Jishka Drenada was a Linx/Falcon mix. She had linx ears, tail, and claws but had a falcons wings (which she used to glide, not fly) and eyesight (which was surprising because she had glasses, turns out she could see very far away but her eye's wouldn't focus on anything useful).


The first few months went off without a hitch. Milloe hiding bruises. Myde trying to protect Milloe while arguing himself blue (no pun intended) with Ritsuka. Laigon sneaking past Myde's line of defense and trying to beat Milloe to a pulp. Jishka and Nadesiko trying to keep EVREYONE'S spirits up. Milloe Spying on Azami Tora (at first envying her self confidence but within a few weeks stalking her just to stalk her). And above all, everyone scrambling to get their schoolwork done.

Milloe found out that Azami had very good eyesight a couple days after the first semester ended. She was walking after lunch. He spirited himself into a tree. She turned and glared at the tree.

“DAMN IT STOP STALKING ME!” Milloe squeaked and fell off his branch. A limb caught him across the stomach, then another across his back. Azami saw the whole thing. She was running over, an expression of horror painted across her face before The pink delta even hit the ground. He was on his feet and trying to run away as soon as he hit the ground with a surprisingly loud thud. She caught up to him before he took even five steps, asking him if he was ok.

“y-yea.” Milloe gulped. This was AZAMI TORA! She was asking him if he was ok! The only person he'd ever had do that before was Myde! “Tha-at hap-pen-ns a-alot” he gulped and rubbed his head.

“your...um...Mille...right?” Milloe shook his head.

“Milloe” he hated how childish his voice sounded. Seriously, it was only 20 feet up, why the hell did he sound so dazed?!

“Milloe...right, I'm Azami.” she smiled at him, he blinked. This was Laigon's girlfriend? How could some blundering idiot like Laigon hook someone like Azami?

“Ye-ea...yo-our in m-my Ele-ement cl-lass.” she blushed at not remembering something like that.

“Sorry...I don't remember seeing you...” she trailed off and Milloe laughed a bit.

“I-I'm u-usual-ly Hi-iding fr-rom Laigo-on” the bully was in the same class. Azami frowned,

“Hide from him? Why would you do that? Isn't it some Beta that he's alwase running after because the kid laughed at him?” Milloe stared. This was how Laigon was going out with the tiger Lert. He was dead out fibbing to her!

“no...tha-at's m-me...” Azami scowled at his stutered confession.

“You better not be lying to me, the Laigon I know would never hurt a delta...whether he was laughing at him or ...” she studied Milloe for a bit “But your not lying...” she stood up and seemed to remember something. “by the way...how the hell did you survive that fall?” Milloe blinked. He was hoping she wouldn't ask that.

“Lu-uky...i gu-uess..” Milloe never understood how he was the only one he knew that could take such damage and just walk away. His mother had learned long ago how to get past that little boost that he had that kept him from coming to harm. Hit harder. Hit with spiky metal things. Drop heavy objects. Bring 'friends' over to let THEM do what they willed with her useless son. Yes...Milloe Roseada, the Most unluckiest lucky person to ever exist. And his existence wasn't even worth it.

Azami gave him an odd look. “Well...don't climb so high next time...You can't alwase rely on luck Milloe...” she smiled at him and glanced up at the tree. “and next time...just come and walk with me...you seem like a good kid, I wouldn't mind the conversation.” she laughed “and i don't want to be taking you to the nurse with something broken...k?” Milloe nodded. Azami helped him up and they headed back inside. Milloe was so stunned he didn't notice the bush rustle and a lean winged figure sprinting twords the front door.


Jishka was almost bouncing as she careened around the corner to where her friends were waiting. “OI! Dunderheads! LISTEN!!!!” they all looked up at the blond haired Linx/falcon Lert. “Milloe fell out of a tree when Azami spotted him and they were talking!!!” Myde brightened

“really? Sweet! Gotta love gravity!...wait is fuzzy ok?” Matsu laughed at his brother's antics.

“you kidding?! That kids as good as invincible! Seriously nothing in this school could hurt him” Myde gave him a scathing look.

“your forgetting how he can cling to ceilings. Wolf feet or no wolf feet. You know how scared he is of hights.” Myde's quiet reminder made everyone turn to Jishka as she stood waiting for them to ask her.

Ritsuka growled. “How bad off is the fuzz-ball?”

Jishka rolled her eyes. “Fuzzy's fine, Matsu was right, that kid IS as good as indistuctable. But I'm saying that Azami likes him! She even told him to stop stalking her and just to come and talk to her!” Needless to say they all wore grins on their faces when they heard that news.

“What about Laigon?” that was Nadesiko “would he give up his pretend nice guy routine?” Jishka snorted.

“Milloe told her the truth, she believed him and now she's boiling on the inside just waiting to blow! I bet the next time she sees him she's gonna punch him.” no one decided to bet against her. Not even Matsu or Ritsuka.


Laigon was glowering. He had seen that little b*****d fall out of the tree, why the heck didn't that FREAK just roll over and DIE?! And whats worse? Azami had ran over to see if he was ok! His precious Azami! Talking to such a piece of trash like that Roseada kid. He knew what Pansuke, the slut's mother did for a living! s**t, it's mother was a WHORE!! If it wasn't bad enough that Laigon's own father was a regular 'client' he had to be faced with her Son every stinking DAY that he went to school! And what's worse? He knew his father was allowed to beat the snot out of the b*****d anytime he went in for his weekly 'session' with 'Dr. Roseada'. Laigon couldn't stand it. Someday he would KILL that punk, and his b***h of a mother to.


Milloe peered around the corner to his house. Checking to see if his mother had any clients. Coast clear. He snuck around the back and let himself into the basement window. He had stayed late at school and his mother would be mad. Mabey if he claimed that he had come home and gone to sleep.... No that wouldn't work. Stupid freak, His mother would KNOW he had stayed late...now she would know he had friends, she would hurt them.

Damn...mabey he could say he had detention...yes...her client had kept him up last night. Milloe skirted around the contents of the night before. Yes...he had fallen asleep in class and had after school detention.

Milloe sighed as he landed on the pile of skavanged blankets that he used as a bed. What a dumb idea. His mother would see right though his puny lies. Creator help him he was so useless. He was so dumb, and his life was worth absolutely nothing. He considers running away, or suiciding...His mother alwase found him (and beat him bad) when he ran away. And he had yet to find a way to kill himself that worked.

Milloe's tail snaked up and wrapped around his bag and puled it down after him. Milloe sat down on a stool he had filched from the neighbor's trash and studied his tail. It was a gerbil tail, three times as long as Milloe was tall. It had a poof on the end and sometimes Milloe wondered if it didn't have a mind of it's own. He moved his dispirited gaze down to his feet. He had white wolfs feet. He waggled his toes and sighed. At least he didn't have to buy shoes... he stood and glanced up at the mirror his mother had broken it on his head when he was about 300 or so. He had glued the pieces to a piece of wood and propped it against the wall. Milloe's lean, broken image reflected back at him. His tail laying at his feet like a faith full hound. His feet seeming to belong on someone more...well, MORE. His gaze swept up along his ruffled clothes. His long jeans, his battered white jacket, and his dark turtleneck sweater. He wasn't allowed to go with his neck/arms/and legs uncovered. And Creator punish him if he tried to take off his shirt where someone could see him. He Hated his mother, but he wouldn't do anything to get her in trouble. She fed and clothed him. Provided a shelter for him to live in. It was more than he deserved. His gaze reached his face and Milloe sighed. That Skinny face with eerily green eyes. And of course his shockingly Pink hair, that ended with white tips no matter how much his mother sawed it off the ends alwase bleached themselves out.. It hung in his eye's and he had to swipe it out. To look at his eyes.

He looked so different from his mother. She had light pink eye's and a round face. Her hair was a pure soft pink. Her pink cat ears and tail were a slightly darker shade of pink and her skin was flawless. Milloe scowled. How could such a weak looking creacher be so strong? The only way he looked like his mother was that he had pink coloring. Not even the same shade. She was a pure bred feline. And he was a freak. He spun from the mirror, and padded to his stash of food. It wasn't much but it was something. He grabbed a pack of crackers and fled to the bathroom, it was up stairs, on the third floor. He turned on the shower, wondering why his mother hadn't heard his soft footsteps and was throwing insults after him. He sat down on the rug and ate his crackers.


Pansuke's eye's shifted nervously as she searched for the address. Her stupid son had been acquiring a backbone, finally. Her instructions from her Mistress were clear. Beat him into the ground, and when he stands up for himself in any way Make contact with one of her mistresses minions. She knocked on the door of the run down apartment. A silvery eye peered though a crack in the door.

“ah..the cat b***h” a horse voice was slightly muffled by the door. Pansuke bristled slightly but didn't say anything as the door opened and the Old Bat lert let her into the room. She didn't know his name and didn't want to know. She stepped in and made her report. It was time.


Milloe grew wary as his mother didn't come back that night...or the next. He didn't dare break the rules. And he grew paranoid by his mothers absence. Her clients showed up. They didn't care that she wasn't there. His mind skiped. And he started thinking about going to the store to buy food. He knew exactly what he should and shouldn't buy...but Pansuke hated it when he did things without his permission. As the third day came to an end, he grabbed a wad of cash and went to the store to replenish the pantry.

His mother was back when he returned. She was livid that he had spent money but covered it up. Instead, she took the groceries put them in the kitchen, grabbed his arm roughly and dragged him into the living room. Milloe was glad he had kept the place clean. They had a visitor.

It was his aunt. His mothers elder sister. She was a blood red Jaguar. With Black markings. She had piercing violet eyes and was dressed in all black. Milloe had a wary respect for her. He had faint memories of his aunt from his childhood. They were all pleasant. She looked just as fearful as he remembered. But he felt himself brighten. This was the woman who had given him chocolate, and picked him up when he was just learning to walk. And Corrected his childish speech problems.


Milloe's 'Aunty Kaosu' studied him carefully. What had the whore done to him that made him STILL a delta after all these years? He should be a alpha by now. He stared at her his initial fear was replaced with wary pleasure. He remembered her from his first few years. His tail picked itself off the floor, where it had been coiled at his feet, and it's fluff floated about even with his ear. it waved slightly and Kaosu had a sudden feeling that he had no conscious control over what it did.

Kaosu calmed herself and smiled at the boy. “ Milloe! Such a pleasure!” Milloe shuffled his feet and a lost look came across his face. “Pansuke, be a dear would you and fetch something to eat would you?” Pansuke blinked and nodded.

“Yes...sister.” the whore darted off and Kaosu's keen ears caught the sounds of rummaging coming from the kitchen.

“So Milloe! Have a seat, and how have you been?” The boy padded to a seat and glanced up at her. Her breath froze in her though for an instant at his fathers eye's stared out of his face, except it wasn't right. They were broken. Shattered. But Life still dwelt there.

“G-good. I-I'm in th-he te-ent-th gr-rade...Ag-gain.” Kaosu frowned at the stutter. The whore had done a crude job with him. He was terrified of everything, to the point he stopped knowing he felt afraid. “um...” he trailed off and stared at the floor. His tail was wagging slightly waving at her and the boy brought a hand up to push it down once it tried to tickle his ear.

Kaosu swiped the frown off her face and let a conspiratorial smile come across her face. “Perfect! I've Just applied to be an Elements teacher at the local school!” Milloe's head snapped up, surprise written across his face, Kaosu was reminded suddenly of the expression on his fathers face when she...no keep your mind on the boy. Kaosu nodded.

The smell of smoke entered the room, Milloe sprung up and raced into the kitchen. Where his mother had tried to cook. Kaosu followed in time to see Milloe haul his mother out and smother the flames with plants he called and water he had summoned. Pansuke was unconscious and the kitchen looked like a a jungle. Kaosu was impressed that the Delta could control the elements while dragging his mother out. Of course it probably would have been easier to just banish the flames. But he had done it his own way.

Kaosu sent the plants and water back to where they had been before the child had disturbed them. The water went easily...but the plants fought her, viciously. Milloe raised his head and watched as the water fled. But the plants were writhing. He stroked a leaf and the kitchen slowly returned to normal. Kaosu watched with interest. He hadn't commanded them, he had asked them, like they understood him. They had obeyed the request. The boy just kept getting more and more interesting. She had first thought that her plans had failed when he was still a delta, and he was stuttering. But he controlled water and plants with a talent that she found hard to criticize. Though he was probably bad with fire.


Milloe got to school the next day in a daze. Myde was worried, and Milloe's acquaintances were concerned. By lunch the Daze had worn off Myde sat next to him and Milloe poked him. Myde blinked at him and asked .

“Ready to tell us why your acting like a zombie today?” Milloe blushed.

“my aunt is going to be our new element teacher.” Myde paled. If His aunt was anything like his mother... wait...He hadn't stuttered.

“Milloe! Your stutter ...” Myde trailed off and he put a hand against Fuzz-ball's forehead checking for a fever. Milloe blinked.

“hu-uh?” Myde sighed it was a freak acedent.

“you told me your aunt was going to be out new elements teacher...and you didn't stutter when you said it...” Myde shook his head and removed his hand, “never mind” Milloe felt his own forehead and shrugged before he returned to his school lunch. Myde was still fascinated how the kid could actually EAT the school lunches and not die of food poisoning sometime.


The old Elements teacher had been fired for smoking when he was teaching, The prinsable had thought he would never find a new teacher. But Miss Roseada had appeared, quite literally, out of no where. She had agreed to be the new teacher, she had passed the exam with flying colors.

She also scared the s**t out of him.

She started work Monday.


It was Sunday. CHaos had found a hotel and no longer had to sleep in the guest room that Pansuke never cleaned. Pansuke found her cheeks heat with a blush as she remembered her Mistresses raised eyebrow. Pansuke was so embarrassed. She had housed her Mistress and Lady in a dirty and dusty room. She was going to beat her son for not remembering. That b*****d should have reminded her! The part of her that wanted to comfort her son protested that he didn't know. She shoved that voice back into it's hole. She was Pansuke Roseada, and she followed her Mistresses orders flawlessly. She would not disobey her Lady's orders because some part of her wanted to PROTECT the stupid punk. She shook her head violently, and went to greet her client Mr. Ahondara.


Milloe peeked into his elements class that Monday morning. He had no doubts that Laigon would be mad today. He had said hi to Azami and ran when he spotted the lion lert. He had seen the hatred in his brown eyes before Milloe had fled.

He stepped cautiously into the stone courtyard that formed the class. His aunt was writing on the chalk board that consumed one wall and didn't notice him as Milloe slipped into the back of the class. Into the seat that was hidden from most of the class. Azami glanced towards it when she entered. She smiled at him but did nothing more. Laigon followed her in before Milloe had a chance to feel hurt. Laigon searched for him but he hid himself. Today was the first day his aunt was teaching. The class didn't know what she was at the moment, but they saw the 'Miss Rosada' writing on the board. Whispers started, Milloe heard a rumor that it was his MOTHER. Milloe almost laughed. If it was his mother up there...Milloe didn't want to think about it.

Myde told people that it was Milloe's Aunt, not his mother. The rumors still flew.

Once the bell rang, 'Miss Roseada' turned and a visible shiver ran though the class. All talking stopped dead as her cold Violet eyes searched the class. Milloe waved a bit and she nodded at him.

“Hello Class. My name is Miss Roseada. I will be your new Elements teacher.” Laigon wasn't paying attention. He had spotted Milloe and was glaring at him. Just waiting for a chance to pummel him. “ Mr. Ahondara. I would Prefer it if you looked at me and not My Nephew. Though I'm sure he could teach one like you. I am the one chosen to teach this class.” he cold voice made Laigon jump as she was standing over his desk. Laigon looked afraid. Milloe blinked, he knew his aunt cared for him...but to actually try and save him from Laigon? Even though she had only made it worse, for he would surly seek him out and take revenge for his embarrassment, Milloe was touched by the gesture.

All heads swiveled to the small delta in the back of the class, Milloe tried to dissapear.

“Class. This is the advanced Placement for those who have the gift of controlling the elements. I would have hoped that if i warned one of you I would have warned you all.” the temperature dropped and a mini whirlwind apeared as she held out her palm. “I am supposed to teach you how to battle, and defend yourself.” the whirlwind transformed into a blade of ice. And she swung it, Cutting a lock off of Matsu's spiked hair. “ I am supposed to keep you from Killing yourself or anyone else because your too inept to make the elements Bend to your will.” a ball of flame apeared in her hand and a Fire Lizard uncurled and stared at the class, it's bright blue eye's glaring at the class. The lizard jumped off and landed on the concrete floor, it was suddenly swelteringly hot. And every where the Lizards steped fire blazed in it's path. “Now... Milloe Put the fire out.” Milloe jumped as the fire spread, his class mate's scrambled out of the way of the deadly fire. He paled at the lizard darted twords him. Milloe yelped and ran, Plants sprung up in his tracks, and water gushed from the floor, He smothered the fire, and the lizard was running for it's life, it's ran to it's summoner and she returned it to where it had been summoned from. Milloe stared at the forest that now was the courtyard. Kaosu nodded.

“Now fix the room, Milloe” the Little delta shivered. Myde frowned. Returning the elements was something your didn't learn until you were a senior! That was over 24 years away! Azami frowned and they traded glances. But Milloe let a shaking hand touch the nearest tree and with a grown of complaint the tree shrunk and calm spread from him in waves. The water remained. Milloe frowned and bit his lip and the water seeped away until it was just as dry as it was when the student's arrived that morning. The cement floor was in ruins.

“Milloe, can you not fix the floor?” he shook his head, he was sweating and he swayed from exhaustion.

“Ca-an't-...ea-ar-th wo-on't-t O-ob-bey me-e” he shuddered and limped over to his seat. He sat down, shuddering. Kaosu nodded and taped her foot, the floor lept into place like a trained dog.

“very well, you ARE only a delta. Now class. Have I made my point?” the class nodded in unison, stunned. “Good. You would do well to heed my words. For you won't find another teacher quite like me. Now. Laigon, what is the core of fire and how do you tame it?” Laigon jumped and he let the answer slide of his toung before he though about it. Myde looked worriedly at Milloe the delta was exhausted.

He Wondered about the Fuzz-ball's power. He couldn't do that with Water! And he was a Water Neada! He knew that Milloe got an A in this class, but he didn't relies how far ahead the Delta was. Now he was exhausted, he relished that the gerbil tailed lert was sleeping. He saw Miss Roseada study Her nephew while she was testing her new charges knowledge. She frowned, as if she expected him to be bright eye's and perky. Something wasn't right here. Myde could smell it. He glanced over at Ritsuka and she met his gaze, a troubled frown on her usually obnoxious face, He wasn't alone in his thinking.


Milloe was exhausted, he slept right though the rest of his elements class. A gentle hand woke him. He jumped and looked up in fright. His aunt was standing there. A gleam of pride shone in her eye. He looked about discreetly and found the class empty.

“I'm sorry I pushed you so hard Milloe. I know how well you are doing in this class and I wanted to see you control plants again.” she sighed. “you really are quite a natural at this. I'm sorry, I should have returned the water my myself.” she knelt next to his desk. “Though I can't return any plant you summon.” she smiled at this. “ They fight me, they love you Milloe, Your Plants Love you! It's so wonderful to see you controlling them with only your mind.” she bid him to stand. “Come on, I'll take you to the nurses office and have you excused for the rest of the day. You need your rest.” her gaze turned sad. “I'm sorry i pushed you so hard...It was wrong of me. Will you Forgive me Milloe?” her gaze turned anxious. Milloe was stunned. She was so sincere!

“I-it's o-ok...” Milloe cursed his shaking voice. He smiled at her, a small tired and sad smile. Se smile back, Milloe told himself the gleam in her eye that flashed for less than a second was relief.


Kaosu was brooding on the boy. She Knew he had held back in the classroom, and had been all the more exhausted for it. The boy had more potential than she could remember seeing...except in the boys damn father. Hopefully with the right training Milloe would surpass his Father.

A quiet knock sounded on the door Kaosu frowned, she had put the Do not disturb sign on the door.

She had a guest.

She stood and sent a tendril of air to the door to open it. Milloe stood there looking ready to pee his pants.

“s-sor-ry Au-unt-t... I-i was wo-onder-rin-ng I-if I-i cou-uld sp-pend th-he night...” he blushed and staired at his feet, ready to be turned away. Kaosu smiled.

“Of course! It would be a pleasure, Come on in Milloe.” Milloe's eye's widened in shock for a moment before he took a hesitant step in.

“Yo-our su-ure?” Kaosu sighed at the boys hesitant voice.

“Yes Milloe, I'm sure...do you have something to sleep in?” Milloe's tail stiffened then snaked around the corner and came into view before Milloe had a chance to turn and fetch his bundle. He stared at his tail for a moment then took the bundle. Kaosu let a smile of amusement light on her face. The boy really had very little conscious control over his gerbil like tail. “Very well, come on in.” the boy slunk in, it was clearly a habit to try and not draw attention. Kaosu heard his stomach mutter. Milloe blushed a small bit but just put his bundle on the bed. He sat down gingerly on the floor. Kaosu had read his avoidance of the bed. Internally she frowned, What had that cat b***h done to cause that? Surly she wouldn't let her clients at him? Or do something like that herself...would she?

Kaosu pretended to check the time, it was almost 8 o'clock. “Milloe, i haven't had Dinner yet, How about we go and Find something other than my sister's cooking?” Milloe blinked up at her, he was confused for about half a second.

“like a-a...re-estrau-unt?” Kaosu nodded and Milloe got up, Kaosu detected a slight limp, but wasn't able to tell what it was from. The kid was decent at hiding his wounds, and the cloths he wore hid the rest.

“ Where would you like to go?” Milloe shrugged. Kaosu knew he didn't know of any, But she wasn't about to let that information slip. “Hmmm...how about that Human based one just down the street?” Milloe nodded. Kaosu picked up her room key and led Milloe to the Restraunt.


Buranku, the great creator, woke from his dreaming. The elements were stirring. He moved from his sleeping chambers to his work room. His Creation , Earth, was restless.

He wondered briefly if His first creation , The one named CHaos, was causing trouble again. It had been Many years since she had tried to overpower him.

All over again he berated himself on the making of such a powerful living being. She was not stronger than he, but she was as tricky as a weasel alwase twisting words and actions into what she wanted. She'd hid in the shadows and pull the strings like a master puppeteer. Her pawns dancing to her tune.

A quiet knock sounded, he senced Mori was waiting for him. She was One of the few Lerts that had grown so powerful that He had granted immortality to. She is an Omega, and 13,010 years old.

“You may enter, Mori.” His thoughts rippled the air briefly and the Butterfly Lert steped into the room.

“My lord Buranku, There is a disturbance.” Mori wore a troubled frown. “Iwa wants to discuss this.” Buranku nodded.

“ I will be there shortly.” He Mindspoke to the gentle Butterfly Lert, and she left to inform the other waiting Omega's.

Buranku Did not speak as the Lerts and humans did, he had no use for words. His Mindspeech let his thoughts enter the minds of others. That was how he communicated. He studied the map of the world. It changed acording to earth. There was a warping in the Lerts town of Yoeka, Buranku frowned. His view of the area was fading, the map was blurring. SOMETHING was at work here. Even Buranku's mind did not come up with an answer. CHaos did not have the power to do this. Not alone anyway, and who would support one such as her?


After his aunt had arrived Pansuke stoped beating Milloe, stoped leting her clients go at him. She still made his life miserable, but in small petty ways.

Milloe knew this was because of his aunts presence. He was ever more grateful to her with every passing day. His broken ribs had the chance to heal. And within a year (1/8th of the way though his sophomore year) He wasn't in pain when he moved. It felt strange, It made him daring. He snuck out to chat with Myde and his brother Matsu. For exceedingly long periods of time. He was the teachers pet in his elements. He learned to conquer his terror of fire and was able to learn control over it.

His aunt taught them to defend them selfs, and attack, by putting them in pairs. After Milloe got used to this (it took a while) he won fight after fight. Kaosu soon paired him with herself, after the students refused to let the delta kick their collective asses. Myde and Azami were the only one's who won against him. That was only because he didn't want to hurt them.

Milloe was scared that the class would get angry at him and beat him up...but his aunt wouldn't let him do less than his best.

Myde looked at Ritsuka in frustration. “i know. Believe me your not the only one who smells something fishy.” Ritsuka Bristled, lightning crackled though her fur

“It's not fishy, oh great and all knowing Myde. It's...just foul.” Ritsuka glowered at The Neada lert, who glared right back.

“Not fowl? Oh so clever fox?” Ritsuka smirked.

“Nice comeback oh scaled one.” Myde sighed hers wasn't much better but they had gotten off subject again.

“Were off subject smart a**.” Myde continued before the thunder fox could reply to that particular subject. “Somethings not right with Milloe, I know that he seems to be doing better than ever...but, Ritsuka, As i said before somethings NOT RIGHT.” Ritsuka was nodding.

“And i told you before, i agree with you...I think it has something to do with his aunt.” Myde looked at her in surprise.

“His aunt? Why would...” he trailed off thinking about how the change started when his aunt started teaching...or even before that when Milloe was in a daze for half a day. “you might have something...” Ritsuka smirked.

“well duh.” Myde stiffened. Gods she was such an a**!

Before Myde could tell her how much of an a** she was Milloe came in, followed by Jishka and Nadesiko. They were tickling him and he was almost crying because he was laughing so hard.

“ST-TOP!!! PLEASE, JU-UST STO-OP!” he squealed and tried to run away again, yet he was grinning when they tackled him. “HAHAHAHA! JISHK-KA! STOP IT! AHH! NADESIK-KO! PLEASE!!! I CAN'T BRE-EATHE!” he started wheezing, but he was still laughing so hard his face was a bright red color. They finally stopped tickling him and leaned back, broad grins on both their faces. Watching as Milloe tried to calm his giggling. He mock glared at them. “Wh-hat was tha-at for?!” he demanded.

Myde relised that they hadn't noticed him and Ritsuka yet. So he cleared his throught. Milloe yelped. Jishka and Nadesiko jumped a bit and Ritsuka started laughing..

“wow you dopes are oblivious!” Myde sighed.

“Ritsuka you are such an a**.” she growled at him and tried to tackle him. She never made it past his spiked tail. “And i am so not letting you tickle me, tackle me, and/or punch me. So forget it.” she pouted. Milloe giggled at the look on her face.

“wow...hey an-nyone got som-mething to ea-at?” Jishka giggled and tossed him a package of Pocky. He laughed and caught it with his tail. Myde noticed that his hand had came up to catch it also and laughed.

Milloe glanced questioningly at him. “Hyujj?” Myde smiled at him.

“erm, sorry Millo-puu, you just have that tail of your very well trained.” Milloe looked confused, but shrugged it off.


CHaos snarled at Divad, “YOU FOOL! You were supposed to Keep him from spotting us!” The wolf lert trembled, he had done his best!

“Sorry Mistress! I clouded his map, that was the only thing i could do!” CHaos hissed at him.

“You're even more foolish than i thought! Buranku watches that map closer than a miser watches his money!” Chaos could hardly Believe it, Divad usually thought things over before he acted. The Sselevol tribe were her most faithful servants! Could Nad Be plotting against her? no...His mate Nylriam didn't have the guts for it... Rehpotsirhc, It had to be that mangy mut. He had too much of his Father in him.

She studied Divad for a moment, he was trembling against the wall, sure he was going to die. She saw the truth in his Yellow/silver eyes. He had only been following orders. She smiled a terrible smile. “Where is your...lovely brother my dear Divad?”

Rehpotsirhc had made a mistake. He dared cross her when he had a mate. And of course a brother who knew where his loyalties should lay If he wanted to live.

Stupid muts.


Divad stumbled back into his house. Rehpotsirhc leapt to his feet. “Divad, what happened?” Divad trembled.

“I'm so sorry...she knew...she KNEW!” he almost screamed the last word and he shuddered violently. “She started asking about you...” Divad felt shame burn his cheeks. “I ...I think she spelled me...” Rehpotsirhc growled.

“Damn her...” He stared at his younger brother. He had been Chaos's favorite. Rehpotsirhc had been stupid in thinking that she wouldn't watch him as closely. Divad bit his lip.

“she made me tell her where Anitsirhc is.” Rehpotsirhc snarled. She was going to go after his mate.

Rehpotsirhc studied his brother. “we need a new master.” Divad paled and they heard a gasp from the doorway. Their sister, Adnama had heard.

Adnama stared at her brothers. She forced her face into a mask. “I'm coming with you.” they glanced at each other. She growled, “Just because I'm a delta does NOT mean I like that witch!” Seriously it wasn't like she herself didn't have a bunch of friends that hated CHaos as much as she did. “And we could use your guy's help wreaking havoc on her reign anyway. My friends and I aren't strong enough to...” she trailed off as their mouth's fell open in shock. She glanced behind her. No one their. “what?” Rehpotsirhc stood up shakily.

“just how many people are in your ...group?” Adnama relaxed. Was that all they were worried about.

“what did you think you were the only one's without brains? Most of the delta's and a few others...well...only about 50 total....but there is this big beam that we haven't been able to tackle, it if you guys can help collapse it we get a diversion so we can escape.” she grined. “all of us.”

Her brothers nodded. “ok...take us to your leader!” Divad joked. Adnama stared at him.
“smart one...i AM the leader.” Rehpotsirhc and Divad choked.


Milloe was stalking. But not Azami this time. Nope...this was for fun. He was stalking Myde, Myde had challenged him, Myde would try and find Milloe, Milloe tried not to be seen.

Milloe was happy, Myde had almost seen him twice already. Myde was really good at this. Milloe however was used to having his life depend on whether or not he could hide from his mother until her anger cooled.

Now using this trick against Myde, he was amazed at how much better his mother was than his friend. 'course his mother had 417 years on Myde.

Milloe himself was now 419. a quarter of the way though his Sophomore year. He had known Myde for 2 years...and his aunt for 1.

Myde spun around and Milloe found himself with earth seeping up around his legs, Milloe leapt up into the tree's and Myde came over to investigate. He saw the churned up tracks where Milloe had kicked himself free and growled.

“Milloe! Not fair, i had you!” Milloe moved a plant on another side of the clearing, making a rustle. Myde swung towards it and Milloe slipped away, quiet as a shadow. “How can someone with pink fur HIDE like that” Myde's voice echoed slightly in the tree tops dense foliage. Milloe Giggled, and the chase began again. Myde tracking him and Milloe teasing him from just out of sight.

Myde was disgruntled, he was the best tracker in his class! Yet he could hardly stay within 100 feet of the delta! It didn't help much that Milloe was TOYING with him. Myde maneuvered the delta into a canyon. Milloe relised to late that their were no plants here. The plants hid him, automatically hiding him from view. Myde saw a flash of pink hair.

“Spotted!” Myde triumphant shout echoed down the ravine. He had seen Milloe, finally!

“AWWW!!! Myde?! what'd ya do tha-at for?” Myde rounded the corner to see a pouting Milloe sitting in the dust. Myde let a small smile cross his face. He brushed back his Long-ish blue hair away from his face and crossed his arms.

“Your tail.” Myde informed him. Milloe groaned.

“Damn it!” Milloe poked his tail, which was hanging slightly, seeming to hang it's 'head' in shame. Myde was used to Milloe's mild cursing by now, ever since his aunt had stepped into he picture he had become more social. He stuttered over a word now and again. He was still afraid of most things. But he was now best friends with the Bi goth Neada lert (Myde), the Blue tiger lert (Azami) and the the thunder fox (Ritsuka). Jishka had moved, and Nadesiko was grounded, but still a good friend. Myde had gotten taller, growing into his Beta growth, his voice had deepened. He could now successful pull of the moody emo kid act. Azami had forcefully dumped Laigon and now was ( in Myde's eyes) making overtures at Milloe. She...well she'd Grown up. She could call herself a Beta and no one would challenge her, that's for sure. Milloe hadn't changed. Not by a single HAIR. Sure, he was happy and Myde knew he wasn't scared of his Mother anymore. Mostly because his aunt had adopted him.

Just remembering made Myde's blood run cold. Milloe had forgotten to tell his mom where he was going one night. When he came back she beat the living daylights out of him. He had been unconscious for almost a day. Even after Kaosu had healed him. Pansuke had been sent to jail. But she had dissapered before her hearing.

“Hey..Myde?...you ok?” Milloe's worried voice broke though his revery. Myde Blinked.

“huh? Yea, I'm fine, just thinking.” he grinned at Milloe and they started walking back to Milloe's house. Myde was spending the night. His aunt had bought a house while she was teaching their sophmore year. Actually she had bought Pansuke's old house, claiming she didn't want to uproot Milloe. Myde hadn't liked that, surly that house held more bad memories than what moving would do to him?

He shook himself out of his thoughts, and trotted off down the road, his tail twitching. Milloe laughed and they started racing back up the hill that led to Milloe's house. Tomarow was Myde and Matsu's 300th birthday, he knew he was only at Milloe's house because they were planing a 'surprise party' for him. Matsu was at some obscure friends house.

Matsu was great friends with Milloe, but he never even talked about his other r friends around the delta, Myde knew they were jocks and hated Milloe for making Azami dump Laigon. So in his own was Matsu was protecting him, even if Milloe didn't understand.

“Are you coming in or gonna stand the-re all day?” Milloe grinned as Myde jumped.

“Sorry Fuzzy...i seem to be in a habit of daydreaming today...” milloe shruged, indicating it was cool. A thought struck Myde.

“Hey fuzzy?” Milloe turned, puzzled “When is your birthday?” Myde watched as Milloe's face froze. It wasn't a 'Oh crap...i forgot' look, it was more of a 'oh s**t, I'm dead' look.

“...erm...i forgot...c-mon, Aunt made cookies!” Myde Blinked. His aunt never cooks...and why did Milloe react like that?

Wait...his aunt made COOKIES?!?! “COOKIES?!?!” Myde's startled yelp made Milloe grin sheepishly.

“Yea...she told me she'd have some when we got back...” Milloe stood on his tip toes and poke Myde int eh forehead. “race ya!”


Adnama took a deep breath to calm her nerves, even after so many times of speaking to her 'generals' she still felt like there were butterfly's swarming in her gut. Her blond tail twitched. She glanced at the door where her brother's were waiting. They couldn't come in yet, the others would think they had been found out. After all, Divad was one of CHaos's favorites. Yet the sight of Rehpotsirhc should calm their nerves...he was a bit of a rebel...but not as heavily built as Divad, clearly not a fighter.

Adnama raised her hand for silence. The group consisted of 3 delta's and 4 beta's. They quieted, they stared at her, Adnama smiled wanly at her supporters.

“I've managed to find some friends, they want HER gone just as much as we do, if not more..” a red furred Tiger Beta lert stood up.

“Are you talking about the Sselevol clan that deserted years ago?” Adnama shook her head.

“No, but i must tell you that you can trust both of them with your lives.” that cause some un-easy murmurings.

The golden cat lert named, Redoukl blinked. “Does that mean you wouldn't trust us enough to trust them? It's not like we can't smell them though the door.” At that Adnama heard a quiet chuckle from her brothers.

“NO! It's just one of them might make you a bit uneasy...” she sighed “Alright, come on in.” Rehpotsirhc stepped though first. The delta's and beta's found themselves staring at his waist as he stepped though the door. An awkwerd silence descended on the group. Rehpotsirhc stepped out of the was and then the group saw Divad.

“you can't be serious!” Redoukl snarled. “ that's Divad! Chaos's PET!” Adnama growled at her.

“He's my brother b***h.” another awkwerd silence filed the room. Adnama calmed herself then smiled at her brothers. “ Both of them are. My brother's didn't know i already had a group together...And i wasn't sure where their loyalties lie before, but now i know that they are trustworthy. I trust them both with my life, and in doing so i trust them with yours.” Redoukl and the others gasped.

“why do you get to be the one who dictates whether we live or not!” Adnama sighed and held her head in her hands.

“ Because you were the ones who chose me. I am NOT a people person...and yet you chose me to lead you, I hate talking to people and you chose me to give speeches to our 'troops'. Trust me a bit will ya?” she besheeched them, her blue eye's shinning with tears. “ i may not like my job, but i HATE CHaos. I will o anything to see her fall with the least amount of bloodshed possible. So shut the ******** up and do as i say.” she blinked. Her brothers were staring at her.

“Adnama? I don't think I've heard you curse that much since Nerual left.” Adnama glared at Divad, who was smirking, his odd yellow eye's glowing with mischief.

“...grr” she huffed and stood up. “Ok...now that we've all had our freak out session. How about we begin?” Adnama felt pleased when she got nodds of agreement from evreyhead.


Buranku was deep in thought as he flew down the hall. Long ago he decided that the clouding of his map was a message, and not from CHaos. He was flying to an ally's home. Tam Sselevol, he had family in CHaos's clutches, mabey he had gotten word from them. He knew that they were going to rebel, he just didn't know when.

“Tam Sselevol, I must Speak with you.” he sent his message ahead of him. He glidd into the clearing where the house was located, just as Tam was opening the door to great him.

“My lord! What's wrong?” Buranku blinked, so CHaos's minion's hadn't told them anything.

“Your Family in CHaos's dominion is restless, I believe one of them tried to send me a message, I did not understand before but i do now. I have deduced that the forces that answer only to CHaos is at work in the town that is called Yoeka. Have you gained any information from them?” Tam shok his head saddly.

“No, my lord Buranku. I havn't heard anything from then since we joined you. I am sorry.” Buranku nodded.

“I merely ask you to keep your eye's open and your sences alert, Please send me anyword you might receive. May the road you travel be short and your rest peaceful.” With that Tam bowed to him and Buranku, the great creater. Went back home. Still pondering on the message.


Milloe floped down onto the grass behind myde's house. Myde was getting close to knowing about Milloe's age, Milloe was having trouble stalling him. After all Myde could only be distracted by so many cookies. Myde was really smart...and not willing to acually find out, Milloe pondered that, he was digging for the answer...but he knew that he didn't want to know. Milloe felt his stomach clench with dread as he imagined Myde's reaction. Would it be disgust? Would Myde think that Milloe was worth nothing? Would His best friend hate him?

“What's wrong Milloe!” Myde's worried voice sounded from the door, Myde padded over and sat down next to Milloe. Milloe saw his green eye's peering out of his blure hair, his red roots were showing again, Myde would dye it soon.

“Ah...nothing Myde-san” Milloe tried to smile. “just thinking.”Myde grunted and laid back next to Milloe.

“Good, i don't like it when your sad...” Myde trailed off and with a grin turned to look at Milloe. “Your too scary, you make the clouds cry when you're sad.” Milloe's eye twitched. What the heck?

“Myde-san...your ok right...no fever or anything?” Myde glared.

“Very funny fuzz-ball” Milloe sighed. Would Myde EVER stop calling him my that name?

“Hey...Millo-puu?” Milloe peered at Myde, he was staring at the clouds. “your not...” Myde sighed and sta up. “your not the normal age are you?” Milloe stiffened, Myde saw this and an agreved look came acrost his face. “Milloe, how old ARE you?!” Myde's voice seemed to echo, Milloe felt his eye's go wide and jumped to his feet. He felt himself hyperventalating. Myde KNEW... Milloe turned to run but Myde's hand on his arm stoped him.

“Please Milloe...I think I need to know....” Myde's voice was soft, but to milloe it seemed to have a hidden meaning.

“Le-et me-e GO-O!” Milloe stuttered wail DID echo and Milloe broke Myde's grasped and raced home. Kaosu...Aunt Kaosu would know what to do.


Myde stared after his friend in shock. Milloe sounded so...desolate. Myde's heart clenched, something was wrong. Seriously wrong.

Ritsuka raced out to find out why milloe was yelling, only to see a shocked Myde staring after Milloe. “myde! What happened?!” Myde turned to her.

“he...ran away...i asked him like you told me to...Ritsuka...what do we DO?!!”Myde sat hevily. “He ran away from e...Ritsuka...he's never done that...he was terrified...” Ritsuka saw his shoulders slump.

“It's ok...we'll find him...k? C-mon, he's probly home by now.” She helped him up and they started jogging to Milloe's house.


Kaosu listened intently as Milloe told her what had happened. So the brats had figured out that milloe wasn't what he seemed huh?

She knelt next to the boy. “Milloe, don't worry...I won't let them hurt you.” THAT made Milloe look up, terrified.

“H-hurt?” Kaosu let her face fall into a cool mask.

“Yes, if your so called 'friends' have figured it our, the government surly has.” Milloe went pale as a sheet. “In fact the Government probly told them to capture you, no wonder why the've asked you to go to so many houses...they were trying to let you not get suspisiouse!” Kaosu watched in delight as the fear in his face turned to shock...then anger.

Kaosu put a hand on his shoulder. To the spot where a scar was. She had put it there the day he had been born, it wan'st an ordinary scar. It was a curse. It activated under her hands like a dog to it's master. She saw Milloe's face twist into hatred. For his friends. Kaosu felt her soul quake, he looked So much like his father. Buranku.

“Milloe, My nephew. Come, were leaveing...we need to leave before your 'friends' get you.” Milloe's flaming green eyes studied her for a moment. “Not to wory, they will be punnished.” he nodded and obediently pedded upstairs to pack.

Once he left the room Kaosu's legs collapsed. The curse mark let her control him, or should have. She could only control his emotions, and suggest what to do. The effort had left her trembling. Kaosu paled.

Any other creature would have been killed. Buraku's son was too strong to be completely controled. Not unless he trusted that person entirly.

Kaosu blinked, this ment he DID trust her; a lot if that was anything to go by. She stood up and went to pack her own things.


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