Age: 26
Personality: Sweet, Likes to be challenged, Active, Menipulative, Random, and Clever
Occupation: FBI Agent (Under cover officer)
Motto: "Work and acquire, and thou hast chained the wheel of Chance."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Favorite Movies: Sweeny Todd, Interview With The Vampire, My Little Pony(80's style), The Producers
Favorite Games: Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, The Wonderful Life(Farm Game), Sonic Heros, Doom
Least Favorite Games:Wario World(any), Tetris, Metroid(older version)
Least Favorite Movies: Harry Potter 1, Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull, 51st Dates

Total Value: 995,193 Gold, 6,900 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Baby Seal Slippers
Lovely Genie Double Gold Earrings
Gold Promise Ring
Lovely Genie Silver Nose Ring
Bloody Eye Bandage
Bloody Arm Bandage
Achromatic Apocaripped Pants
Bullseye Shirt
Gray Polar Expedition Pile Jacket
Bullet Belts