Ages: Unknown.
Races: Are Unknown.
Extras: Unknown.

Ereka is more know as The Black Butterfly. Because of the torn and tattered wings on her back. And she also has a very calm nature about her. She has a strong English accent since that is where she came from originally. She's quiet but strong willed. Easily annoyed and short tempered. She hates crowds. And she's not afraid to insult someone she barely knows.
Her Messenger: Katski or Kat.

Katski is actually a great help for Kollin and Ereka, since they usually split up when they reach a new area, just to learn everything. This black butterfly is part of Ereka, but no body knows how it came to be. You can tell when this butterfly is by when you hear the faint jingling of the most beautiful sounding bells.

Kollin is a gruff guy who is usually loud and straight to the point. He doesn't like anyone but Ereka, and seems to only trust her. He never talks about himself and never asks others about themselves, unless it's to ask what they want, their names, or what they are. But for the most part, he'll stand next to Ereka and watch silently.