Trinity was solid white with blue eyes... she was a deaf, and partially blind, lop eared rabbit with three legs.
Trinity came to me after her leg that had been broken for over a year was amputated. She had lived in a home before where someone 'helicoptered' her and snapped her front leg backwards.... leaving her in pain for that entire year.
The surgery for her leg was expensive but I believed in Trinity the day I met her... rabbit leg amputation survival is rare due to a rabbits lack of will power. So this was a rare case that she survived the surgery at all. She came home with me and we worked on building up strength in her other leg allowing her to get around like any normal rabbit would... she did so well... and she enjoyed a normal life for over a year now...
But the beggining of this week wasnt so good... she started to tilt her head in an odd way and looked really out of it... her body was becoming thin and frail as the days passed... and today as she was being checked out by a vet she died... just right there... she didn't seem that bad... she still hopped around some and ate salad and treats like normal... that was this morning... and now shes gone.
I've learned in the past with my special case animals that things don't always go well... nothing ever lasts forever it seems... and how one day something will be there in your arms and the next day gone forever....
I've lost a lot of animals in the work I do... and you know what? It doesnt really get easier the more it happens... I've seen death... many times... a lot more than a person my age should see... I've seen small helpless kittens die before my eyes... I've held their small bodies in their last moments... its a hard thing to do... but thats sometimes what I do... and have to do... and its sick....
I watched my dog of 16 years die... 3 of my own guinea pigs, litters of kittens... I've watched a mother guinea pig die with three helpless babies inside of her... a baby guinea pig that was born then died in my hands the next day... I lost them all... and there was nothing anyone could do... nothing I could do.. nothing a vet could do... nothing anyone but God could do...
I miss them all... theres not a time that I don't think about at least one of them... and I feel guilty... because there was nothing I could do... and that kills me on the inside... but I chose this... this is my service... and maybe someday it will pay off...
I will miss Trinity... she showed me how strong you really have to be to overcome the impossible... she survived something with a small survival rate... and she shouldn't have even been here today... but she held on... and thats amazing...
Rest In Peace Trinny...

(1:59 am) Feb 21st 2009
Community Member