Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.
Experience Level:
Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!
Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.
Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.
Your independence is low.
This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships.
It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.
In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together.
Your Heart Is Blue and Purple

Your heart is enticing and enchanting.
You are charismatic, larger than life, and fascinating.
You bring fantasy and romance to relationships.
You're good at making someone ordinary seem extraordinary.
You Look Like A Leo

It's likely that you have great hair. No matter what the style is, it's the first thing people notice about you.
Your hair tends to be a great color naturally, and it's likely you even get highlights from the sun.
Overall, your body is slim and graceful. You seem comfortable in your skin.
Your body is well proportioned. No part of you is unusually big or smile.
Like most Leo people, you are probably lively, interesting, and fun loving.
You are a good friend. You are naturally generous and hospitable.
You Are An ISFP

The Artist
You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature. You are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy beauty in all its forms. You live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.
In love, you are quiet and sweet yet very passionate. You love easily.
You have an underlying love for all living things, and it's easy for you to accept someone into your heart.
At work, you do best in an unconventional position. You express yourself well and can work with almost anyone.
You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.
How you see yourself: Sympathetic, kind, and communicative
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Incompetent, insecure, and overly sensitive
You Should Honeymoon in Europe!

You are a traditional romantic at heart...
With a taste for fine wine, museums and beautiful walks.
You and your sweetie should get romantic in a cafe in Paris
Or get a Eurail pass - and see as many cities as possible!
Suggested destinations: Paris, Venice, London, Greece
Your Relationship Will Last...A Long Time!

Your guy is ideal, as close to Mr. Perfect as he could be
If you took this quiz, you may be doubting that...
Don't! No guy is perfect but yours comes really close
You guys will last for many years, as long as you appreciate him!
It's 100% Love and 0% Lust!

You and your guy are truly in love, even if that spark seems to be a little dimmer.