A true boyfriend
He Will:
• Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything
• Tease her and let her tease you back.
• Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• Watch her favorite movie with her.
• Give her the world.
• Let her wear your clothes.
• When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
• Let her know she's important.
• Kiss her in the pouring rain.
• When she runs up at you crying.. the first thing you say is..
"Who's a** am i beating today baby?"
If you don't copy and paste this in three days you will lose the one you love or like.
If you do copy and paste this in the next three days the one you love or like will :
1) Call you
2) Kiss you
3) Love you
4) Text you
5) Message you
Copy And Paste It To Your Profile and/or Journal if you have a boyfriend who's great and lovin' to you!
Guys title as: I'd be this boyfriend.
Girls title as: A True Boyfriend
80% of guys wont repost this!
And I think that you should listen to this
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Stuffie Vampire stuff
well im going to write a story about vincent and meh OC from final fantasy....and other stuff....vampire stuff
this wud b me on a computer