Name: Luke Choukyoushi
Age: 22
Species: Kitsune
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Blue
Occupation: Thief (Pre-Vampire) Mate (Post-Vampire)
Luke had lived with his twin brother most of his life until he came across a wolf by the name of Ankoku. He nursed the wolf back to health and took care of it until he found out that the wolf was really a vampire with the ability to shape shift. A trick he picked up that made him able to travel in the sun without dying. Luke fell in love with Ankoku and eventually allowed Ankoku to change him into a vampire. Luke feeds off of souls by weakening his victims through sex or allowing Ankoku to suck their blood until their heart almost stops. Luke takes the form of a fox if the sun starts to bother his skin.
Role-play style: Predator/Prey, Furry, Mind Control, or Brother/Brother