Aha! Another brilliant idea! I shall place in here the profiles for a couple of roleplay characters I tend to use so they are easy to access, change, view, et cetera.
Yay for extreme boredom brought on when one should be in bed!

Although I appear to be within my early twenties, at the oldest, I am truly seven hundred and sixty-three years of age. I have grown to a height of five feet and ten inches while weighing just under one hundred and thirty pounds.
My eyes are green flecked with grey; the flecks tend to earn a glint when I am thinking "unholy" thoughts.
My hair is an off-white which borders on grey in certain lacks of light; it is thin and messy, but never in the way.
My wings are a little over two meters in length; they are clad by pure white feathers which are often washed.
My clothes are simple, practical and durable; my pants and shirt are made of a thick cotton and my boots of a thick brown leather.
My body is tall and lean; I often give the illusion of being taller than I really am.
My hair is an off-white which borders on grey in certain lacks of light; it is thin and messy, but never in the way.
My wings are a little over two meters in length; they are clad by pure white feathers which are often washed.
My clothes are simple, practical and durable; my pants and shirt are made of a thick cotton and my boots of a thick brown leather.
My body is tall and lean; I often give the illusion of being taller than I really am.
I was born as an angel into a family which had long served the Holy Army; just as many of my ancestors before me I was expected to pledge my life in the name of protecting the Light and the Balance. So I was trained hard from an early age: taught to battle with not only my fists, but with my brain as well. I learned to wield a war-scythe (a weapon of my own choosing) and my dearest mother taught me how to use white magic: the magic of the wind and of healing. I served the Holy Army for five-hundred years and during that time I discovered I was not like the other angels- I was very different, in fact. Not only did I have a preference for males, but I did not find myself capable of thinking in the same way as my comrades. This brought on some difficulties at first, but being the quick-minded man that I am I was able to easily adapt; I hid my true thoughts and learned how to appear as the others. It worked wonderfully, but when I was six hundred years old I was recruited as a Guardian Angel, and that was when I knew that there were others like me. After that I began to become more tainted, more human in my ways of seeing and feeling, and I befriended the other Guardians more easily than any other (with the exception of my beloved sister, Wren). They are the ones who allowed me to be free and pursue that which I had secretly wanted, turning me into the deceiving angel I am now.
I am charming, artistic, dramatic, a tad egotistical, deceiving, distracted, sarcastic, accepting, and protective and there's nothing that can be done about it.

Although I appear to be nineteen years old, I have no recollection of my true birth and thus have no way of knowing my true age. I have grown to a height of five feet and four inches while weighing around one hundred and fifteen pounds.
My eyes are blue like the ocean under a bright night sky and often clouded by dreams.
My hair is a silky black that I keep tied in a long braid which falls down my back when I stand.
My clothes are made of a material I do not know; they are both warm and cool and seperate myself from the water.
My body is thin and pale, often thought to be longer than it truly is for I am often laying down.
My hair is a silky black that I keep tied in a long braid which falls down my back when I stand.
My clothes are made of a material I do not know; they are both warm and cool and seperate myself from the water.
My body is thin and pale, often thought to be longer than it truly is for I am often laying down.
Chika was born to an English father and a Japanese mother, who nearly died giving birth to her. Due to her reduced health her mother could not care for Chika on her own so the young girl was raised mostly by nannies. Her father was a business man who worked long and hard to maintain the fortune he had inherited from his father; but without a proper heir to the family fortune the man grew weary. That was when Jonathon was adopted into the family. Jonathon was the only child of close family friends, who died in a fire leaving the child with nothing but memories; being the good person he is, Mr. Golding had taken Jonathon under his wing. At first, Chika and Jonathon clashed, for they were quite different in personality, and Chika was jealous of the attention her father offered this boy who was not even his true son. Over time, however, the two grew to tolerate each other, and then to love each other. By the time Jonathon was sent to school they had become almost inseperable and wound up sending mail to each other frequently, even after Chika also was sent to school. They grew closer and closer to each other, despite the distance between them and their hardly ever being able to meet, and by the time Chika had graduated from school they were in love. In celebration of both their success in entering the educated world, the family went on a vacation to a cottage by the sea where Chika found a new love perhaps as strong as that she had for her step-brother: the ocean. It was wide and wild; deep and mysterious; and infinitely beautiful. Dazzled by the feeling swarming her she let down her guard and the two siblings begun to sneak embraces not usually shared with one's family; so with great unfortune, one evening as the two sat together watching the sun set, her father approached and caught them. Chika took the blame upon herself, confessing falsely that she had seduced Jonathon for her own benefits, and in his rage Mr. Golding drowned her; Johnathon had been unable to do anything, even getting knocked out by his father for trying to stop the man. Chika's body was left to the sea, and when she next opened her eyes she was alone, wearing a pretty red kimono in the middle of a secluded lake and without any memory of who she was or where she had come from...
I heard the water whisper to me "Chika Golding" and I took the name as my own, not sure if it was real or fake. I have lived alone with the water, learning that I had become a nymph, or a creature of that sort, for I was capable of controling the water, becoming water and speaking with the aquatic animals that lived with me. I have lost count of the years I have spent living alone, half in the lake deep within a dark forest and half in the ocean with the wild animals, but my heart alwasy feels empty, as if there is something missing. But I do not know what it is.
I heard the water whisper to me "Chika Golding" and I took the name as my own, not sure if it was real or fake. I have lived alone with the water, learning that I had become a nymph, or a creature of that sort, for I was capable of controling the water, becoming water and speaking with the aquatic animals that lived with me. I have lost count of the years I have spent living alone, half in the lake deep within a dark forest and half in the ocean with the wild animals, but my heart alwasy feels empty, as if there is something missing. But I do not know what it is.
I am shameless, dreamy, lazy, tolerant, queit and helpful and there's nothing that can be done about it.

I am eighteen years young, but I yearn for the experiences of a century. I'm five feet and five inches (nearly six) while weighing around one hundred and sixty pounds.
My eyes are a pale blue. Sometimes, in certain lights or due to certain moods they will turn slate in colour.
My hair is a dark auburn colour, cut to my shoulders, but often pulled out of the way.
My clothes are all pretty simple and flattering for my body-type. A few articles are even hand-made (or altered).
My body is larger in frame but filled out quite nicely. I am not in perfect shape, but I'm not entirely helpless either.
My hair is a dark auburn colour, cut to my shoulders, but often pulled out of the way.
My clothes are all pretty simple and flattering for my body-type. A few articles are even hand-made (or altered).
My body is larger in frame but filled out quite nicely. I am not in perfect shape, but I'm not entirely helpless either.
Kathryn has lived a very quiet and regular life. From an early age she showed potential as an artist, and as she grew up it was always a talent that was nurtured; the attention she got for it from her parents was never seen as bothersome. She was always aware that they only wanted her to get the most out of what she had, and that they loved her whether she could paint beautifully or not. But, her artistic talents did not end there; she soon got into sewing and knitting then moved on to cooking. However, when she attempted to get into music, she was quick to discover her limits, and returned to what she was good at: creating with her hands. Kathryn can't help but sing and dance, though, whenever nobody's watching - or when she thinks so, anyways. Her plans for the futur involve fashion and/or illustrating, though she's leaving most of her decisions up to her whims and feelings; this is something her mother often gets on her back about.
I am quiet, dreamy, inspired, fun-loving, laid-back, understanding, attentive and timid and there's nothing that can be done about it.