Scream for me,my dear
Scream away all your fear
Till it is washed away,my sweet
By the loss of your sanguine ether,so sweet
Why mourn for me,stranger?
I'm not selfish for crying to bring a bitter end
To all these dreams that lay broken before my bare feet
Like broken glass, that still show the fruits of
My countless failures. You needn't sob for one such as I,
I'm perfectly able to weep for myself.
Don't yell at me, fool!
it's not like you aren't guilty of the same
Means of searching for solace and life amongst solitude!
At least I admit and accept my weakness!
I try to live away from it, my sadistic euphoria,
Amidst my screams for redemption, leaving my voice
Broken, much like myself!
Kodama Hyosa Community Member |