Yuki walked along the blanketed side walk and watched the sun dazzle off the snow. He looked at the gray clouds slowly hovering over, small drops of snow falling down gently upon his moonless midnight shaded hair. his blue eyes glimmered slightly at th small sunshine that came from the clouds. He folded the white checkered scarf over his neck, pulling down the sleeves of his Skulimals shirt to his wrists, stuffing his hands in his black and blue stripped jacket. He carried his books close to his chest, clinging tightly to them. "Why do winters have to be so brutal..." he whined to himself flipping the hair out of his eyes and pushing his thick rim black glasses closer up the bridge of his nose. Yuki decided to cut through the park on his way to school to save time from being late again.He quickly turned around the next curve, his tail and ears the same color as his hair. He walked across the park, his Four horsemen design Chuck Taylors crushing against the snow. Shou watched the boy in front of him as he walked through the snow, keeping himself at a distance, for he was very shy. He had been watching this boy for quite some time now, but he had yet to work up the nerve to even say hi. He sighed and ran his fingers through his shoulder-length black hair, which was only slightly dampened by the snow. His green gaze dropped to the ground, watching as he kicked up snow with every step. The snow had left his jeans dampened, but the rest of him was protected by a knee-length black coat. He looked up just in time to see the boy, whose name he had discovered was Yuki, turn suddenly and disappear. Shou decided he had waited long enough, so he gathered up his courage and went running after Yuki.
"Yuki, wait up!" "Huh?" he looked at the young man running towards him. He had no idea who he was and how he knew his name. "Y-yes?" he stuttered as he looked at Shou.Shou resisted the urge to smack himself as he ran up to Yuki like an idiot, but instead he just took a deep breath and stopped at Yuki's side, offering his hand.
"Hi, I-I'm Shou. I've been meaning to introduce myself for a while, we go to the same school." He could feel the blush rising to his cheeks, and this was only from saying hi. He hoped beyond all hope that he didn't make a fool of himself.Yuki smiled, chuckling slightly to himself, taking his hand and shaking slightly. "Well nice to meet you Shou. Ive seen you around my school before. are you a senior?" he asked. He stared at his red cheeks, intending on why he came up to him. He some what felt the same way for him just by his looks. Shou smiled and gave Yuki's hand a gentle squeeze, then reluctantly pulled his hand away and tucked it back in his coat pocket.
"Yeah, gettin' up there... Do you mind if I walk with you the rest of the way there? It's kinda creepy being alone, out here in the cold." He offered Yuki a reassuring smile, but on the inside he was a shaking mess. "Of Course." he said, smiling back at him. He walked closely beside him, smiling as he did. Shou smiled nearly ear to ear, then, realized he probably looked like an idiot, he replaced the smile with a bored expression and began walking again, the line of his body nearly touching Yuki's.
"So, is this a shortcut you use or something? I've never been down this way before.""Yeah it cuts right to shool." he said, brushing against his side slightly. Yuki blushed, looking down at his him. "S-sorry..." he appologized. Shou smirked, thinking about how sexy Yuki looked when he blushed. He had seen Yuki blush so many times over the past few months, but always from afar. That was nothing compared to seeing his face up close. "Mm, don't fret over it. Things happen, y'know. Strange things..." He gave Yuki a little wink and then increased his speed, not waiting to see Yuki's reaction. Yuki blushed more, starting to feel hot as he tried to catch up to him. Shou shook off the dirty thoughts he was thinking about Yuki, ashamed of himself for over-reacting to such a simple touch. Though, he still wished it would happen again. That and much more.
He paused mid-stride and turned to face Yuki, standing right in his path and staring at him curiously "So tell me, Yuki, what's with that tail of yours? And these cute little ears..." He reached up and tickled the furry little ears on top of Yuki's head. Hey!" he giggled, still blushing. "That tickles." he said smiling st him. "I don't really know, I guess." he said, his tail flickering. Shou chuckled at Yuki's adorable giggle, continuing to tickle his ears so that he'd keep at it.
"How can you not know? Did your parents never tell you?" He questioned further, then with a grin he snuck his hand behind Yuki and gave his tail a soft tug. "Not that I mind them or anything. They're actually kind of cute". Yuki blushed, his body feeling very warm. A slight sensation happened in his lower body. "What's this? Got you speechless?" Shou teased, he was enjoying himself way too much. His and Yuki's first meeting was going way better than he ever thought it would, and he was determined to take it even farther. "Don't tell me no one's ever said it was cute before..." His moved his hand away from Yuki's tail and let it rest on his rear, which he had spent so much time gazing at in the past. Yuki blushed deeply. "N-no...your the first." he said, smiling at him as his hands covered his growing erection. Shou was truly surprised at that, but he didn't let it show. He simply moved his free hand to cup Yuki's chin and bring his face close, close enough that their noses touched "Well then I'll say it again, you're cute." He added emphasis to his statement by squeezing Yuki's a** gently.
Yuki moaned slightly, and kissed Shou passionatly.
Shou let out a surprised gasp, then wrapped his arms around Yuki and hugged him tightly, returning his kiss with soft licks and nibbles, asking for entrance into Yuki's mouth. He felt Yuki's erection pressing against him, and he blushed at knowing he had gotten such a reaction. Yuki maoned slightly at his jestures, and le him inside his mouth, enjoying their fun. Shou slipped his tongue shallowly into Yuki's mouth, tickling Yuki's tongue with his own. His hands slowly slid down Yuki's sides, resting at his hips and pulling him close enough so that the other boy could feel the erection he had given him.
"Mmm... Yuki..." Shou moaned into Yuki's mouth just before shoving his hand between the boy's legs. Yuki giggled as Shou tickled his tounge, moaning as he slipped his hand and started to rub Shou's pants were his erection was.Shou groaned deeply and involuntarily moved against Yuki's hand, wanting more. He pulled away from Yuki's mouth just long enough to take a breath, and he winced as the cold winter air invaded his lungs.
"Yuki... we can't do this here. Too cold." It pained him to say it, but getting naked in the snow wouldn't be good for either of them.
"Kay..." he said,smiling sweetly at him, holding his hand. "where can we then?"Shou hugged Yuki tightly to shield him from the cold and gave himself some time to think.
"Well, I don't suppose you know of any good places at school in which to continue this?" He pathetically hoped that he did, he was hooked now and he wished he hadn't suggested that they stop."Um...How about the Janitor's closet at school or something..." he suggested. He couldn't really think of anywere else and his house was not a safe place for privacy...
"Anywhere's fine with me." Shou agreed hastily, grabbing Yuki by the arm and practically dragging him down the path. He knew how stupid it was, but he just couldn't wait. He needed Yuki. NEEDED him. "Gah!" Yuki said, almost dropping his books. He jogged to keep up with his speed now that he was alost dragging him. He didn't know Shou liked him that much. He did notice him staring at him alot and especialy in certain places, but he liked the attention and to kow that someone actually loved him.
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Alex's Book of wonder and Pleasure (Plus Erotic Novel samples ^.~)
This is what the title is, book of wonder and pleasure....and Novel of eroticness XD
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