decided I should make a journal entry on all the stuff I need for my Dream Avatar.
And I need a crap-load of stuff ;3
All I really need is Pixie, (x3), and Dreamer's Dust.
Doesn't sound hard right? Well... it wouldn't be if the price of the Pixie hadn't jumped from 20,000g to 70,000g. Also, the price of the Dreamer's Dust spiked from 12,000g to 40,000g T^T
I've already spent:
Cloud, (58,000g).
Cloud, (92,000g), (bought on December 26, 2008.)
The second Cloud's price jumped as you can see xD
I've already spent 150,000g.
If I buy the three Pixie's now, (which I cannot anyhow,) I'd spend 210,000g T^T
Wasn't his only suppose to be only 273,000g!? xD
If I totaled up the entire cost... I could afford almost two Coco Kitties, (400,000g) Dx
Whyyyy! Why is fate not fair!? xD
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