This was a story titled "The Wanderer", it was the story of a young orphan named Issac. Due to the circumstances surrounding his birth, he was adopted by a village not far from where his Mother lived. He grew up being loved by the entire village, especially the village chiefs grand-daughter. He grew to be a strong, gentle, caring young man, and when the time came he was told of his tragic past. Issac, then went in search of his past, and came across many strange and fantastic things.
Including his "other" self....
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The Chronicles of Nikolaos
[b:f742aaeff9]Tell me...[/b:f742aaeff9]
[b:f742aaeff9]Who's the baddest of the bad? The Maddest of the Mad? Killer of Kings and Destroyer of Worlds?[/b:f742aaeff9]
[b:f742aaeff9]Who's the baddest of the bad? The Maddest of the Mad? Killer of Kings and Destroyer of Worlds?[/b:f742aaeff9]