Seraph, his wife, Diana and their sons Tangora (The four year old) and Ion (The newborn)
And here's somethin else not involving this family! Er it involves Seraph's mom and dad though...
Arognat kneeled on the ground, holding onto Elijah as tight as she could. Her usual tough attitude was nowhere to be found as she sat there, watching her husband die. Tears rolled down her tanned cheeks as she looked into the man she loved, face.
"You can't die...Don't you dare leave me...you...you a*****e...You b*****d..." she muttered, between sobs. Elijah coughed up blood and looked back at her. "Oh...come on....don't go soft on me now, darlin'," he wheezed. "I'm not dead, I'm just kicking life's a**..." he paused and spit up more blood onto his shirt. "Aw damn....my shirt..."
Arognat wiped the blood off his chin and mouth. "Stop being so Goddamn optimistic, jerkwad," she replied, smiling a little.
Elijah coughed more violently."Oh...piss on it...Huh, wish I coulda seen what kinda trouble our boy Seraph got into...before..." he stopped and hacked up some more blood.
Arognat felt ever muscle in her body pinch. She couldn't take watching this. She's seen people die lots of times but seeing the one person she ever cared about die...
"Elijah...?" she called, sadly.
"You're...names's to damn...lo...ng..."
She found a small smirk on her face now. "B-bite me..."
Blood trailed down his lips as his eyes closed more. "Okay, this is it, anything you want me to say?" he asked of his wife.
Arognat rested her chin on the top of his head and cried some more.
"Say you won't go..." she whispered.
"Urgh, I can't lie to you..."
She frowned. "Then say you love me....p***k..."
"Urgh, I love you..pr-uhh..." His breathing had seized.
Arognat looked at his face and shook him a little. "Elijah...? Elijah! No! No please...." she whimpered, rubbing her face into his chest, despite the fact that she was probably covered in his blood now.
"I love you too..." she said softly. She stayed like that, holding his body for awhile before letting go. She eventually dug him a grave where she was, wishing she could do better for him, but right now, this was just going to have to do. She had a bone to pick with the man that murdered her husband. Arognat said her final farewell and sprinted off in the direction of the Royal Family Castle. She didn't even bother wiping off the blood of her husband, she knew if she died, she'd have a part of him with her.
Even if that sounded corny, she truly believe in it and she'd kill whoever thought against it. Anger built up in her furious, red eyes. Her tanned cheeks flushed and her fists remained clutched into balls. That guard was going to pay!
Half an hour later...
rognat clenched her teeth tightly. Elijah was murdered by one of them and she wasn't going to stand for it. She walked straight into the kingdom, two guards' corpses lying behind her. She made it to the center of the main hall. Her boots thumped, loudly on the crimson carpet beneath her.
In the distance the sounds of clanking armor and rapid footsteps could be heard, making their way towards her. Guards appeared all around her. Some at the top of the stairs, some running through the ballroom's doors and other coming from the outside of the castle. Arognat growled and stood completely still, wondering what group to take out first.
The guards rushed at her at once, their spears and swords steady. A spear thrusted towards her, but Arognat twisted her upper body away from the strike then ducked beneath a horizontal slash from another's sword. When she stood to her feet, she grabbed one's spear by it's rod and forced it back, knocking the wind out of it's owner. She then back kicked another guard behind her and spun around, slamming her foot into another guards face. It's impact, knocked off his helmet and sent him flying back.
"Huargh!" A guard grunted, bringing his sword down at her. Another guard behind her had his spear ready to impale her. Arognat side flipped out of harm's way, the other two guard's nailing each other with their own attacks. Arognat dashed at two other guards and grabbed one by the shoulders, threw him into another and dug her nails an inch into his face, then twisted her hand. Another guard charged at the woman with his sword drawn. He brought his blade down on Arognat, but she blocked the attack with her wrist guards and grabbed his wrists, fell backwards and swung him over her.
The man slammed into a wall and screamed out. Arognat now had a weapon for herself. She spun the sword around between her fingers and impaled a guard through his face. Another two guards came from behind her with their weapons drawn. Arognat ripped her bloody blade out of her victim's skull and did a spin slash, instantaneously, killing those two guards and another at her right. She black flipped away from an oncoming attack and landed on her feet. She suddenly spun around and locked swords with another guard.
"You're mine!" he growled.
Arognat clenched her teeth and lodged her foot into his breast plate. "I belong to no one anymore!!" She roared out, kicking him back. Once his arms flailed around, to keep his balance, she swung her sword around and decapitated him. Blood spritzed onto her face and clothes, but she paid no mind to it. It was nothing she wasn't use to.
She swung her sword around, ripping through flesh and bone of an incoming enemy. She dropped her weapon and side kicked another guard, then spun around another, grabbing his head in the process, and snapping his neck. She dropped his body and quickly lifted her arm up, a blade clashing against the metal plates on her wrist. Arognat looked over her shoulder at the trembling man, her red eyes penetrating him.
After more blood was shed, Arognat was beginning to tire out, but she was nowhere near considering a surrender.
Arognat panted, her face was covered in other's blood and her own sweat. There were atleast a dozen guards left and Arognat was determined to use the last of her strength to kill them. Unfortunately, before she could make it to the last of them, a blade penetrated her from behind. Her red eyes, widened and her mouth hung open. Blood trickled down her lips as she looked down at the blade. She grinned, somehow, grasping onto her life.
"You...killed him....?"
The tall, red-headed man looked at her oddly. "What?" he asked out of confusion. He was breathing hard due to the rush of his adrenaline. Arognat smirked and went limp, her life slipping away.
"Hey Viscen! Are you alright?" another guard asked, upon entering the castle. The man looked back at the soldier and then looked down at the woman's body. "Yeah, I'm fine...who was this woman?"
The soldier looked down at her as well. "I believe her name was Arognat Gahn. From what I heard, Lieutenant Anderson had killed her husband. Probably why she slaughtered our men."
Viscen kneeled down and brushed some hair out of the woman's face. Sighing he looked over at the decapitated corpse of Lieutenant Anderson. "Looks like she got her revenge. Well, come on. Let's start cleaning up," he said, sheathing his sword and walking towards the double doors.
Clarissa: Woah,woah, wait. So my dad killed you?
Arognat: *Glares* Yeah, that b*****d.
Denny: Wow. That's epic.
Viscen Sr.: Yeeeah...sorry about that, Arognat...
Arognat: It's a bit ******** too late for that! *Glares*