this is where the truth shall begin.
We were walking home after our meal taking a scenic route. We passed by seemingly oblivious people who didn't notice anything strange about us.
At this point as I have explained it had been several years and both Jaquilene and Lea looked very different. Sang Noir grow untill maturity very quickly once they are sired. they can go from being in the body of a ten year old to that of a seeming 20 year old in a matter of 2 to three years.
I never thought an idiot passerby would recognize them from missing children notices. We reached our home and were about to go inside when Lea felt a strange chill pass over her. She looked over her shoulder and saw some random women staring at her and Jaquilene.
"Can I help you?" Lea asked her. She seemed to be in her late fifties.
"You, you look like the little twleve year old from the missing child posters. Are you Lea?" she asked me. Lea blinked at her.
"I um.." She didn't know what to tell her. Jaquilene turned around and saw the strange woman.
"You are the other girl the eleven year old friend! You are Jaquilene!" the women shouted. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed for the police. Lea turned around to ask me what we should do butthe boys and I were already inside. Suddenly the women grabbed both Lea and Jaquilene's wrists.
"Um, excuse me where do you think you are taking us?" Lea asked. She tried to pull my hand from her grip gently but she only pulled more urgently.
"The police. You can go home now. You are safe!" she said as she dragged the two of my fledglings along.
"Um, you don't need to save us we are fine. We aren't the girls you think we are." Jaquilene told her.
"No, no you are. Its ok, just follow me. You will go home now." the women said.
Suddenly the girls felt a whoosh of wind above them and saw two figures drop down from the sky in front of thier path.
"Excuse me." the lady said.
"Let go of Lamia's fledglings." one of the figures said.
it was a female teen. The other figure was a male teen. the girl was scowling. the two of them looked around the age of 18 or 19. Lea and Jaquilene tried to think of who they reminded them of but couldn't place it.
"Let them go. They aren't the girls." the guy said. his voice was so seductive. They looked at him and obseved his face. They began to get dizzy and go weak in the knees.
They tried to remeber, the only beings that cause that would be incubus!
Why is there in an incubus trying to save my a** from some obssesive old woman? and how did they know me the girls wondered.
"No, they are coming with me to the police station. They are going home!!" the lady nearly yelled.
"Shut up and release them!" the girl said acidicly.
"NO!' the women shouted.
"Fine you give us no choice." the male said.
He looked down into the women's eyes directly. The girls saw her body weakining. She realeased her grip on Jaquilene and Lea. She fell to her knees and then moaning fell over and lay still on the pavement.
"What the hell did you just do to her!" lea yelled at the two teens.
"Chill Lea, I just knocked her out." the male told me.
"How the hell do you know my name and who are you?" she asked freaked out.
"I'm Blake. Incubus gone vamp. I was sired by your sire's fledgling Nicky. Speaking of her. This is Nicky." he said pointing at the girl next to him.
"OH! I knew I recognized you guys from somewhere. Lamia has told me all about you guys. What are you doing here?" she asked.
"Well, before we start talking we should get rid of this woman." Jaquilene said.
"That probably would be a good idea. We can talk at Lamia's house." Nicky said beaming at Jaquilene.
"Yeah ok. Let's go." Blake said hurridly. He picked up the woman and found a park bench nearby.
They all started walking back towards my house. When they reached it I nearly cut or heads off with her acusations.
"Lamia, its ok. They were with us." Nicky said stepping into veiw from behind the door frame with Blake at her side.
"Holy... What are you two doing here? I thought you were tired of my crap and wanted to be alone?" I yelled at them.
Jaquilene and I side stepped Lamia and went cowering into Damien and Julien's arms.
"Oh shut up. You know we love you and you know you love us. Chillax and try not to scare the crap out of these young sang noir." Nicky said.
I rolled my eyes and the anger melted from my face and I stepped forward and hugged my friends.
"I'm guessing you are going to rejoin my coven?" I asked hopefully.
"Yeah, we don't have anything better to do." Blake said jokingly.
I shook my head and sighed.
"Haha. so funny. Well I don't think there has ever been a stranger coven. Two vamps, three wolves, two sang noir, and an incubus that was turned into a vamp. I sure know how to build a coven." i said.
"Yeah, you sure do." Nicky said hugging me again.
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Lamia's Life
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