even in anime ppl must suffer.......its no different in the real world............... we need to take the time and help others.....even by jsut saying "hi" to that on person could save them from the darkness......... u will feel the pride in ur haert.........its worth it........... if theres a new kid in ur school......sit w/them, if they say no KEEP TRYING just the liltte act of kindness will start a "chian-reaction" like the columbine shooting.........if someone helped those boys those 16 ppl be alive............... rachel scott the frist to die there aslo said that liltte bit of kindess
will start a chain re-action so do it! be that need hero someone is looking for! plz1 dont jsut close ur eyes and look away!@ plz.............help them..........save a life............b4 its 2 late........and u live w/the regret for the rest of ur life....
(this osng by supercihick called hero plz wacth it)