The voices of patriots who fought against the tyranny of oppressive rule cry out from the trees and fall from the sky above us. They cry for us to hear them, to know their pain. However, not everyone ignores these cries. This is what Americanism means to me, listening, not just hearing these far off cries. The truths of the past remain present in the hearts of todays patriots, to preserve the tranquility of a nation forged form the sweat and blood of our forefathers. (65)
The mind of a patriot may struggle with the overwhelming impossibility of upholding all of our freedoms, something that cannot be solved with simple answers. This is where true patriots come into play, the stage performers that keep events cycling to protect our freedoms. Those who face the opponents on the bloodstained battlefield and keep America moving in the direction of freedom. The unknown names that stand up against the flow of common practice and forge through the pain of ridicule. They are the peoples leaders, like a president that pulls the country out of an economic depression to an all-time economic high. (85) (150 words excluding a, an, and, the.)
We live in a time of turbulence throughout the world, the patriot, the American hero, is more important now than ever. Questions of the government's decisions are arising. Those who ask these questions are heroes themselves. They defend our rights by questioning. They are using the right to their speech, only one freedom guaranteed by our forefathers, and a right often suppressed by those afraid to speak out. True Americanism is a trait not only possessed by the soldiers who fight on the world's battlefields but also by those who do the questioning. Constantly in pursuit of their freedoms, they prove to every American that in the land of the free, freedom still exists.(84)
Our freedom is often secured by those who fight for us, however sometimes the duty will fall to us and we will be asked to fight. It is our right and our duty as Americans to stand up and make our opinions known. Although the decision of being the unpopular questioner or the apathetic onlooker is very hard, like all things worth having it is a struggle. That is what the patriots of our past knew and what we must try to remember.(80)
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