Up above the young girl stared blankly up at the sky hanging high over her head. Her eyes relfected no warmth or emotion.. as if they had turned into glass and reflected nothing but the sky that she looked up at. She hung in the air like a lifeless doll strung up by the dark clouds floating in the night sky.
Sakura referred to herself as the Dragon Master...but what is this Dragon Master. Heh, well besides being the MASTER of all DRAGONS..feh..
The Dragon Master is the part of the Dark Lord's soul who created the dragons eons ago....this one is supposed to be his heir and destroy the world..but that never went as planned. Sakura turned her lifeless eyes down towards her fallen lover, he lay so still in his crimson blood....he appeared so ..DEAD. In an instant the Dragon Master's eyes flarred with hate and a raging fire erupted within the depths of her soul. She turned her head towards Mishka and growled silently while glaring down upon her.
Sophia gazed in wonder at Sakura..her breath came out in cold wisps from her mouth as she breathed silently to no one in particular.."Heaven has damned us..."
Gracia, cocked her head towards Sophia and in her mind silently agreed with her. " Yes, we have been damned by the angels...they want us to pay for our sins....maybe, we do deserve our punishment.."
Mishka snickered, she unlike the others looked at this demon girl as if she were another yankee thug trying to break into her territoy. Smirking, she took ahold of a sharp stone laying on the ground, and as the girl charged down from the sky to strike her foe..she threw it at the girls face....
Inside of Sakura's body however, a much larger threat than a stone to the face was hurdling within her. A shadow of some kind had knotted itself around her soul ..it's darkness suffocating Sakura from inside. Like a snake it coiled around her heart and broke her down until there was nothing left inside of her to feel..anything but darkness. So she fell. ......The ground didn't stop her fall...her snses were drowning in the silence of the darkness....There was a loud CRACK as she hit the ground.
The fox demon had made great time as she sped through the empty streets following her senses to the battle. " Heh, I can't miss this! Hmm, funny, I 'm nearing some familiar engery...like KURMAMA'S! " She grinned at that very thought, but then frowned as she figured that KT'd kill her if she came anywhere near Kurama.." And..hey...do I sense..OOooOOO " The corners of Nakari's mouth turned into a grin. " I sense that a** Hiei..hehe.. I hope HE'S getting his a** handed to him!! HA!" She sped up, hoping with all her might to see Hiei in some horrible pain or one hell of a coma. Her long brown hair fell in whisps at her sides as she stoped and took a breather near a children's park. The park looked odd as there were no kids playing on the slides or pushing each other over trying to get first dibes on the swings or first turns on the monkey bars. The whole place looked eerie..so eerie in fact Nakari continued on her way, anxeios to leave the freaky park as soon as possible.
Javert and Billy had hung onto each other for such a while that it seemed nearly like a dream..a dream where they would never be inturrpted or woken up from at all.
The door to Kurama's room swung open and KT and Kurama sauntered out. " EWWWWWW JAVERT"S AWAKE!" KT scrunched up her nose in disgust. The inspector quickly stood up blushing. Billy, who silently cursed KT and Kurama for there sudden return ..but then looked at her friend with a smile. " A-Are you ok Kt..? I kinda heard you and Kurama and-" "I'm fine." Her friend said calmly. " Although, I still think it's stupid to wait here like a bunch of.." Kurama gave her a quick glance and she turned her head and sighed. Billy looked back up at Javert, he looked so .....cute embarressed. She smiled wider, and just as she went to hug him, someone appeared at the still doorless entryway...a man with spikey white spikey hair, and a funky bandana thing over his right eye. He stood there holding in his arms two unconsious demons. Sakura and Hiei.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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