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random thoughts of webby
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Oh Snap Its Kaitlin- ENCHANTED BOOK (ANY)!!!
Urikho- CELESTIAL WRAP then ELFTECH GLOVES+3k!! then FURUGASA (5th gen) and then a zOMG ribbon!! the gold BFF heart chain!! and gothic veil+Omg spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Xx L0V3_LUBB_S3XYxX - 50k!!!! and then a blue magical giftbox!! then 6500g+cuttlefish drop!!
xeriin- SILENT NIGHT!!
H is my name- OH MY GUMBALL!!
L u d e s c e n t- 25k!!!!!
devilinblack22- 2 heartstrings in tradeback!!!
Chris T3h Guardian Angel- FAIRY WINGS!!
skateforlife66 - DEMONIC EARMUFFS!!
i - D 0 R K i i E x-gold gold revolution and toadstool... IN A TRADE BACK!!!
hot chillie peppermint - THREE DREAM AVI ITEMS!!
Kristina Hu- WILD THINGS
Mais3477- 1.5k+ mecha form!!
leogirl 589-10k!!!
ll Fate ll - 10k + bugs!!!
-_Zeh N i p p l e Queen_-- Winterland Snowflake and ginkgo leaf hairpin!!
flare takochi[- MYTHRILL COIN!! (10k)
_iPWN_iRAWK_iRULE_- Wingding 2nd Gen (phase one)
justonewish- blue magical giftbox!! heart

_iPWN_iRAWK_iRULE_ / PWNmeister- march 2008 thank you letter!!! IN A TRADE BACK!! then 5k+ rose teatime waitress dress+enchanted wooden trunk+ doves+ dark elf potion+ feb. birthstone crown!! (totaling about 15k) AND THEN a ritzy blue feather fascinator+brown magical giftbox+ dionaesil 3rd gen. (totaling about 16k)AND THEN various items, totaling about 12k!! AND THEN items totaling around 16k!! AND THEN elemental wings!! AND THEN magical girl!! (in random) AND THEN A GRUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!and THEN #0000FF Complex Jacket!! AND THEN A ROCK PUPPY! AND THEN VORACIOUS FOG!! THEN mUltipants and animal cracker buddies then Devilish sleeves!!!!!!!!!!! heart
P r ii n c e L ii n - 100k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fahiel Brexton- PERMAFROST!!
WyvernMiso - facebook team jacket
Hypotermia- WINGDING SHIRT (any gen.)
dark_evelight- 20k + black heavenly unmentionables!!!!!!
Nova Young- grunny + gwee + inks &3
xix B L I N K Y - Plastic Lunchbox!! THEN Winterland Snowball + Langer the Dragon Plush!!
Groove Machine- onyx milady headpiece!
Toxiic_Kiss- spring nymph
z o m b ii e love - 34k!!
-LexaTheBunnyHero- - 30k!!!!
Man-Hugging Tree[- midnight gothic bat corset dress
iAdamska- spirited 2k6 Candy Cane and A heart of gold in tradeback!!!
sw33tdreamz- 25k! and then tiny pixie wings! and then 2 brown magical giftboxes! and then a WTF hat!!!
the same old dream- gro-gain 7th gen!!!
Paizy- Gift Box!!!!
Monsters Ink - 25k then 15k!!
kokoro string- bookish insect + 5k!!!
x-iiNiki- ice tiara
xLord_of_Lightx 22k!!
EL_Locomono - secret sparkles + naruto kunai!!
Aeon of Forever- AUTUMN GLORY!
b a n a n a dreams- secret sparkles!!
Radical Edward the Hacker- WILD THINGS!!
iPoetic_Demon- 6500g!!! (it was a "way too early to be my birthday" present) and then a Go helmet IN A TRADE BACK!!
Jason De Freak- 20k!!
Paradoxical Hiatus - 20k!!!
XxShandelxX - Donut mood bubble
really crazy person- 4k + DEVIL IMP + centaur bay potion + street fighter IV megapack!!
-x-Watcher-x- - mr bad guy! then lovebird plush!!
iBoBo- Nuclear Mood Bubble!!!
porshiadanielle569 - 7500 + rina's strange cupcake!!
Love Machine xx-15k!!
This Is A Shark Attack - 15k!!
THE STAR POPPER: masterpieces + 3100g!!!
Toxic Rainbow Kisses: Blade's gold chainmail tunic!
l o r r a i n i i b o o- PINK MAGICAL GIFTBOX!!
Ginger gasm- PINK MAGICAL GIFTBOX!! Then, Song of the Nightingale!! Then, Bailey!!
iiPainx - grunny slippers + 8k then 16k!!
Gabrielle Lioncourt- PINK MAGICAL GIFTBOX!!!
Alice~D- pink magical giftbox!! then blue magical giftbox+ pumpkin seed
xX_X_Fallen_From_Grace_Xx- 9k... IN TRADE BACK!! than 5500, also in tradeback!!
Aryvane - 15343
Toxic Sharpiies- 15k then 10k!!
Without Knowledge- 14k!!
Lisonallie- traveling filmmaker!!
Szayelicious - 14k then puggleston then 11k THEN 20k + queue demonique!!
chiingu- 13256!!
Sugar Toxic- fox tail, then long stem red rose!!
ItsChildsPlay- 12k!! then cold kiss!!
The Prussian - 12k!!
silver bluueberry- 11k!!
The Little Reaper - bunnepidemic
7Forgotten7Angel7- twinkle the space goat then Dashing Gentleman Onyx Vest!!
Killuh-strawberry- yokai's treasure
Zugore Queen-12k+ inks!! AND THEN 10k!!
mary_luchia143- Super Brawler Bash and Coffee Mood Bubble!!!
Lovable Star/ hurtful Tears- 12.5k+ pure white sweet lace alice bow!! and then 10k!!! and then another 10k in RANDOM! and then a scarlet sprite in random!!! then ANOTHER scarlet sprite!!
xAmyBaybuhh- pink magical giftbox
teh Jules - long stem yellow rose
Professor Oreo- Dwarven Locks in a tradeback!!!!
XxOrange_Unicorn_NinjaxX- blue sweetheart teddy! in a tradeback!!
Sokunami- doll ears and a blue sweetheart teddy!
soundroom- item + gold totaling over 15k!!
Kurokisan- 10k+ PINK MAGICAL GIFTBOX+ bugs
iiiCooki3- pink magical giftbox!!!
explosive kitten- pink magical giftbox!!
Ashwinderrr- pink magical giftbox!! then 5k + a lot of inks!! then 10k!!
Checkered Chokerberry: 10k + wingding (4th gen)!!!
Hikari Yami- 10k+inks!!
Keepsake Key- 10k!!!
Mishikat - 10k!!
Badass Muffin - 10k then another 10k!!
KARNAMI- 10k then another 10k!!
audition4ever- 10k!!
Vane Light- .-_.- Glasses
Nova Hale- 10k + Pt.An.sa Embryonic Vial (any) RANDOMLY!!
Rejazz-10k+ink+bugs and then ANOTHER 10k!!
toxic edible bandaids-10k!!
Crystalemum2- the mole!!! then aquarium blooming lily!!
Chrysalissy- 10038
P4D- 10k!!
TheTwistedOtaku- 10k then 30132!!!!!
The Diabeticxx- 10k!!!
ii Techno Mix- 10k!!
animeaholic6460- 10k!!
FUNeral__xx - 10k!!
Hakatu- 10k!!
1-800-You Have AIDS- 10k!!!
alykun17- 10k!!
Chimera Cross - 10k!!
Malon Beauty - Ace Meow!!
Penguin-Mochi- 10k!! then another 10k!!
MissingxParts- 10k!!
Roses Are Forever- 10k!!
Zombeh_Skrilla- irrawaddy dolphins bubble ring!!
Madame Lee- 9521g + 10020!!
s t a r g a z e s- 4.5k + baby water meat then 10k!!!
R a w r a s a u rrr- 8133 + black and white rocker tie!
Tomo Usagi- 9423g!!!!
Tuxedo Sam- 9k!!
kiuubygirl / Kiuu-Chan- Blue long stem rose + Fire Flower, and then white eye stripe tattoo!!!
judomasters-10k + inks +bugs!!
xOMGitsMeLaNiEx- 8100g!!
xeriin- blue magical giftbox!! then 6k!! then another blue magical giftbox!! then a PINK magical giftbox!!!
HuangSheHuiMeiMei- goldfish scarf!!
knightreaper123- ANGELIC BED!
35th- Majestic King+ inks!!
smackin_elayne- Nibbled! +items!!
- Mechanical Pixie - - 2k + cravate demonique
Spazgastic- 8k!!
I_SpRiNkLeD_hippoz- blue magical giftbox + 1k+ bugs!!
BrittneyIsTheBombdigity-blue magical giftbox!! then a PINK MAGICAL GIFTBOX!!
A z i l i a L o v e e- blue magical giftbox!!
hybridserpent-blue magical giftbox!!
Deception Hero- blue magical giftbox!!
Avaaaaa- sad rainbow ice cream!!
Aeyrth- star lantern!
_ Ch0pStiK _- 8k, then another 8k + clean white tavern Wench's skirt + spirited 2k9 embroidered stockings + Silver delux holiday legwarmers + suspenders THEN 15k!!! THEN oh my gumball!! THEN 200K IN A TRADEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!! then Dutiful Butler's black coat!! then 34567!!!! heart
Xx L0V3_LUBB_S3XYxX- 5k+ 2 white inks!
angel z o m b i e- 3500g+cuttle phones+ 2 enchanted golden trunks
Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy- 3 enchanted golden trunks

ZOMG QUEST DONATORS!! since 2/24/2010

Gabrielle Lioncourt- 5 jelly bean, 1 plastic grass, 5 chocolate egg, 5 werewolf pelt, 2 pumpkin lid, 5 vampire blood, 2 candy corn, 2 coal-ossal fail, 1 strawberry chocolate egg
Prevision- 3 coal-ossal fail
Lovely Little Limes- 1 jelly bean
trapezoids- 2 jelly bean, 3 strawberry chocolate eggs, 1 chocolate egg
le knife- 6 plastic grass, 2 pumpkin lid, 1 candy corn, 1 vampire blood, 1 werewolf pelt
Crystal_Nightfall- 2 chocolate egg
Cyanide Kittens- 4 jelly bean, 1 plastic grass
Heartbeat of the Loveless- 3 jelly bean, 1 plastic grass
MiwakoChan- 3 chocolate eggs
Tiggerluvme-7 plastic grass, 27 easter fluff ball
Crystal Moon Rose- 6 jelly bean
ll eon ll- 1 chocolate egg
momo-ai13- 2 plastic grass
XxAsuka_SamaxX- 10 plastic grass
joannne- 6 vampire blood
F a t e of P a i n- 3 vampire blood... in random!!!
Strobe Whispers- 1 coal-ossal fail
x_maeve_angel_x- 1 coal-ossal fail
Prodigy Hime- 8 candy corn
Groove Machine- 2 werewolf pelt
Robot Emoticons- 3 pumpkin lids, 3 candy corn
o m g its a r i m a s - 1 vampire blood
Lisonallie- 1 coal-ossal fail, 5 werewolf pelts, 5 vampire bloods, 1 chocolate egg
Jazmine Rae - Who - 7 werewolf pelts
Sir Twitty- 17 jelly bean, 23 plastic grass, 5 easter fluff ball
PineappleUnderTheSea - 4 jelly bean
Nisreeenie- 5 plastic grass, 1 coal-ossal fail, 3 easter fluff ball
DarlingDevilDoll - 1 strawberry chocolate egg
soundroom - 79 plastic grass, 10 jelly bean
OosexybunnyoO - 1 coal-ossal fail, 2 strawberry chocolate egg
+Dark_Heaven+ - 1 chocolate egg
MissingxParts- 2 strawberry chocolate eggs
xBabycutex - 1 strawberry chocolate egg, 1 coal-ossal fail
Badass Muffin- 1 coal-ossal fail
The Little Reaper - 1 coal-ossal fail
loofas - 1 coal-ossal fail, 1 strawberry chocolate egg
Rayniie - 2 coal-ossal fail
smackin_elayne - 1 chocolate egg
WyvernMiso - coal-ossal fail
e x t a t i q u e - 1 chocolate egg
O r a l F ii x a t i o n - 2 strawberry chocolate eggs
I KILLED HAMTARO- 1 rainbow sugar, 1 strawberry chocolate egg, 1 sticky stick, 10 sugar flakes!!!
Ashwinderrr - 3 rainbow sugar
Keepsake Key - 1 chocolate egg
Lady Stoneheart- 1 chocolate egg, 1 strawberry chocolate egg, 1 coal-ossal fail

Fertile Chaos - 6
BLuEbERRy NiNjA MuFFin - 1
e x t a t i q u e - 1
O r a l F ii x a t i o n - 15
Paradoxical Hiatus - 1
Yowane_Haku_09 - 1

INK DONATORS!! since 12/5/09

SpaiseFreaque- 7 yellows
Vane Light- 26 browns
TallTwin- 1 yellow
S n o w s e t- 1 brown
sexualisiert- 1 white
Le Missy- 7 blacks, 2 blues
Sweet Alivia- 1 orange, 3 green, 3 blue, 3 yellow, 5 brown, 1 black
Musiic Q u e e n- 2 yellow, 1 gold
maymay2- 1 white, 1 pink
Sauntering Down- 3 brown, 3 yellow, 4 red, 1 green
ilovmusic11- 1 yellow, 1 orange
Murrowl- 1 black
Sea K I S S E S- 1 purple, 80 yellow, 5 brown
master jennilyn- 3 blue, 2 green, 1 yellow
x_ Single Lady_x- 1 green, 6 brown, 2 blue, 3 red, 3 yellow
F Ll C K- 2 red, 2 green, 2 blue, 2 yellow
DignityPower- 7 yellow, 4 green, 5 red, 5 brown, 1 purple, 2 blue
lggy- 1 brown
fml_kitty18- 1 black, 2 yellow
Aeyrth- 10 black, 1 orange, 4 red, 6 brown, 2 yellow, 1 green, 5 blue
Lunar Circle- 1 red, 4 blue, 2 brown, 5 yellow
Le Missy- 3 blue, 2 black, 1 red, 1 white
PWNmeister- 3 blue, 5 orange, 3 yellow, 1 gold, 5 green, 1213 brown, 34 black
x-iiNiki- 49 green
x-iiLovePie- 2 purple, 3 pink, 1 blue, 1 white, 1 green
Tiggerluvme- 7 yellow, 2 white, 2 blue, 4 green
Capt Kuchiki Byakuya- 1 white
ilovmusic11- 5 yellow, 6 brown
shy_girl 816- 5 brown, 5 yellow, 1 gold
Bouzy- 10 green, 10 yellow, 3 gold, 4 orange, 1 black
clueless1104- 1 black, 1 blue, 3 yellow, 1 red, and the rest filled with bugs
Rikka Shiro- 3 orange, 2 gold, 1 purple, 5 blue, 4 green, 3 yellow, 13 red, 28 black
sparrowhawke- 10 brown, 1 orange, 10 yellow, 2 red, 1 green, 1 blue
Chrysalissy- 1 white
F a t e of P a i n- 26 green, 19 red + lots of bugs
Ai-Dee-Kay- 2 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 2 brown, 2 green, 5 black
Reverse Rainbowstalsis- 9 yellow, 7 red, 5 green, 2 brown
SilverPages- 2 black, 10 yellow
Heartbeat of the Loveless 2 yellow + a lot of bugs, 2 red, 3 black, 2 green, 1 blue, 75 brown + more bugs IN TRADEBACK!
Noah Of Sin- 3 black, 1 pink, 1 purple, 2 white
Chiuru- 3 red
Demonic Breeze- 1 blue
C u p C a k e--Roulette- 4 brown, 4 green, 4 blue, 2 gold, 2 red, 6 black, 6 orange, 6 yellow
Miss Zombee- 1 red
explosive kitten- 1 purple, 1 brown
Alice~D- 2 green, 2 brown
.L!zard.- 8 green, 14 red, 21 yellow, 6 black, 1 orange, 17 brown
Empress Mecuniv- 24 brown
Telal Kashshaptu- 139 black ink
XxAsuka_SamaxX- 2 pink, 7 purple, 10 brown
Infieria- 1 green, 1 red
Lovely Little Limes- 141 yellows, 1 brown, 5 green
calvary_kidd- 4 brown, 2 yellow
-x-Watcher-x-- 1 gold, 1 green, 1 brown, 1 blue, 2 orange, 2 red, 7 yellow, 19 black
Ashwinderrr- 26 red, 1 yellow, 40 green, 15 blue
cant escape- 2 red, 2 brown, 2 yellow, 1 blue, 1 black, 250 bugs
le knife- 2 brown, 1 red, 3 green, 2 yellow
agua11- 1 green, 3 red, 1 black, 1 orange
F o u T o i- 1 red
animeaholic6460- 1 blue
Explosive-Cupcakes-Xx- 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 brown, 1 black, 1 gold
Crystal Moon Rose- 3 black, 2 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 red
momo-ai13- 75 yellow, 3 black
D a n i e l l eStarrr- 1 green
Starnight Bee- 11 brown, 1 blue, 6 green, 8 red
DDTS- 6 yellow, 1 black
datenshi ai- 10 red, 7 yellow, 2 brown, 3 blue, 1 black
Cantrella- 1 yellow, 1 brown, 1 blue
The Diabeticxx- 7 brown, 5 blue, 5 pink, 7 red, 1 orange
sammileigh- 7 green, 1 purple, 11 blue, 10 brown, 1 gold, 6 red heart
Kiwi Popsicle- 2 yellow, 2 green
weirdokun- 2 brown, 2 blue, 1 green
the same old dream- 1 blue
I stole the cookie- 1 red
Demonically Disturbed- 5 blue, 1 red, 1 orange, 1 black, 5 yellow, 3 brown
R a w r a s a u rrr- 2 blue, 1 yellow, 1 black, 2 green
dark_evelight- lots of bugs
Sacrificed Apple- 16 brown
Iam Loveless- 15 green, 10 red, 5 yellow, 5 blue, 5 black, 5 brown
Robot Rockets- 1 blue
ButterflySweetPoison- 1 blue, 1 green
S U S H l- 8 red, 2 blue, 1 brown
Elegant as F-ck- 5 black, 5 red, bugs
Groove Machine- 2 green
Rita Riri- 1 pink, 1 green, a lot of bugs
---EbUlLiEnT_MeMoRiEs--- 1 red, 1 gold
ikittie_warrior- 1 green, 1 red
Madame Lee- 1 green, 1 yellow
iSnapShot- 1 pink
trapezoids- 1 black, 5 purple, 1 yellow, 333 brown, 5 gold
M a n B a B ii e s- 12 yellow, 8 brown, 2 black, 3 orange, 7 red, 1 purple
[D!xieP!xie]- 2 brown
m a n g o m e l l o n- 3 brown, 1 green
WeeBabyDoll- 11 white, 100 gold, 100 blue... IN RANDOM!!
luna the star child- 10 red, 4 blue, 2 green, 11 yellow
thankyougod- 3 blue, 3 red, 1 green, 4 yellow, 6 brown
devilimp69- 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green
Apple Heart24- 1 brown, 1 red
Jazmine Rae - Who - - 40 gold ink
Szayelicious - 1 green, 1 black, 3 yellow
Aryvane - 4 red, 39 black, 12 blue, 2 green
Squishy Nightmare - 1 blue, 1 green
Prevision- 1 red, 1 brown
Sir Twitty- 1red, 1 blue, 2 black, 1 brown
alykun17- 3 brown, 2 red
FUNeral__xx - 16 blue, 26 black, 25 green, 23 red, 19 yellow, 2 gold, 1 orange, 1 white
Zombeh_Skrilla - 2 yellow, 1 black, 3 brown
- - i - S p a z z z - 1 white
xLord_of_Lightx - 1 black
MissingxParts- 1 yellow, 1 brown, 2 green
Kitzana- 15 yellow, 7 blue, 20 red, 2 orange, 1 gold, 3 green, 10 black, 8 brown + bugs
_-Purplle_Dinosaur-_ 4 red, 4 brown, 5 blue, 2 green
sailor_ten_ten - 1 white, 1 green
haitian_princezz - 6 yellow, 10 brown, 2 gold, 5 red, 3 blue, 5 orange, 2 pink, 3 black, 3 green
A Thousand Dreams - 2 yellow, 2 brown, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 red
Sumie11 - 10 purple, 1 brown, 45 orange, 1 yellow
z o m b ii e love - 1 black, 3 blue, 4 red, 2 green, 2 brown, 3 yellow + bugs
DarlingDevilDoll - 9 green
Tuxedo Sam- 1 pink
jane windowpanex- 3 green
iiPainx- 4 red, 1 blue, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 2 brown
xI Kylie Marie Ix - 2 brown, 8 green, 5 black, 5 red, 1 yellow, 1 gold, 1 white, 2 blue
[ Eats Babies ] - 1 pink
s t a r g a z e s - 1 yellow, 1 gold, 1 purple
Teh Failure - 3 red, 2 gold, 1 green, 1 brown, 3 blue
Mello_Girl_Robin - 21 yellow, 3 gold, 3 orange
OosexybunnyoO - 5 green
Badass Muffin - 16 brown, 3 green
iPiffin- 1 orange
Sareneth_the_wanderer - 3 green + a s**t ton of bugs
xBabycutex- 4 gold, 2 black, 1 green
loofas- 1 red, 2 pink, 1 purple
DehSlayer- 2 pink, 1 purple, 3 white, 3 orange, 7 blue, 6 yellow, 2 red, 5 black, 3 brown, 8 green
Sanah Sierra Hayame - 1 white, 19 red
xX Pennie Lane Xx - 2 green, 1 blue, 2 red
x--pixie--x - 19 yellow
Kokoro Midori - 1 red, 2 orange, 2 gold, 2 brown, 4 yellow
XxShandelxX - 10 blue
xoTenshi - 1 green, 1 brown
the destroyer rocks - 1 green
Tonight Hit Tiger- 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 brown
emeraldphoenix_39- 1 pink, 1 purple
O r a l F ii x a t i o n - 10 yellow, 3 gold, 20 brown
Karyan_The~Dark~One- 3 red, 1 orange, 1 black, 1 yellow
wickedlove0617- 1 yellow

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