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My Journey Of Time
my adventure as it unfolds
Gang Bangers, An Ally, and a Random Demon

He lunged at me, thrusting the blade forward it attempts to tear out my organs. 'Ugh...so stupid' I thought to myself, and I grabbed his extended wrist and twisted it. Crying out in pain and wincing, he dropped the switchblade. I the used my hand that I grabbed him with and lifted him off the ground by his wrist. His expression turned to horror when he finally realized his feet were no longer on the ground. "Simpleton." I said, then using my supernatural strength, I flung him aside into the brick wall, breaking several of the bricks and leaving an indent. He fell over on the ground unconscious.

The other gang members rushed over to their injured comrade. They began shaking him and smacking his face to try and wake him. "Oh man, he's gonna be pissed when he wakes up!" one of them that carried a gun stood up. "Nobody does that to T-Block! NOBODY!!" he shouted at me. I gave a chuckle to this. "Oh how cute! You have nicknames for each other! And let me guess, your Nancy!" This got him REALLY angry. "Shut up!!!" he yelled. He raised the gun and pointed it at me. "Look, I'll give you one chance to leave right now before I blow your freakin' brains out!" I began laughing "What's so funny?!" he demanded. Wiping tears from my face,still laughing, I said "It's so funny how you think that you actually have a chance at beating me!" That topped it. "DIE!!!" He put his finger on the trigger and pulled.

He stood there laughing like a madman. But his pure joy soon turned to shock when he looked at my smiling face. "Why aren't you dead?!" he stammered. "Why don't YOU work on your aim?" I said pointing out the bullet hole in the wall behind me. Before he hand time to raise the gun again, I charged at him. Flying jump kick to the face!!!! He went sailing back about ten feet and collided with a trashcan. I walked over to the other two who were still trying to wake their other friend. I kicked the weapons from their hands while they were still dumb struck. "We want this to be an even fight, don't we?" I said when after they finally came to their senses. They both came charging at me full speed, throwing punches every which way. Like it was the easiest thing to do in the world, I did a triple flip over their heads and landing softly on the ground while they were still running the other way. They immediately skidded to a stop and ran back at me. One threw a punch at my face. I grabbed in and enclosed my fingers around his fist. Still holding his fist, I thrust my foot back into the jaw of the other, sending him fly several feet into the air. I dropped my foot to the ground And brought the other guy around and threw him at the still air-born guy, using my hand that I had grabbed his with. He crashed into the other and the both came crashing down on top of each other into a dumpster, landing so hard that the lid fell shut on them.

I stood there, basking in my glorious triumph. Heavy breathing from the corner. I look over and the boy is staring at the limp bodies with an excited gleam in his eyes. I walked over to him. "You alright there kid?" I asked. Huh, he doesn't seem like the kinda person who'd get mixed up with troublesome people like them. Blue eyes, some of the reddest hair you've ever seen cut in the skater boy style hanging just below his ears. Some kinda neck belt thing with a weird silver buckle like thing, that still didn't seem like a buckle. Brown army-like boots. Tan pants, and a yellow tank top under an unbuttoned short sleeve shirt. I don't know, but I think he could've taken care of himself. He was tall and lean, about 5'8" like me. He could've outrun them if he actually pushed himself.

He looked at me and his happy face disappeared. "Those ears, that tail, that pure brute strength....your not human..are you?" he said quietly. Oh crap!!! I forgot! I can't believe I let him see my dog features! Why did I have to go up to him! I'm so stupid!! I immediately turned around and bolted the other way. "WAIT!!! Please don't run! I just wanna talk to you!" he called after me. What's he pulling? Normally humans either run screaming from me or try to kill me. Is he not scared? That would be a first. I slowly came to a stop and turned around, still wary about him. He came running up to me and stopped. A few moments of silence, just staring at each other. He made sure to examine every unfamiliar part with precision, pondering over things such as my claws, tail, and ears. "I'm not afraid of you.....you don't have to run." He managed to say after what seemed like a millennium of silence. What did he just say? NOT afraid?! Wow, either he's stupid as heck, or I made one great first impression. "I wanted to thank you for saving me. Those guys came after me because they said I owed them, I don't even know who they are. But they jumped me and chased after me. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't show up when you did." He explained. "Uh, ya, well don't mention it." I said, trying to hurry this along. "If you don't mind me asking, just who, and WHAT are you?" he blurted out....Well, he's already seen me, might as well give a few details. "Kimiko Fudo. Half dog demon......and If you tell anybody about me or what happened tonight, I'm coming right back here to kick your butt too." I warned. And with that I took my leave, leaping up the wall again. "Don't worry Kimiko. Your secret is safe with me. And I'm Steve Burnside by the way. It was great to meet you!" He called after me, and I began heading back across the rooftops back home. I've had enough fun for today, I guess I'll go back to the others. I'm not really mad at Inuyasha anymore anyway.

How I wanted this night to end, but one more person didn't think that should happen so soon. I could make out a few of his features against the moonlight. White hair, red outfit flowing gently in the breeze, big sword in his hand. "Inuyasha? Is that you?" I asked. No answer. "Look if you came back to fight I don't want to. I'm not mad anymore. Sorry if I angered you, so just get over it." "Hmmm, Inuyasha. Where have I heard that name before? I haven't heard that in at least a few hundred years." This voice wasn't familiar. I took a defensive position. "Woah! We got a feisty one now don't we?" The mystery person joked. I growled in response....this guy better not get to much on my nerves or I'm gonna tear him free of his limbs. "That was some nice work you did down there." he complimented, stepping into the moonlight. Huh, he kinda looks like Inuyasha, but not entirely. No claws or ears up top is probably the only physical features that this guy doesn't have. His clothes seemed more from present day though. Long red jacket, connected by a strap at the front over a shirtless chest. Wow, this guy has some abs! About a four to six pack if i do say so myself. Brown pants with black boots. A gun holster on each side, each carrying a pistol, one black, one white. Knuckle gloves. (those leather gloves that have no fingers.) White hair...skater boy style...huh, guys in this era really like that hairstyle. The sword, obviously not the Tetsusaiga, long with a very big, intricately designed handle.

"Your a half dog demon, if I'm not mistaken. I haven't seen one of those around here for a long time. Probably about five hundred years ago was the last time I've seen dog demons, at least in when they still had a large population. What brings you here?" Huh, awfully chatty for some guy that I still don't know yet. "What do you want?" I barked at him. He started walking towards me. I kept my position. "What? I guy can't say Hi to a fellow demon?" Demon? What'd he say. Well that would explain a few things. Like how I sensed a demonic aura coming from his sword. "Ya, but I'm not any demon in particular. Your taken after a dog. I have more of a devil's touch." He stretched his arms up. "I don't care who and what you are, just get out of my way or I'll make a clearing through your gut!" I snapped. "Well, well...let's just see you try then." He pulled out the guns from their holsters. "Good 'ol Ebony and Ivory. My babies will be sure to have a lot of fun tonight." He said as he happily looked at his shiny weapons. He names his artillery? Weirdo.

But I'm not going to get home by standing here, so I charged straight at him, full speed. He raised his guns. A red light started glowing from them. It was a demonic aura. How could he create an aura on a human made technology?! He fired. 1-2-3-4. Quick as a flash. The bullets burst with an explosion of energy from the barrels of the guns. Giant balls of red flying straight at me within a second. I leaped to the side, landing on my chest, but quickly scrambling up, still trying to make it past him. This time he didn't bother with building up the strong energy and began firing regular bullets at will. Jumping around every which way, dodging the metal flying past me by mere inches. I finally had leaped across to the next building. Running as fast as my legs would carry me. I looked back. He put the guns back in their holsters, instead...pulling out the sword, and began to pursue me.

Leaping across a large gap between two buildings. In the middle of the jump. Sudden pain rushes through me. A foot to my head. Unable to grab onto something, I'm sent falling, head first five stories down to the pavement below. Everything goes black.

* Since you pretty much have already noticed, I like to add people from movies and video games I like into my journals. Please don't make fun of them just because of the people!!! My journals will have a lot of crossovers, so deal with it!!!

Thank you,
Kimiko Fudo.

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