I was just about to go wandering off on own away from the group.
I walked around the desert for a while, till i came across a pack of wild dogs, that were eating a dead one, i backed up alittle, one of them noticed and started growling, the hairs on its back stood up, and the others did the same. I covered my mouth so i wouldnt scream. My legs trembled, one of them jumped and landed on top of me, drool started coming from its mouth as it snarled, tears formed in my eyes, then there was the sound of the quads my friends had been riding, the dog looked up and then ran away when it saw all my friends. Joe came running over to me,
"Jessica are you okay?" He asked, helping me get up. My legs were still shaking like crazy, he put his arm around my waist and helped me walk to the quad. He checked my body to see if there was any bleeding.
"Nope she's okay." He informed everyone. Some of the guys gave him evil glares. I got off the quad,
"I'm sorry i wasted everyone's time." I apologized. Everyone shook there heads,
"No no it was no waste. We needed to go this way anyhow." Brenden said. I smiled, then looked around, they didnt even bother to bring my bike with them,
"How am i suppose to go anywhere?" I asked. All the guys raised their hands,
"Oh me....me...pick me jessica! You can ride on mine." They all said in unison. Joe pulled me back on the back of his, all the guys sighed sadly. I blushed, but then looked down, rememebering he's not mine, and never will be. We drove for about fifteen mineuts, before hitting a big o, to get the bikes fixed. I sighed, when i saw that his girl was already there, she smiled once he walked in, she jumped up and ran over him, jumping on him almost knocking him over. She glared at me, and kissed him. I looked away and walked passed them.
~To be continued~