What Does Your Name Mean?
First Name: .... uhhh...? >.>;;
Middle Name: Gift
Birthday: December 1st
Eyes: brown
Hair: black and red
Fav color: black and green
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: whee pancakes, mashed potatoes, curry... PANCAKES!!
Do you ever wish you had another name? Nope, i have all the names i want...
Do you like anyone? Yeah... >w<
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? my... baby? whee
Who's the loudest? Um... i guess Nekomimi-chan...
Who have you known the longest of your friends? My cousin...
Who's the shyest? My baby... >w< and i loves it.
Are you close to any family members? My mom and my cousin...
When you cried the most: Uhhh... when i was really sad... confused
What's the best feeling in the world: Being free, and in love...
Worst Feeling: Losing what makes you feel the best...
Let's walk on the: nonbelievers... >:3
Let's run through: this blood stained world together.
Let's look at the: wall. xd
What a nice: fake smile you wear...
Where did all the: pancakes go?! T~T
Why can't you: just love me back?
Silly, little: f*****t... go die somewhere. twisted
Tell me: everything you keep inside...
Ran away from home: Uhhh... for like a second...
Pictured your crush naked: Mmm... oh yeah... >///<
Skipped school: Haha, yeah... <///<
Broken someone's heart: I... hope not, but i think i have...
Been in love: I am right now... heart whee heart
Cried when someone died: Yeah... sad
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Uhh... no, don't think so.
Done something embarrassing: Yeah. Who hasn't... neutral
Done a drug: No... unless you count medicine?
Cried in school: =_=;; Uh huh...
Your Good Luck Charm: I don't need one...
Person You Hate Most: There's so many worthy of that spot...
Best Thing That Has Happened: Finding som... actually... sad
Makes you smile: Talking to my baby... my closest people.
Has A Crush On You: Uhhh... some skank... ugh, AND she's stupid. =_=;;
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Ummm... hehe, yesh... <w<
Fallen for your best friend?: I guess so...? I dunno.
Made out with JUST a friend?: >.< Yes...
Kissed two people in the same day?: Yeah...? > <;;
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Gah... < < no...
Been rejected: I guess so, yeah...
Been in love?: THIS WAS ALREADY ASKED!! YES!! stressed
Been used?: Uh huh...
Done something you regret?: Yeah...
Cheated on someone?: Yes... =_=
Been called a tease: Heh, yeah... i love my baby. whee
You touched?: My baby...
You talked to on the phone?: Again, uhhh... my baby... &w&
You hugged?: Melissa...
You instant messaged?: Uhhh... my friend, Kate.
You kissed?: Mmm... Melissa. >w<
You yelled at?: ;~; My baby...
Who text messaged you?: My baby! whee
Who broke your heart?: =_= Ugh... some skank... or as Melissa calls her, "that whore"... <w<
Who told you they loved you?: Hehe... you know... Melissa! >w<
Cross dress? Nah, i'm good...
Be an exotic dancer? Yeah, all this sexy... xp
Walk out of a restaurant without paying? Heck yeah... that was fun. xd
Scuba dive? Yup...
Go rock climbing? Uh huh...
Go spulunking (caving)? Uhhh... > >;; i guess so...
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem? I like his rhymes.
Bologna? Why is it spelled like that?! gonk
Hott? >.<;;
Orange? JUICE!!! *dives on it, drinking wildly* I love orange juice... whee
Real world? It's in the eyes of the individual...
Jack? Halloween
Cucumber? Sandwich! Mmm... my teacher made one for me and my friend senior year... she was so righteous! whee
Hip-Hop? I like some, don't like some...
Uniform? I wanr a Japanese one...
UniCORN!? Heh, one corn... *shows it to Muffin*
Rainbow? Eh...
Clown? <w< *also shows that to Muffin* I wanna be one just to bother her again! >:3
View User's Journal
The X Files......... yeah right.
The journal knows all... i just wanna be free, be me, and.... maybe have a puppy in there too. Puppies are good, Puppies..... Oh!!! And this is just to say stuff, have fun, get deep on occasion.
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You touched?: My baby...
You talked to on the phone?: Again, uhhh... my baby... &w&
You hugged?: Melissa...
You instant messaged?: Uhhh... my friend, Kate.
You kissed?: Mmm... Melissa. >w<
You yelled at?: ;~; My baby...
Who text messaged you?: My baby! icon_whee.gif
Who broke your heart?: =_= Ugh... some skank... or as Melissa calls her, "that whore"... <w<
Who told you they loved you?: Hehe... you know... Melissa! >w<
I own this spot. cool
`Cept for the IM one. < ___ <;