This poem i made last night because it felt like i had insomnia at the time.
Sugar high.
Cant sleep.
Brain goes into overdrive.
Bedridden for hours wondering.
Wondering how long it will be till you are knocked out by the magic sleep powder.
Wondering if you should turn on the LCD electronic box that is on the other side of the cubic room that you reside in.
The eternal blackness of the earth, blocking you from the outside world.
Trapping you with the invisible and imaginary psycho killer from the depths of your cranium.
These special humans, troubled, with the eternal tragedy of the real definition of 24/7.
A psychological problem that anyone can get, and is a terror to rid.
Sugar high.
Cant sleep.
Brain goes into overdrive.
Bedridden for hours wondering.
Wondering how long it will be till you are knocked out by the magic sleep powder.
Wondering if you should turn on the LCD electronic box that is on the other side of the cubic room that you reside in.
The eternal blackness of the earth, blocking you from the outside world.
Trapping you with the invisible and imaginary psycho killer from the depths of your cranium.
These special humans, troubled, with the eternal tragedy of the real definition of 24/7.
A psychological problem that anyone can get, and is a terror to rid.