when the dust cleared they saw me with my my light sword and they looked
amazed then i said "see i wouldnt be in danger" " how did u do that nauj" queen
said " i just imagined a sword and i have one" the sword then disapeared then my
uncle looked at me "impressive nauj i am impressed that u can do that" "thanks
uncle that means alot i couldnt have done it without u teaching me" "now let me
show u guys my other transformation" i then foucused and my armor turned back
into my clothes a white shirt and blue jeans and size 13 sneakers and my hair
turned back to normal and so did the color of my eyes which are brown and my
wings dissapeared then i started gasping for air "NAUJ!" shamama,queen,and
topaz ran toward read to catch me if i fell "nauj are you okay" shamama said
worriedly once i was done gasping for air i said "i am okay just a little tired from
my light transformation" "oh ok" said queen topaz and queen went back to their
usual spots except shamama who wanted to stay next to me "shamama why are
u still next to me?" i said "incase u fall from being tired" "ahh i see well please
back up i want to show you guys my dark transformation" as i said that i foucused
on my dark star and just like the light star it started to merge with my body, dark
armor covered my whole body except my head my hair turned red and so did my
eyes and my dark energy wings sprouted from my back just like angel wings
except the feathers were black and i was in dark form and my uncle laughed again
"hahahahaha it also seems that you mastered the dark transformation nauj"
"thanks uncle its all thanks to you" " i know" he said "nauj can u really fly or are
those wings for show" shamama asked i looked at her and said "yea i can fly i can
show you" i flapped my wings once and i was off the ground and i flew until i
touched the roof of the basement "see i said i can fly it is useful when i want to
clear my mind" i then stopped flapping my wings then i touched the ground
"shamama do u want to fly with me?" i asked her "yes she said i would like it" so i
grabbed her from the ground into my arms and flapped my wings once and i was
off the ground and i told her "shamama open your eyes" she then opened her eyes
ans she noticed she was off the floor i just kept flying around the basement and i
heard her friends jealous voices then i looked at the clock and it was almost 6:00
so i stopped flapping my wings and set shamama down and she asked "why did u
put me down i was enjoying it" i said "its almost 6:00 and i have to change back"
as i said that i foucused and changed back my armor changed back into my
clothes and my hair and eyes changed back to normal and my wings dissapeared
and i fell on one knee but they were there to make sure that i didnt fall and i
started gasping for air and they asked "are u okay nauj" shamama said worriedly
"yea i am okay just tired can u guys help me to my room i dont have enough
energy to make it" "okay we will help you" we walked out of the basement with my
uncle behind us to the kitchen where my uncle was making something for me to
drink and we went up the stairs and to my room they put me on my bed and i
layed on it and shamama put the blanket on me then queen said "good night nauj"
then topaz said "see u tommorrow nauj since we dont have school tommorrow
cause its saturday" i said "okay see you guys tommorrow" then shamama asked
"can i have some time alone with nauj" "okay" they said she then bent her head
down and kissed me passionately for as long as possible then she lifted her head
"good night nauj" "good night hunny" she then kissed my cheek and went through
the door then my uncle came in with a glass "here nauj drink this it will make u
feel better" i took the glass and said "thank you uncle i feel better" i then handed
him the glass "good night nauj" "good night uncle" little did i know i was going to
face the person that killed my parents.
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something i thought of in my spare time

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