crow quotes
1 Fun boy: i don't want to die
The Crow(Draven): Try it, you might like it.
2 Funboy: Jesus Christ!
Eric Draven: Jesus Christ? Stop me if you heard this one: Jesus Christ walks into a hotel.
[Fun Boy shoots him]
Eric Draven: Ow! He hands the innkeeper three nails, and he asks...
[Fun Boy shoots him again]
Funboy: Don't you ever ****in' die?
Eric Draven: Can you put me up for the night?
3 Albrecht: I thought you were invincible!
Eric Draven: Well, I was, I'm not any more.
4 Albrecht: You killed Tin-Tin?
Eric Draven: He was already dead. He died one year ago the moment he touched her. They're all dead. They just don't know it yet.
5 Albrecht: Are you gonna disappear into thin air again?
Eric Draven: I thought I'd use your front door.
6 Albrecht: Police! Don't move! I said, Don't move!
Eric Draven: I though the police always said, Freeze!
Albrecht: Well, I am the police, and I say, Don't move! So once you move, you're dead.
Eric Draven: And I say, I'm dead, and I move.
7 Eric Draven: A whole jolly club with jolly pirate nicknames!
8 Eric Draven: Guess, it's not a good day to be a bad guy, huh Skank?
Skank: I'm not Skank.
[turns his head to the side]
Skank: That's Skank right there. Skank's dead.
Eric Draven: That's right.
[Eric recalls how Skank forcibly kissed Shelly and then throws Skank out the window]
9 Eric Draven: I have something to give you. I don't want it anymore. Thirty hours of pain all at once, all for you.
10 Eric Draven: Is that gasoline I smell?
11 Eric Draven: It's not a good day to be a bad guy, huh Skank?
12 Eric Draven: Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children. Do you understand? Morphine is bad for you. Your daughter is out there on the streets waiting for you.
13 Eric Draven: MURDERER!
Tin Tin: I didn't murder nobody man. I don't even ****ing know you man? What the **** you want man?
Eric Draven: I want you to tell me a story: A man and a woman in love a year ago...
Tin Tin: You're outta your ****ing mind.
Eric Draven: LISTEN! I'm sure you'll remember. You killed them, on Halloween.
Tin Tin: Yeah, yeah, Halloween. Some dude, some *****, whatever.
Eric Draven: Her name was Shelly. You cut her, you raped her...
Tin Tin: Yeah, Shelly. I shagged her pink a** and she LOVED it!
[Eric winces at that statement and Tin-Tin decks him]
14 Eric Draven: Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, right?
15 Sarah: I believe there is a place where souls wander, burdened by the weight of their own sadness, waiting for a chance to set the wrong things right. Sometimes, a crow shows them the way, because sometimes, love is stronger than death.
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like fabric softener dew on freshly mower AstroTurf.
"I am malkavien and so am I."
Hypocrisy is suffocating

Goblin king
"I am malkavien and so am I."
Hypocrisy is suffocating

Goblin king