
Name: Ritsuka
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Bio: As far as Ritsuka can remember, everyone has been very nice to him. He was born into a wealthy family, who had more then enough money to take care of him, and his three younger brothers, and his older brother. But one day, an accident made all five kids orphans, as their farm, and everything they owned, burned down to rumbles. Ritsuka, and his older brother Kain, are the only ones who can remember the heat from the flames that took away everything, they had ever loved. Now, to help the family, he’s selling himself to the shops, so his brothers can get something to eat at night. And if possible, he runs off, as
soon as he can, just to start all over again, and again.
Personality: Ritsuka is a very quiet person, really not saying that much. He is a very kind and friendly person, and will do anything for his family’s sake. Anything.
Extra fact: Ritsuka loves to run, and does it as much as he can. He enjoys reading and writing, and looking at the sky at night.

Name: Caleb
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Bio: Caleb doesn't have that much of a family.
He comes from a small petshop, where the pets are
humans, animals, or in Caleb's case, nekos. He's a
great cook, but doesn't know where he has learned
it from.
Personality: Seems at first like a shy, cute
kid, that just want to make his master happy. A
smile is the best thing he know, and he is a fast
Extra fact: Likes cats, rain, and swimming,
always smiling, hiding if he's feeling sad.
(The hat's hiding his adorable, furry snow leopard
ears. (Very tousled.))

Name: Yamato Kai
Age: 12 years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Bio: Kai has, like all the other pets from his shop, no memory
from his past. He doesn't remember anything about where he comes
from, or what family he belongs to. He has stayed at the shops for
months, because of his personality, so he's been hidden away,
at the back of the shop.
Personality: He gets upset very easy, and has a short temper. He can be
very lovable, but only to those he trust and like.
Extra fact: He is a vampire, but his fangs are yet not fully
evolved. He doesn't know, though.

Name: Tsume
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Bio: Tsume has been alone the most of his life, looking for a place to stay.
He has been alone for a couple of years now, and the oldest memory he got, is
only sounds and smells. Scream, blood and the horrible sound of metal meeting
Now, 6 years later, he strays around the cities, looking for a place to sleep as
night. He got caught by a pet shop, and has been there since.
Personality: Gets angry easy. Won’t surrender to anyone, is a free soul.
Extra fact: He’s a neko, half human, half wolf. He can transform as he
wishes, just not on the night of the full moon. There he has to be in his wolf form,
all the night.

Rp name: Emmett Collins
Age: Looks 18
Race: Angel
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Short Bio: Emmett has been on his own since the day he was dropped by his parents. How, and why is unknown, but the only thing he had ever had, was his powers to be around others. He was adopted by a pack of wolfs, until a slavetrader found him, and taught him some ‘manners’. He became shy after this, but also learned that he had to stand up for himself, so he wouldn’t get run over.
Personality: A shy person, when he doesn’t know the person he’s around, but he can get cocky. He really looks like a loveable person, and he can be, when he is treated right.
Likes: Chocolate, candy, anything that contains sugar. The moon and the stars, a bright sunny day.
Dislikes: Bitter things, like coffee. Noise, and darkness.
Other facts: has a beauty spot on his stomach, and small scars from his life in the forest.
Gaia name: Earis-Gilgalad
Name: Soubi
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Bio: Soubi has a perfect past, if such a thing exist. He had a nice family, a
mother and father who loved him, no illness in his family, and all of his
grandparents still alive.
He is a smiling person, who loves to do creative things with his hands and body.
He loves to sing, write, draw, but also ice skating and climbing. He only got a few
ex’s in his past, and he still talks to all of them.
Personality: Soubi is a kind, loving person, who puts others needs before his
owns. He would gladly give all he got, if he was sure the money would be giving to
something good.
Extra fact: Have a few books in the store, loves to read. He loves the night,
the stars, likes cats more then dogs, love food.

Gaia name: Earis-Gilgalad
Rp name: Damian
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Homosexual
Short Bio: Damian has always been a kind person. All years of school,
primary, secondary and high school, he was the one helping those who stood
alone. And he was one of those persons who could do it. His family was
well-known, and not someone you would get in trouble with.
Personality: Really kind person, loving and friendly. Will do anything for his
Likes: Summer, bright day light, the beach, swimming, animals.
Dislikes: Cold places, snow, war, guns, homophobes, evil persons.
Other facts: Is at the moment living alone in a huge penthouse, all by
himself. He’s out looking for something to fill out the empty place.
Selected Slave: Atsu

Gaia name: Earis-Gilgalad
Rp name: Haji
Age: 25
Race: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Short Bio: Haji has been on his own for a very long time. Since his school got closed, and his parents died, he had worked his way from cleaning a lab, to work there as one of the most important employees.
He bought, for not that long ago, his first pet, actually only wanting him to get out and be free, but now he’s living with this kid.
Personality: Haji is a kind and loving person, but if anything threats his properties, or Haku, he can turn into the devil himself.
- Cats, mostly just animals.
- To cook, and be out late at night.
- Looking at the sky above, laying on the roof of his large house.
- Reading and learning.
- Noisy people.
- Rainy nights.
- Jalousie.
Other facts: Lives with his pet, in the forest only those two. He got a car, but hardly ever use it.
Selected Slave: Haku

Always wearing his shirt, and has a gold earring in his left ear.

Gaia Name:
{ Earis-Gilgalad }
Rp Name:
{ Sean Conlow }
{ Around 200.. stopped counting some years ago. }
{ Vampire since birth }
{ Gender doesn't matter, so bisexual. }
{ As all living creatures I was born by a mother, with a father not that far away. But things quickly changed. For some reason they just never changed, and like me, I guess they got bored of it. Thanks to that, I most of the time sits in the window, looking at the sky above, wishing to get away from it all.
I've had … many partners over the last ... 180 years, or something like that, and it was after that time I started to wonder why everyone faded away so fast. Such a strange thing life is. }
~ People laughing at me
~ Cigarettes, I hate the smoke
~ Dogs. The way they bark just makes me go crazy.
~ Summer. Just too warm.
~ People who clings to me.
~ Walking around the small island called his home.
~ Looking at the sky at night.
~ Sitting on the roof.
~ Sex, and one-nighters are just great.
~ Cats, so nice and silent creatures.
{ If you don't get in my way, I won't hurt you. That's normally the way things works. But at rare occasions I can be nice, but that's like... once every year, so don't count on it! }
Other facts:
{ First partner: A female maid at the mansion at the moment.
Never had a pet other then cats that lasted longer then a week.
Almost never forgets. }
Appearance :
{ He is usually wearing shirt and loose pants, but likes to wander around shirtless (And has the body to do it.) }
I Won't Let You Enter My Heart
Whom I was created by: Earis-Gilgalad

My father & mother called me: Adrian Cruse
I am this old: 18
Shh don't tell anyone but I am: Homosexual
The story of my life: I was born in a normal family, you know, a mom, father, a house and such things. But it all changed the day my dad was brutally murdered. Still today no one knows who did it.
My mom got married again, when I started in 1st grade. First it all seemed okay, the new guy could take care of us all, and he even treated us nicely. But, as I’ve experienced, nothing good lasts. He turned into a monster, hitting my mom, threatening her, beating me up as well. I’ve never told anyone about this. No one.
Well, now he’s gone, so is my mother. She came home, seeing the man dead, and for some reason she just freaked out, packed her bags and left for her parents’ house. I’ve been on my own since then.
Who I am: Very brutal guy, hates people being too close to me. And, you could blame my stepfather, I really hate women. They way they’re just so.. disgusting. I can be very calm when ever I feel like it.
I like it when: .. it rains. It washes away everything. And also I like sweets.
I'd kill it if: I see my parents again. Or if anyone get to know about my past.
The simpliest thing: ‘Cold-hearted’
My baddest habbit: Can’t resist’s cute things

My father & mother called me: Charlie Engel
I am this old: 17
Shh don't tell anyone but I am: Homosexual
The story of my life: Charlie was born into a family of love. But, unfortunately, also a really rich family. That is always a problem, and this is no other way. Charlie had just turned 17 when both his parents lost their life, and he went away to escape the people who might have killed his family.
He lived on his own for some months, before he had to steal to get something to eat. He had left everything behind, including his last name. He wouldn't let any one know he was from a rich family.
After being caught several times he was send to the house.
Who I am: Charlie is the 'sugar-pie'. He's a kind, gentle and generally friendly person. He doesn't have many skeleton's in his closet, so he's more relaxed meeting new people.
I like it when: People talk to him, are nice and smile. He loves sugar, fruit, and anything with the least taste of sweet. The night, just before sunrise's his favourite time, and he really like sharing his time with others.
I'd kill it if: Being yelled at, or only loved for his money. (Which he doesn't anymore, but his name could get a lot of money in a second.) He's afraid of dogs, and mostly stay with cats or smaller mammals.
The simpliest thing: Smile and make his day.
My baddest habbit: Dazing off, staring at the wall.
This is me: Mostly wearing a shirt in the morning, changing to relaxed clothes later on.