Yay for food! Tonight I had the best meal I've had in quite some while! And that's pretty sad actually. But I guess some good lobster and steak is worth the wait wink I'm just a bit disappointed that I wasn't on my regular A-Game in terms of appetite. I've been sick for the past week and I definitely felt bad for not being able to enjoy the food as much I usually would have. ~tear
Also finally got to watch the movie Slumdog Millionaire. No wonder it was an Oscar winner! I first heard of the movie through a very media-conscious friend of mine who was very excited for it. When I asked her what it's about, she said, " well, it will sound stupid if I try to explain it " and surely I did avert my eyes while thinking that it does sound stupid. In a nutshell, it's a film that takes place in India about a boy who goes onto the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire to get back the girl that he loves and finds the answers to the question on the show through his life experiences. OK, so on a shallow level, yeah it did sound pretty blah. But after all the hype and good reviews, I thought, it couldn't be that bad if its been so recognized.
I was surprised at the 'weight' of the movie. I didn't expect it to be so social-politically influenced. At the same time that the plot had so many underlying themes and so much depth, it was never too overbearing as it masterfully interlaced comic relief to create a heart-warming film. It was dark and light, intense and soft, down to earth and comical... a pretty good film I must say! I highly recommend it to those who have not already seen! smile
![]() serial-lover-on-the-loose Community Member ![]() |