you spoiled bitches you don't know what i've been through
i walk into a class room to ask a teacher that i thought cared about me to see if she had finished something i needed right when i walk in with my friend 3 bitches start screaming at us to get out b/c they were talking to her then they start shouting that we're lucky they let us in all the time when they ******** don't so then we wouldn't leave cause they sure as hell aint the boss of me bitches i'll ******** mess you up that fact that hurt more is that the whole time the teacher is ******** sitting right there doin nothing i thougth she cared i guess i was ******** stupid so then one of them has the nerve to ******** try to shove me and my friend to the door b***h better not touch me again she doesnt know what the hell i've been ******** through if she ever touches me again i'll ******** her up damb bitches thought the whole thing was just so dam funny and that stupid ******** teacher i put my guard down around her for me to do that is one of the hardest ******** things i can do she's lost my trust and i went back into the same whole of wanting to curl up into a ball of despair and ******** die