Well as many *girls* know a while back there were some pics I sent out of myself. And of all the girls I sent it to they all said I was hawt. Well one of my friends heard of this and said "I want to see these pics...unless they are pornographic then you can keep them to yourself." Well that friend of mines is Alexi Salice. She saw them and like all of the other girls I got the same response to the pics that I got from the others. That was a gaping mouth a widening of the eyes and an omg dude kind of a response...
While I try not to get cocky about myself...I got cocky today >.>
Lol so now my friend who I mentioned earlier will be making a youtube video. Featuring the song Bringing Sexy Back and pictures that she draws of the guys of Devoncroix and RL pics of the girls of Devoncroix. And I don't mean to be cocky but...I kinda pretty much inspired the video idea...and of all the guys in the video...I will be the only one who has a real pic of myself in the video...hopefully no one will think I'm a girl because I have a photo and none of the other guys do...while the girls have photos...
And I have an important anouncement.
I am accepting any requests from anyone to make them an avi. The price for me making them one is 1K. You can look at my gallery of past avi's on tektek.org under wolfninja kapele. If you like my style then feel free to ask for an avi. The rules are quite simple really. Just give me your gold budget, your theme or cosplay charater, any specifics i.e a usage of a specific item etc. And my biggest rule of all...I WILL NOT MAKE YOU AN AVI SO YOU CAN ENTER IT INTO THE ARENAS!!! Any avi's put into the arena's are avi's that you are supposed to make yourself and take credit for yourself...if you enter one of MY creations under your name that's just copying...which is immature of you to do. So if you are here for me to make you an avi for the avi art arena then just go away...unless you are willing to pay big gold for it...I suppose I will be up for haggling over the price of me making you an avi for the arena's.
That is all for now...it's about 3:23AM here and I think I can feel bags forming under my eyes well should probably go to bed now.
Again if you want an avi just pm me and give me the information I need.
-Mr. 13
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